Remo De Angelis

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Le Spécialiste

Le Spécialiste

Nov 25, 1969
Charlie a été lynché et pendu par la population de Blackstone qui l'accusait injustement d'avoir volé l'argent de la banque. Le cow-boy Hud se rend sur place pour venger son frère, affolant ainsi les notables qui se mettent à s'accuser mutuellement de la mort de Charlie. Hud rencontre le shérif, qui ne désire pas l'aider dans son enquête, et Virginia, la veuve du banquier qui avait confié une cassette remplie de dollars à Charlie pour la mettre en sécurité à Dallas. Or, cet argent n'est jamais arrivé à destination
El ''Che'' Guevara

El ''Che'' Guevara

Jan 01, 1968
The story of Che Guevara's desperate attempt to escape the mountains of Bolivia. Pursued by an elite ranger unit of the army led by a determined CIA agent, Che is eventually trapped and his men are killed.
Folie meurtrière

Folie meurtrière

Feb 03, 1972
Après la décapitation mystérieuse d'un enquêteur d'assurance, l'inspecteur de police Peretti est mis sur l'affaire. Lentement, les gens sont retrouvés morts plus... un homme commet un soi-disant suicide, une femme est étranglée, une autre attaquée dans son appartement... mais tous les indices mènent à une affaire non résolue d'enlèvement et assassinat. Peretti peut-il trouver le meurtrier, si son indice principal était des dessins de petites filles ?
Ciak Mull

Ciak Mull

Mar 11, 1970
Suite à l'incendie de l'asile où ils étaient enfermés quatre hommes, dont l'un, Ciak Mull, a perdu la mémoire, s'évadent et se rendent à Dodge City. Deux familles s'y font la guerre, hors Ciak Mull est le fils du chef de l'une d'entre elle. Le temps passe, la mémoire ne lui revient pas. Il devient la proie d'une machination et, aidé jusqu'au sacrifice par ses amis, sortira indemne de l'aventure pour partir vers un avenir meilleur accompagné de la femme qu'il aime.
Il richiamo del lupo

Il richiamo del lupo

Mar 13, 1975
During the American Gold Rush era, an orphaned boy and his wild dog who must battle against the Yukon wilderness and human greed to help save a frontier town.
Vive l'Italie

Vive l'Italie

Feb 02, 1961
En 1860, Giuseppe Garibaldi dirige l'expédition des Mille pour libérer la Sicile du pouvoir des Bourbon. Après la victoire, et la prise de Naples, l'unification de l'Italie devient possible. Mais le Premier ministre Cavour veut empêcher la création d'une république et bloque Garibaldi, qui se retire dans l'île de Caprera, son ultime demeure.
Bersaglio mobile

Bersaglio mobile

Oct 09, 1967
On the run from the police in Athens, a man named Jason has in his possession a microfilm eagerly sought by both criminal gangs and government agencies.
Texas adios

Texas adios

Aug 28, 1966
Un shérif et son jeune frère partent à la recherche de l'assassin de leur père pour le tuer. Au terme de leur voyage, ils découvriront la terrible vérité.
Ecco noi per esempio...
Le poète Palmambrogio Guanziroli perd son portefeuille peu de temps après son arrivée à Milan. Il identifie le coupable, un photographe surnommé 'Click', et s'installe chez lui en attendant de récupérer son argent ou de faire publier sa poésie.


