Edward Pawley

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Les Anges aux figures sales
Rocky Sullivan et Jerry Connolly ont grandi ensemble dans Hell's Kitchen. Quand ils se retrouvent quelques années plus tard, le premier est devenu un gangster, le second un prêtre.
A chaque aube je meurs
Le reporter Frank Ross dénonce dans la presse les agissements d'un homme corrompu, candidat aux élections, le district attorney Jesse Hanley. Ce dernier envoie ses hommes de main pour neutraliser Frank. Victime d'un coup monté, celui-ci se retrouve en prison où il se lie d'amitié avec un caïd, Hood Stacey, qui va l'aider à faire éclater la vérité.


Jan 05, 1935
Arthur T. Ryan, a hitchhiker, gets a ride from haughty, society girl Glenda Wynant and her fiance, wealthy J. F. Van Avery after he helps them to replace the top of their convertible when it begins to rain. As they approach a bridge, Art notices a few stalled cars, and when the storm worsens, the bridge washes away, leaving Art, Glenda, Van and several others stranded in a canyon.
Hit the Road

Hit the Road

Jun 27, 1941
Kids look to get revenge when their fathers are all killed in a mob war.
Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Jun 10, 1939
A temporary laborer who helps bring down a mob-sponsored employment racket
Tough Guy

Tough Guy

Jan 24, 1936
An unhappy child, accompanied by his dog, runs away from home and is befriended by a gangster on the lam.
Prison Break

Prison Break

Jul 12, 1938
Story of a tuna fisherman who has been wrongfully convicted of a murder he did not commit. His exemplary behavior in prison ensures that he is up for early parole. He realizes, however, that his movements will be limited, and he will be unable to join and wed his beloved. The only solution is to escape and hunt down the real killer, himself.
Justice des montagnes

Justice des montagnes

Apr 24, 1937
Une jeune femme éduquée, Ruth Harkins, fille aînée d'une famille de montagnards, doit affronter la tutelle rigide et primaire d'un père autoritaire et brutal. Sur les conseils de sa mère et de son entourage, elle s'éloigne des Appalaches pour suivre des cours de médecine à New York. Là, elle fait la connaissance d'un jeune avocat, Paul Cameron, qui vient précisément d'inculper son père pour un meurtre commis quelques mois auparavant...
Sons of the Legion

Sons of the Legion

Sep 18, 1938
Sons of The Legion is a film about a group of young men looking to start a squadron in their Legion Post. However, because the boy's father wrongfully received a dishonorable discharge after World War I, his father cannot join the Legion and in turn his son cannot join the squadron [wikipedia]
White Banners

White Banners

Jun 23, 1938
A homeless woman named Hannah drifts into the lives of the kindly Ward family, in a small Indiana town in 1919. Hannah makes herself useful as a cook and housekeeper and stays with the Wards... but her real interest is in meeting their neighbor, teenager Peter Trimble. It turns out that Peter is the son she bore out of wedlock and gave up for adoption, and now Hannah has returned to town to see what sort of young man her son has become.
Tess of the Storm Country
When Captain Howland decides that his daughter Tess is getting a bit to old to continue to go to sea with him, they move into a small cottage on the coast of Maine, but not for long. A local millionaire, Frederick Garfield, lays a false claim to the property and has them evicted. Later, when Tess saves a young man about her age from drowning, she is a bit dismayed to learn that he is Garfield's son. But when her father is jailed on a false-accusation charge of murder, the younger Garfield comes to their aid and proves he himself.
Little Tough Guy

Little Tough Guy

Jul 22, 1938
The son of a man sentenced to death for a murder he didn't commit vows to become a criminal himself. He starts his own street gang, and their crime spree is financed by a mysterious young man--who turns out to be the son of the District Attorney who sent the boy's father to the electric chair.
Romance of the Limberlost
An orphaned girl is being raised in the Limberlost by her aunt, who hates her because the girl's mother married the man that the aunt loved. The girl's existence is close to being servitude bondage, and her only companions are the birds and the animals of the forest. She meets and falls in love with a young man whose ambition is to be a lawyer. But her aunt is arranging for her to be married to the wealthiest man in the Limberlost, a drunken, coarse bully.
Dangerous to Know

Dangerous to Know

Mar 11, 1938
Racketeer Steve Recka, art patron and political power-maker, rules his town and Madame Lan Ying, his beautiful friend and hostess (read:mistress), with an iron hand. He meets Margaret Van Kase, a socialite not impressed by his power nor his wealth, having no money herself, and Steve makes frantic efforts to win her and turns away from the loyal Lin Yang.
Treize femmes

