Meltem Cumbul

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Mar 11, 2004
Cahit, quadragénaire aux tendances suicidaires, tente d'oublier son mal de vivre à grand renfort de drogue et d'alcool. La jeune et belle Sibel est en rupture de ban. Elle aime trop la vie pour faire une musulmane accomplie, ce que désirent tant ses parents. Afin de fuir son entourage, elle feint de se suicider. Mais à la place de la liberté, elle trouve l'infamie. Seul le mariage pouvant la sauver, Sibel demande à Cahit, qu'elle connaît à peine, de l'épouser. Il accepte à contrecoeur, ne sachant s'il le fait pour la sauver ou pour donner enfin quelque relief à son existence. Peu à peu, leur vie commune si artificielle va céder la place aux sentiments...
Gönül Yarası

Gönül Yarası

Jan 07, 2005
A retired teacher who returns to Istanbul after years away, Nazim tries to reacquaint himself with his hometown, which has changed significantly. While waiting for his pension to begin, Nazim takes a temporary job as a taxi driver and frequently ends up in the seedier parts of the city. …
Geboren in Absurdistan
It all begins with a mistake, an error with serious consequences: in a hospital the new-born babies of an Austrian couple and a Turkish family of immigrant workers are mixed up and go home with the wrong parents. By the time the mistake comes to light, it emerges that the Turkish family, including the baby, has been deported. The despairing Austrian couple begins a confusing odyssey through Turkey in order to track down the unsuspecting family to their native village. But they are not at all convinced that the babies have been mixed up. It is decided that the only way to know for sure is to have a blood test done. It is decided that the blood work is done in Vienna due to the better medical resources, but that will be far from simple. It will involve an illegal smuggling of the Turks across the Austrian border.
Usta Beni Öldürsene

Usta Beni Öldürsene

Jan 02, 1997
Sawdust Tales is a whimsical and timeless parable on survival in hard times and the force of a first love against all odds. In a timeless no-mans land scarred by social decay and imminent war, a circus troupe awaits the arrival of the mysterious Rupert who is to deliver them from danger into a better world. The old and wise tightrope master keeps a watchful, loving eye on his young apprentice who, to his concern, could be drafted into the army at any moment. To make matters worse, the boy falls in love with a mermaid...


Mar 05, 1999
Based on a true story set in 1948, customs officer Mehti is faced with the duty of formally setting up the border between Turkey and Syria, dividing his hometown. He is unaware of the pain that will eminently unfold, as families, languages, cultures and lovers are both ripped apart and clash head on in a village once united.


Dec 23, 2011
A massive explosion rips though a busy street in Istanbul, Turkey. 95 people are dead; 30 Americans and 5 British. The massacre sends shock waves from Turkey to London and Washington, DC. A new terrorist organization is behind the attack. The explosion is just the beginning. Labyrinth' is the code name of the operation conducted by Turkish intelligence to stop a second, more devastating attack that will plunge Turkey, the only democratic Muslim country in the region, into chaos and destroy the fragile balance of the Middle East. After the initial attack, Turkey becomes a battlefront for terrorists and Turkish, British and American intelligence officers. Everyone has his own agenda in the fight that stretches from Istanbul to Eastern Turkey and from Frankfurt to Northern Iraq.
Bay E

Bay E

Mar 09, 1995
A television news anchorman, İsmet Berkan goes on a journey with his wife. Along the journey, out of the blue they start fighting. When he confesses that he cheated on her, she gets mad. Enraged, Leyla gets out of the car, enters a gas station and takes off with a man in a red sports car. Trying to track down his wife, the anchorman finds himself trapped in a bizarre world in the midst of murderers, cops and beautiful women.
The Alphabet Killer

The Alphabet Killer

Nov 07, 2008
Megan, une jeune inspecteur de police, est obsédée par le viol et le meurtre de la jeune Alice Carla Castillo dans la ville de Churchville. Son échec à trouver le tueur l'amène à faire une dépression nerveuse. Deux ans plus tard, elle sort d'un asile psychiatrique comme le fantôme d'elle-même. Lorsque le tueur frappe alors de nouveau en tuant la petite Wendy Walsh, Megan est de retour dans l'affaire, déterminée à amener le coupable en justice. Même sa dépression psychiatrique totale ne l'empêche pas de se tenir à sa mission, une mission qui l'amènera sur de noirs chemins semés d'hallucinations, de danger et de mort...
Karışık Pizza

Karışık Pizza

Feb 20, 1998
Murat, who is not very attractive, is actually a naive person. His biggest dream is that the alternative universe, in which he imagines himself as an invincible hero.
A Beautiful Life

A Beautiful Life

Oct 02, 2009
A love story about the encounter of two drifting souls. Escaping her abusive past, a woman stays the night with an illegal immigrant friend of a friend. The two get closer and fall in love, but face turmoil.


Aug 25, 1995
A cod-Freudian drama (from a novel by Erhan Bener) about an Istanbul police chief who dreams back over his life while dying in an ambulance bound for hospital.
Grand prix Eurovision de la chanson
Le Concours Eurovision de la chanson est un événement annuel organisé par l'Union européenne de radio-télévision (UER). Il réunit les membres de l'Union dans le cadre d'une compétition musicale, diffusée en direct et en simultané par tous les diffuseurs participants à la télévision, ainsi qu'à la radio et sur Internet. Appelé communément Eurovision, d'après le réseau télévisé du même nom, il a été inventé par le directeur général de la télévision publique suisse, Marcel Bezençon. Sa toute première édition a eu lieu le 24 mai 1956, à Lugano, en Suisse, avec sept pays participants. Depuis, le Concours s'est tenu chaque année (excepté en 2020, du fait de l'épidémie mondiale de COVID-19). Le nombre de pays participants n'a cessé d'augmenter, passant de sept à une quarantaine au XXIe siècle. À travers les décennies, le Concours a évolué, s'est adapté et réinventé, accompagnant les développements technologiques et musicaux, mais aussi historiques et politiques.
Le Siècle Magnifique

Le Siècle Magnifique

Jun 11, 2014
Fiction historique basée sur la vie et la Cour du sultan ottoman Suleyman le Magnifique ainsi que son épouse Hurrem Sultan. Il est le sultan qui a régné le plus longtemps dans l'Empire ottoman.
Kırmızı Oda

Kırmızı Oda

Feb 18, 2022
A therapy-situated series that will explore every day problems of every day people. Based on a book by Dr. Gülseren Buğdayıcıoğlu.


Jun 26, 2011
Güzel Aşklar Diyarı
The heir of a wealthy Cappadocian family, Arhan Alaca, falls in love with the lively Izmir doctor Deniz Dervişoğlu. Everything starts when Arhan takes Deniz to Cappadocia to meet his family. All plans go awry, and the secrets and showdowns of two families cast a shadow over the love of two young people. The balance within the family is disrupted, and Arhan is torn between his love and his family.