Apr 06, 1966
Un cavalier solitaire s'interpose dans la guerre que se livrent un général américain et un aventurier mexicain.
Giovanni dalle Bande Nere
The legendary John of the Black Bands begins a romantic relationship with a beautiful girl without revealing his identity. The girl unconsciously discovers the truth and retires to a convent. She thinks that John is guilty of the death of her family, and cannot continue to love him. He remains wounded in battle.
Le mercenaire

Le mercenaire

Dec 20, 1968
A la veille de la Révolution mexicaine, dans une mine victime d'une mutinerie conduite par Paco Roman, un employé qui a fait exécuter les contremaîtres et humilié le responsable Alfonso Garcia, les propriétaires souhaitent cacher sept tonnes d'argent. Ils embauchent un mercenaire, le Polak, réputé pour ses qualités de tireur et pour avoir humilié un employé du casino tenu par Curly, lequel se lance à sa poursuite...
Belle Starr

Belle Starr

Mar 15, 1968
Belle Starr, une jolie rousse, dispute une partie de poker avec le dangereux hors-la-loi Larry Blackie. Alors qu'elle a tout perdu durant le jeu, le bandit lui propose de troquer tous ses gains contre une nuit d'amour. Belle accepte et fait même tout pour perdre et ainsi succomber à la tentation. Pendant leur nuit commune, Blackie apprend que Belle s'appelle en réalité Isabelle Shelley et est une criminelle recherchée comme lui. Tour à tour, les deux tourtereaux deviennent amants puis rivaux...
Oremus, Alleluia e così sia
Chaco and his band of downtrodden men meet Così Sia (Amen), who always seems to get the better of them. He takes on the men with a plan to break into the Bank of Little-hole. For Così Sia, getting the money is not as important as getting his revenge on Reverend Smith, with whom he has a bone to pick.
Sigma Trois, agent special
Un rayon électronique qui peut contrer les attaques aériennes vient d'être inventé par le professeur Goodwin, mais avant qu'il puisse mettre en bonnes mains, il est kidnappé par une organisation criminelle, qui commence une offre internationale pour lui et son invention parmi les pays voyous du monde. La CIA envoie l'agent Sigma 3 pour trouver le professeur avant que la transaction a lieu. Sa mission l'emmène de Rome à Tanger, et à Barcelone.
Le Grand Silence

Le Grand Silence

Nov 22, 1968
Dans la province de l'Utah, aux États-Unis. Le froid extrême de cet hiver 1898 pousse hors-la-loi, bûcherons et paysans affamés à descendre des forêts et à piller les villages. Les chasseurs de prime abusent de cette situation. Le plus cruel se nomme Tigrero. Mais un homme muet, surnommé « Silence », s'oppose à eux…
Django, prépare ton cercueil !
Django est un convoyeur de fonds au service des banques, mais un jour une opération tourne mal... Sa femme est tuée et il est laissé pour mort. Tout cela est la faute du sénateur Barry qui paye des renégats pour braquer les convois. Django, fou de colère et ivre de vengeance, décide de faire payer Barry en devenant bourreau. Ainsi, il est en mesure d'épargner les condamnés à mort afin qu'ils se débarrasent de lui.
Le Massacre de la Forêt Noire
In the first half of the first century A.D., the Teutonic tribes, led by Arminius The Terrible, rebel against the cruel and conquering Roman Empire. In raging torments and blood curdling battles, the barbarian tribes and Roman Legions fight a war of attrition, so brutal and terrible that Arminius becomes a legend throughout the empire. Only Augustus, Emperor of Rome is evil and treacherous enough to enslave the Teuton barbarian and halt his murderous uprisings.
La colère d'Achille

La colère d'Achille

Sep 23, 1962
Durant les dix années de la guerre de Troie, les tensions entre Achille et Agamemnon divisent le camp grec pendant qu'elles donnent de l'espoir aux troyens.
L'ombre des aigles

L'ombre des aigles

Feb 01, 1966
Après la mort d'Octave, les populations rebelles de l'Illyrie, posent une grave menace pour l'Empire Romain. Tribune Marcus Vetidius est envoyé pour mater le soulèvement et après une âpre bataille, capture de le chef des rebelles avec un certain nombres de femmes otages...
Le grand kidnapping

Le grand kidnapping

Nov 16, 1973
Le commissaire de police Cardone s'étonne de l'inaction de son prédécesseur, Jovine, devant les affaires de kidnapping qui ont toujours été considérées comme classées. Il décide de mener sa propre enquête...
Sous le Signe de Rome

