Yuki Iwamoto

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Iron Sky

Iron Sky

Apr 04, 2012
En 2018, lors d’une mission sur la Lune, des astronautes américains se font attaquer par des soldats sortis de nulle part. Ramenés pour certains dans leur base située sur la face cachée du satellite terrestre, ils découvrent qu’il s’agit en fait de nazis, préparant leur retour sur la Terre...
Ninja Assassin

Ninja Assassin

Sep 29, 2009
Raizo, jeune ninja orphelin, a été entraîné à tuer par le clan Ozunu. Peu après l'exécution de celle qu'il aime (elle a trahi le clan), Raizo est en proie au doute, et quitte alors le clan afin de préparer sa vengeance... Des années plus tard, à Berlin, Raizo tombe sur l'agent d'Europol Mika Coretti qui, après avoir levé le voile sur une affaire politique mettant en cause une mystérieuse organisation asiatique, est devenue la cible du clan Ozunu. Traqués, tous deux se lancent dans une dangereuse course-poursuite...
Sushi in Suhl

Sushi in Suhl

Oct 17, 2012
One evening in the mid-sixties, Rolf Anschütz, a chef who runs a small restaurant in a town called Suhl in the middle of the East German province of Thuringen offers his guests a unique and exotic meal - Japanese Sukiyaki. It was intent to be a surprise for some of his best customers and it became a great success. Even the local paper wrote about it - and this should change the life of Rolf Anschütz forever.
Der Frosch und das Wasser
The cautious friendship between Stefan Busch, known to everyone as Buschi, and Mr. Hideo Kitamura begins on this special road trip. Buschi, who has refused to speak with his fellow human beings his entire life, blossoms on this journey to unknown places.


Oct 28, 2010
A Japanese business traveler is completely exhausted at a German airport. There, Mr. Oshima seems already to be expected by a businessman and his translator, from whom he spontaneously abducts himself to the foreign city. In his surreal odyssey through the night, however, he loses himself more and more, until he finally disappears without a trace and nothing remains of him as this story.
Un Parfum de meurtre

Un Parfum de meurtre

Oct 08, 2001
A la fin des années vingt, le magnat de la presse William Randolph Hearst invite Charlie Chaplin sur son yacht pour une petite croisière au large de la Californie. Découvrant que Marion Davies, sa maîtresse, le trompe avec l'acteur, Hearst tente d'assassiner l'interprète de Charlot.
Der Millionär und die Stripperin
The widowed millionaire Wolff visits an exclusive bar with friends in a secluded area. He leaves the establishment early because it is not to his taste. As a result, his car breaks down with engine damage. Rita, of all people, a dancer at the strip club, turns up to save the day. Despite their mutual reservations, a friendship develops between them. However, his family is not happy about it.
TV Movie
Tiere bis unters Dach

Tiere bis unters Dach

Nov 26, 2023
With a woof-woof here and a baaa-baaa there and a quack-quack, oink-oink everywhere, there's always some furry or feathered creature demanding attention from the Hansens. It's partly because Dr. Philipp Hansen is a veterinarian who's just opened a practice in the big old villa he's moved into with his family. But it's mostly because of ten-year-old daughter Greta, who never saw an animal she didn't want to adopt.
The Billion Dollar Code
Dans le Berlin des années 90, un artiste et un geek inventent une nouvelle façon de voir le monde. Des années après, ils font un procès à Google pour violation de brevet.