A musical short film that follows Amadei, an impulsive, selfish, and broke college student. After getting his proposal rejected by his girlfriend of two months, he sets off to win her over, but ends up on a journey of self-discovery.
A musical short film that follows Amadei, an impulsive, selfish, and broke college student. After getting his proposal rejected by his girlfriend of two months, he sets off to win her over, but ends up on a journey of self-discovery.
After the passing of his father in a car crash, Lucas uses ghost-hunting technology to reach out to uncover a missing video log within a series of recordings left behind by his late dad. His co-worker puts pressure on him to re-open the family business instead of obsessing. But Lucas is determined to find the missing video log and learn what his father has to say to him postmortem, all while struggling with alcohol addiction.
A musical short film that follows Amadei, an impulsive, selfish, and broke college student. After getting his proposal rejected by his girlfriend of two months, he sets off to win her over, but ends up on a journey of self-discovery.