Sous le Signe de Rome

Mar 05, 1959
Zenobia, Queen of Palmira, revolts against Rome and defeats the Roman troops, but she makes a big mistake when she falls in love with enemy officer Marco Valerio.
Un homme nommé Sledge
Sledge, un célèbre bandit de l'Ouest, apprend l'existence d'un magot caché à l'intérieur d'un pénitencier. N'écoutant pas les conseils de sa petite amie, il se laisse enfermer dans la prison et, après avoir déclenché une émeute pour faire diversion, se met en quête de l'argent.
Pendez-le par les pieds
Un as de la gâchette cynique et solitaire accepter d'escorter une princesse espagnole vers sa terre natale, envahie par les barbares. Une menace n'arrivant jamais seule, il va également croiser la route d'esprits démoniaques, d'un taureau enragé et d'un bossu hystérique qui idolâtre Shakespeare. Une seule solution pour s'en sortir : être impitoyable.
Johnny le batârd

Johnny le batârd

Nov 16, 1967
Fils bâtard d'une paysanne, John apprend un jour que son père s'appelle Don Tenonio. Il décide de faire valoir ses droits de fils naturel et réclame à son père sa part d'héritage. Celui-ci accepte malgré son autre fils, Francisco et Antonia, la femme de celui-ci. John, pour ruiner le nom de Tenonio, révèle à tous qu'Antonia est sa maitresse, il tue Francisco en duel avant d'être abattu par un tueur professionnel.
Clayton L'implacable

Clayton L'implacable

Jun 15, 1968
Clayton a gagné un petit pécule en faisant le guide. Il vient s'installer dans un petit ranch avec sa soeur, mais celle-ci est violée et tuée par deux bandits a la solde de Malek, gros propriétaire terrien.


Dec 21, 1959
Annibal traverse les Alpes avec ses troupes d'éléphants pour attaquer les Romains. Sur sa route, il kidnappe Sylvia, et veut se servir d'elle pour désinformer l'ennemi. Ses plans sont remis en cause lorsqu'Annibal tombe amoureux de la belle...
Clint el solitario

Clint el solitario

Apr 14, 1967
Clint Harrison is a gunfighter who has been on the run from a vengeful family for years. He returns to his home town to discover that his wife has taken his son and fled north to escape his unsavory reputations. Following her in an attempt to make amends, he rides into the middle of a land-grab war between a group of desperate farmers and an unscrupulous rancher named Shannon and his brutal foreman. Promising his wife that he won't use this gun, Clint must stand by as Shannon's men eliminate the farmer's in a series of well-staged set pieces calculated to make the audience anticipate the inevitable moment when Clint is forced to turn his guns and settle accounts.


Sep 23, 1969
Dans l'arrière-pays sarde, il existe des règles particulières, indépendantes de celles du reste de l'île. Graziano Cassitta commet un meurtre de vengeance, se retrouve en prison et s'échappe avec l'espagnol Miguel Lopez. Se cachant, les deux forment un gang et mènent ensemble des enlèvements et autres actes de banditisme jusqu'à ce que Miguel meure dans une fusillade avec la police. Graziano parvient à échapper à la capture, mais après un court laps de temps, arrêté à un point de contrôle, il est arrêté par la police.
Consigna: matar al comandante en jefe
The story of a group of American commandos assigned to kidnap General Rommel. But the soldiers are caught by the Germans who decide to use their plan against them. Replacing the American soldiers with German soldiers, and with the help of a fake "kidnapped" Rommel, they plan to kill General Eisenhower
Le Signe De Zorro

Le Signe De Zorro

Apr 05, 1963
Ne croyant pas au suicide de son père qui a été accusé de haute trahison, Martinez rentre au Mexique pour percer le mystère de cette mort...
Un mercenaire reste à tuer
Le vieux Duke et le jeune Steve sont de véritables justiciers. Mais Steve voudrait renoncer a ce dangereux métier pour épouser la fille de Duke et acheter une ferme. Duke lui refuse la main de sa fille...
Un dollaro per 7 vigliacchi
When a deported gangster dies in Italy, the U.S. Treasury Department is very interested in the one million dollars Madigan owed the government, but managed to take to Italy with him. They send Agent Jason Phister over to Italy to nose out the million. His criteria for the job is that no one would ever guess he's an agent of the United States government.


