Juhani Niemelä

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L'Homme sans passé

L'Homme sans passé

Mar 01, 2002
En débarquant à Helsinki, un homme se fait voler et frapper à mort. Lorsqu'il reprend conscience, il a perdu la mémoire. Sans argent et sans identité, il est aidé par les SDF de la ville.
Klaani – tarina Sammakoitten suvusta
Young Alex Sammako has seen his brothers defy the law in a series of deeds that first land them in jail, and then, after they escape and return to their rural home, land them back in the lap of their locally notorious family. Alex wants nothing to do with them. He is in love with Mirja, whose family is not that different from the Sammakos, but who shares Alex's viewpoints and feelings. Not helping matters is a police department convinced that all Sammakos are bad, and the family itself, pressuring Alex to follow in their murky footsteps.
Iron Horsemen

Iron Horsemen

Jan 27, 1995
Bad Trip, a biker who has been freshly inducted into a gang, flees from them after stealing one of their bikes.


Sep 20, 2002


Feb 13, 1987
Two men, Nieminen and Varjola, commit a mail van robbery. Varjola betrays his friend: shoots him and takes the loot. Nieminen is arrested, but he refuses to reveal his accomplice's name. On his first leave on prison Nieminen finds Varjola in a small town, where he has became the mayor. Varjola, of course, is shocked to see his old friend again.


Mar 05, 1993
In this gloomy scenario about Finland's upcoming membership in the European Union, the country has become a poor peripheral area plagued by energy shortages and civil wars. Escaping the city to his summer cottage with his children and a lady next door, a divorced university teacher is forced to pick up a young delirious woman from the roadside. He soon falls in love with her, only to find out she is a sought-after deserter from a violent guerilla army.
Science Fiction
Cha Cha Cha

Cha Cha Cha

Jan 20, 1989
A lawyer pays a visit to Matti Ojanperä, a bum living under a bridge in the Helsinki harbour, to inform him that he is about to inherit an American aunt of his. The sum 1,000,000 Fmk would be his, if only he meets the qualifications set by his aunt. He must show that he is capable of 'living properly' and possessing a 'respectable occupation and a family he can support'. Otherwise the money would go to a foundation the chairman of which the lawyer himself happens to be!
Olavi Virta

Olavi Virta

Oct 05, 2018
The Singer is a film about the all-time favourite singer in Finland, Olavi Virta. A man who rose from poverty all the way to the top and became an artist who was dearly loved by the Finnish people. A man who loved beautiful women and was loved by beautiful women. A man who enjoyed speed, American cars, applause and alcohol and who finally lost everything but his unique voice.


Dec 17, 1976
After a mixup at the check-in, Aimo Niemi boards a charter plane bound for the sunny island of Rhodes, Greece, instead of the Innsbruck Winter Olympics he's packed for. It's the early days of package tourism, and he is too shy and clueless to really sort out any of his problems — a suitcase filled with women's clothes, a flirtatious female roommate, and no money to buy food since he was prepared for full room & board in Austria.


Oct 30, 1992
Esa is a small time crook who has been precisely released from prison. He starts to make money by mugging people. One day psychiatrist Lindström rings Esa's doorbell. He has a very strange request: he wants Esa to maltreat him. Esa accepts this request, but he is not aware of Lindström's bad intentions.


Jan 03, 2020
Inkeri, 75, has hit her husband on the head with a solid iron frying pan and is planning to bury him in their garden. Before facing the rest of her life in prison, there may yet be a moment left to really live. Inkeri makes her sisters Sylvi and Raili join her on a trip to the Koli National Park. Will Inkeri find in her that free young woman who desired a feminist revolution in the 70s?
L'Autre côté de l'espoir
Helsinki. Deux destins qui se croisent. Wikhström, la cinquantaine, décide de changer de vie en quittant sa femme alcoolique et son travail de représentant de commerce pour ouvrir un restaurant. Khaled est quant à lui un jeune réfugié syrien, échoué dans la capitale par accident. Il voit sa demande d’asile rejetée mais décide de rester malgré tout. Un soir, Wikhström le trouve dans la cour de son restaurant. Touché par le jeune homme, il décide de le prendre sous son aile.
Les lumières du faubourg
Koistinen, gardien de nuit, arpente le pavé à la recherche d'une petite place au soleil, mais l'indifférence générale et la mécanique sans visage de la société se liguent pour briser ses modestes espoirs les uns après les autres. Un groupe de bandits exploite sa soif d'amour et son poste de veilleur de nuit avec l'aide d'une femme calculatrice. Ils organisent un cambriolage dont Koistinen est rendu seul responsable. Et voilà celui-ci privé de son travail, de sa liberté et de ses rêves.
Havukka-ahon ajattelija
Self-taught philosopher Konsta Pylkkänen guides a group of researchers through Finland's Kainuu wilderness in the hopes of having a "sinistä ajatusta", idea out of the blue. While firing upon a hybrid of the hazel grouse and the western capercaillie, kinds of birds, he indeed makes a scientific discovery.
Tous les chats sont gris
Mikael est un juge respecté et un père exigeant. Lorsque l’hypnotique Tilda, sa fille issue d’un premier mariage, réapparaît, l’équilibre familial est totalement bouleversé. Dani, le fils aîné de Mikael et de cette première épouse, découvre alors sa sœur qu’il n’a jamais connu. Une grande complicité s’installe rapidement entre les deux adolescents, au grand dam de leur père qui ne comprend pas leur relation, allant jusqu’à imaginer le pire...
Zombie ja Kummitusjuna
Antti "Zombie" Autiomaa does two things well: play the bass guitar and drink. After several months' sleeping on the streets of Istanbul, he returns to Helsinki where he's called into the army but discharged on mental health grounds after adding turpentine to the officers' soup. Zombie lives bleary-eyed in an apartment off his parents' house where his lonely, unemployed father suffers from heart disease. His girl-friend Marjo has taken up with a hairdresser but comes back to Zombie. His friend Harri hires him as a roadie for his band "Harry and the Mulefukkers" then gives him a chance as a bass player. He has his girl and he has a gig, but can Zombie put the bottle down?


Feb 01, 2008
Tomi finds himself in love with two women and his wife Maria finds herself in a situation where she has to deal with the fact that Tomi is the love of her life.
Pieni pyhiinvaellus

Pieni pyhiinvaellus

Mar 17, 2000
In a religious rural community in the 1950s, Ritva, a young woman has kept her pregnancy a secret. Helped by her sister, she gives birth but soon abandons the baby. The next day the infant is brought to the hospital where Ritva works. Troubled with shame, Ritva finds consolation from a dying priest.
Putoavia enkeleitä

Putoavia enkeleitä

Dec 05, 2008
The daughter of two famous writers, Helena upholds her late father's reputation, reciting his poems on various occasions and cherishing the memory of the legend. Relations with her mother have deteriorated since she moved to Sweden. Helena blames her mother for abandoning her father. Helena and her mother meet again as Helena's mental health deteriorates and in order to cope, she must face reality through her mother's memoirs. Helena becomes intensely involved in the story and relives it by imagining herself in her mother's place.


Dec 19, 2021
Quelques mois à peine après avoir perdu un être cher, l'inspectrice Sofia Karppi enquête sur le meurtre d'une femme liée à une entreprise en bâtiment d'Helsinki.