Silu Seppälä

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Leningrad Cowboys go America
Un groupe de rock'n roll des pays de l'Est, sans public et sans avenir, decide de partir pour les Etats-Unis. Le film retrace son odyssee a travers le continent americain, de bars louches en pays perdus.
La Fille aux allumettes
Iris, une jeune fille qui travaille à la fabrique d'allumettes, est exploitée par tous : sa mère, son beau-père au cœur de pierre qui lui vole ses paies, puis plus tard par l'homme que, dans son esprit déformé par des romans à l'eau de rose, elle prend pour un prince charmant. Pourtant, ballotée dans ce monde cruel, Iris n'est pas le genre de fille à se laisser abattre par son destin.
Rock'y VI

Rock'y VI

Jun 14, 1986
Not to be confused with any of the sequels to Sylvester Stallone's classic Oscar-winning Rocky, this short film from Finnish filmmaker Aki Kaurismäki is actually meant as a parody of the late Cold War-era Rocky IV, which saw Stallone's character taking on a juiced-up Russian fighter played by Dolph Lundgren. In this 1986 send-up, Rock'y, played by Silu Seppala, goes head to head with Soviet Igor (Sakari Kuosmanen) and loses.
Zombie ja Kummitusjuna
Antti "Zombie" Autiomaa does two things well: play the bass guitar and drink. After several months' sleeping on the streets of Istanbul, he returns to Helsinki where he's called into the army but discharged on mental health grounds after adding turpentine to the officers' soup. Zombie lives bleary-eyed in an apartment off his parents' house where his lonely, unemployed father suffers from heart disease. His girl-friend Marjo has taken up with a hairdresser but comes back to Zombie. His friend Harri hires him as a roadie for his band "Harry and the Mulefukkers" then gives him a chance as a bass player. He has his girl and he has a gig, but can Zombie put the bottle down?
Mielensäpahoittajan rakkaustarina
While on a shopping trip, Grump smells Saimi, a woman who smells just right and throws the whole man in a state of confusion. The Grump would not have believed that his chest could still feel like a young boy's. The Grump has to admit that he enjoys Saimi’s company. The words, looks, and touch of another awaken long-forgotten feelings. The Grump’s sons are incredulous and downright jealous of their father, and they don’t want to trust Saimi’s sincerity… could she be after the inheritance? Family meetings, misunderstandings, moonlight swims, and sleepless nights. Indeed, Cupid's arrow can pierce even an old man's flannel shirt.
Total Balalaika Show

Total Balalaika Show

May 06, 1994
A 57-minute documentary of a Helsinki concert featuring the Leningrad Cowboys and the Alexandrov Red Army Choir and Ballet, who collaborate on a number of US Rock songs sung in English (like "Sweet Home, Alabama") as well as more traditional Russian songs like the "Volga Boatman."
L'Homme sans passé

L'Homme sans passé

Mar 01, 2002
En débarquant à Helsinki, un homme se fait voler et frapper à mort. Lorsqu'il reprend conscience, il a perdu la mémoire. Sans argent et sans identité, il est aidé par les SDF de la ville.
Au loin s'en vont les nuages
Ilona et son mari Lauri, respectivement maitre d'hotel et conducteur de tramway, menent une vie tranquille en compagnie de leur chien. Jusqu'au jour ou Ilona perd son travail, quelque temps apres le licenciement de son mari.
Les lumières du faubourg
Koistinen, gardien de nuit, arpente le pavé à la recherche d'une petite place au soleil, mais l'indifférence générale et la mécanique sans visage de la société se liguent pour briser ses modestes espoirs les uns après les autres. Un groupe de bandits exploite sa soif d'amour et son poste de veilleur de nuit avec l'aide d'une femme calculatrice. Ils organisent un cambriolage dont Koistinen est rendu seul responsable. Et voilà celui-ci privé de son travail, de sa liberté et de ses rêves.


Feb 28, 2003
Katri and Janne want to make a trip, which none of their friends have made. They end up in Jakomäki.
Mielensäpahoittaja Eskorttia etsimässä
Grump's life follows the same familiar routines: spring is here and the early potato harvest is ripening. But Grump crashes his beloved Ford Escort and the car has to be scrapped. A new, modern vehicle is no match for quality and the nearest Escort, a 1972 model, can be found in Germany. When the Grumps's sons refuse to help, he must travel to Germany alone.