Apr 19, 1973
Movie starts with a small boy watching his father boarding a ship to America. Years later, all grown up and in colour, Pippolo Cavallo (Adriano Celentano) takes the same route (dressed as a woman) to search for his father and begin a new life.
Jus primae noctis

Jus primae noctis

Sep 07, 1972
Ariberto de Ficulle is a nobleman who came into possession of a small feud by marrying the ugly Matilde Montefiascone.
Le mercenaire

Le mercenaire

Dec 20, 1968
Ariberto de Ficulle is a nobleman who came into possession of a small feud by marrying the ugly Matilde Montefiascone.


Apr 06, 1966
Ariberto de Ficulle is a nobleman who came into possession of a small feud by marrying the ugly Matilde Montefiascone.
Johnny le batârd

Johnny le batârd

Nov 16, 1967
Ariberto de Ficulle is a nobleman who came into possession of a small feud by marrying the ugly Matilde Montefiascone.
Nous les durs

Nous les durs

Feb 24, 1960
Lieutenant Bombardone is in Paris to wipe out a gang of drug traffickers.
Vive l'Italie

Vive l'Italie

Feb 02, 1961
Lieutenant Bombardone is in Paris to wipe out a gang of drug traffickers.
Les voleurs

Les voleurs

Jun 27, 1959
An Italian-American mobster is sent back to Naples from the States. He moves to Italy with all his illegal proceeds hidden in jam jars--which fall into the wrong hands when they get to the harbour of Naples. These hands belong to people who demand their fair share. Meanwhile, the mobster is questioned by investigators.
Dimmi che fai tutto per me
Francesco Salmarani, a well-known doctor from Treviso, suddenly finds himself with an overdraft bank account as his wife's father has come from America demanding the purchase of a large Palladian villa. Tired of his wife, Francesco consoles himself with Paola and then lets himself be ensnared by the very young and beautiful Mary, who has come as housekeeper and father-in-law's lover. The need to fill the administrative gaps and the dream of running away with Mary lead the doctor to organize a coup against his father-in-law who, linked to the mafia, managed to transfer a large dollar patrimony, stolen from the gang, to the villa. The presence of the boy allows the commissioner to exonerate his son-in-law, Mary and Felegatti, of the death of the old mafioso. However, everyone will be left without the dreamed treasure which will fall to Mary and the son of the Salmarani who flee together.
Belle Starr

Belle Starr

Mar 15, 1968
Francesco Salmarani, a well-known doctor from Treviso, suddenly finds himself with an overdraft bank account as his wife's father has come from America demanding the purchase of a large Palladian villa. Tired of his wife, Francesco consoles himself with Paola and then lets himself be ensnared by the very young and beautiful Mary, who has come as housekeeper and father-in-law's lover. The need to fill the administrative gaps and the dream of running away with Mary lead the doctor to organize a coup against his father-in-law who, linked to the mafia, managed to transfer a large dollar patrimony, stolen from the gang, to the villa. The presence of the boy allows the commissioner to exonerate his son-in-law, Mary and Felegatti, of the death of the old mafioso. However, everyone will be left without the dreamed treasure which will fall to Mary and the son of the Salmarani who flee together.
La colère d'Achille

La colère d'Achille

Sep 23, 1962
Francesco Salmarani, a well-known doctor from Treviso, suddenly finds himself with an overdraft bank account as his wife's father has come from America demanding the purchase of a large Palladian villa. Tired of his wife, Francesco consoles himself with Paola and then lets himself be ensnared by the very young and beautiful Mary, who has come as housekeeper and father-in-law's lover. The need to fill the administrative gaps and the dream of running away with Mary lead the doctor to organize a coup against his father-in-law who, linked to the mafia, managed to transfer a large dollar patrimony, stolen from the gang, to the villa. The presence of the boy allows the commissioner to exonerate his son-in-law, Mary and Felegatti, of the death of the old mafioso. However, everyone will be left without the dreamed treasure which will fall to Mary and the son of the Salmarani who flee together.
Lanky, l'homme à la carabine
Francesco Salmarani, a well-known doctor from Treviso, suddenly finds himself with an overdraft bank account as his wife's father has come from America demanding the purchase of a large Palladian villa. Tired of his wife, Francesco consoles himself with Paola and then lets himself be ensnared by the very young and beautiful Mary, who has come as housekeeper and father-in-law's lover. The need to fill the administrative gaps and the dream of running away with Mary lead the doctor to organize a coup against his father-in-law who, linked to the mafia, managed to transfer a large dollar patrimony, stolen from the gang, to the villa. The presence of the boy allows the commissioner to exonerate his son-in-law, Mary and Felegatti, of the death of the old mafioso. However, everyone will be left without the dreamed treasure which will fall to Mary and the son of the Salmarani who flee together.
La Reine des Amazones

La Reine des Amazones

Sep 08, 1960
Francesco Salmarani, a well-known doctor from Treviso, suddenly finds himself with an overdraft bank account as his wife's father has come from America demanding the purchase of a large Palladian villa. Tired of his wife, Francesco consoles himself with Paola and then lets himself be ensnared by the very young and beautiful Mary, who has come as housekeeper and father-in-law's lover. The need to fill the administrative gaps and the dream of running away with Mary lead the doctor to organize a coup against his father-in-law who, linked to the mafia, managed to transfer a large dollar patrimony, stolen from the gang, to the villa. The presence of the boy allows the commissioner to exonerate his son-in-law, Mary and Felegatti, of the death of the old mafioso. However, everyone will be left without the dreamed treasure which will fall to Mary and the son of the Salmarani who flee together.
T'as le bonjour de Trinita
Francesco Salmarani, a well-known doctor from Treviso, suddenly finds himself with an overdraft bank account as his wife's father has come from America demanding the purchase of a large Palladian villa. Tired of his wife, Francesco consoles himself with Paola and then lets himself be ensnared by the very young and beautiful Mary, who has come as housekeeper and father-in-law's lover. The need to fill the administrative gaps and the dream of running away with Mary lead the doctor to organize a coup against his father-in-law who, linked to the mafia, managed to transfer a large dollar patrimony, stolen from the gang, to the villa. The presence of the boy allows the commissioner to exonerate his son-in-law, Mary and Felegatti, of the death of the old mafioso. However, everyone will be left without the dreamed treasure which will fall to Mary and the son of the Salmarani who flee together.
La Pourpre et le noir

La Pourpre et le noir

Feb 02, 1983
Francesco Salmarani, a well-known doctor from Treviso, suddenly finds himself with an overdraft bank account as his wife's father has come from America demanding the purchase of a large Palladian villa. Tired of his wife, Francesco consoles himself with Paola and then lets himself be ensnared by the very young and beautiful Mary, who has come as housekeeper and father-in-law's lover. The need to fill the administrative gaps and the dream of running away with Mary lead the doctor to organize a coup against his father-in-law who, linked to the mafia, managed to transfer a large dollar patrimony, stolen from the gang, to the villa. The presence of the boy allows the commissioner to exonerate his son-in-law, Mary and Felegatti, of the death of the old mafioso. However, everyone will be left without the dreamed treasure which will fall to Mary and the son of the Salmarani who flee together.
Il richiamo del lupo

Il richiamo del lupo

Mar 13, 1975
During the American Gold Rush era, an orphaned boy and his wild dog who must battle against the Yukon wilderness and human greed to help save a frontier town.