Treize femmes

Sep 16, 1932
Snobée par ses anciennes camarades d'école, une Eurasienne utilise ses pouvoirs d'hypnose pour se venger cruellement. Très envoûtant, ce thriller fantastique est porté en particulier par la performance de la troublante Mirna Loy et la musique angoissante du grand Max Steiner.
L'Île au Trésor

L'Île au Trésor

Aug 17, 1934
Dans cet adaptation en noir et blanc du célèbre roman de Stevenson, le jeune Jim Hawkins est embarqué dans une aventure qui le conduira à la recherche du trésor de Flint. Trésor sur lequel l'équipage, sous la conduite de Long John Silver, voudrait bien mettre la main à la place du jeune garçon et de ses amis...
San Francisco Docks

San Francisco Docks

Dec 25, 1940
Longshoreman Johnny Barnes is in love with Kitty Tracy, barmaid at her father's waterfront saloon, and he beats up Cassidy, a crooked politician who has been annoying her. Cassidy is murdered that night and Johnny is jailed for the crime. Kitty, her father Andy Tracy, and waterfront-priest Father Cameron believe Johnny is innocent but all evidence points to his guilt.
Smashing the Rackets

Smashing the Rackets

Aug 08, 1938
Jim 'Socker' Conway, former boxer and FBI hero, is maneuvered for political reasons into a do-nothing job in the district attorney's office. Meanwhile, he meets wild debutante Letty Lane, girlfriend of mob mouthpiece Steve Lawrence; and Letty's much nicer sister Susan. Now the slot machine gang brutally beats Jim's friends Franz and Otto. And Jim finds a way to use his nominal position to go into the racket- busting business. But his success puts Letty in deadly peril...
Terreur à l'ouest

Terreur à l'ouest

Mar 11, 1939
Jim Kincaid est un bandit connu sous le nom de "Oklahoma Kid". Le gouvernement, devant acheter des territoires aux Indiens, achemine l'argent qui leur est destiné par un convoi qui est bientôt attaqué par la bande de Whip Mac Cord. Mais le Kid intercepte ce convoi et s'empare du butin. Lors d'une soirée de bal, le Kid rencontre Jane, qui est la fille du juge Hardwick. Il tombe amoureux de la jeune femme.
Les Hors-la-loi

Les Hors-la-loi

May 04, 1935
L'avocat James "Brick" Davis perd un de ses meilleurs amis lors de l'arrestation d'un homme de la pègre. Pour se venger, il décide de rejoindre les G-Men.
Sworn Enemy

Sworn Enemy

Sep 11, 1936
A law student poses as a fight promoter to catch a notorious gangster.
Les Desperados

Les Desperados

May 25, 1943
Steve Upton, le shérif d'une tranquille petite bourgade de l'Utah, reçoit des nouvelles de Cheyenne Rogers, un ancien hors-la-loi, qu'il est parvenu à remettre dans le droit chemin. Celui-ci vient lui rendre une visite de courtoisie. Mais le séjour de Cheyenne est rapidement perturbé par le cambriolage de la banque de la ville. Son lourd passé en fait immédiatement le principal suspect. Arrêté et emprisonné, Cheyenne clame son innocence. Convaincu que son ami dit la vérité, Upton l'aide à s'évader et décide de prouver qu'il n'est en rien impliqué dans cette affaire...


May 20, 1939
Pals Pat Rogers and Slag Bailey try to collect a debt from Slag's recently deceased boxing promoter but wind up collecting his child, instead, and raising him as their own son.
Treat 'Em Rough

Treat 'Em Rough

Jan 30, 1942
When his father is accused of graft, a former boxer returns home to clear his name.
Hoosier Schoolboy

Hoosier Schoolboy

Jul 07, 1937
Une institutrice arrive dans une nouvelle ville et se retrouve prise dans les problèmes et les disputes de la ville.
Money to Loan

Money to Loan

Mar 11, 1939
The MGM crime reporter introduces Norman Kennedy, District Attorney of a large city, he who talks about the general want for money, and the extraordinary lengths some will go to to get it. The loan sharking business has that want for money on both sides. He tells the story of one such loan shark, Stephen Hanley, who tried to pass his company off as a legitimate loan business, but who charged exorbitant rates, and used extortion and fraud to get out of his customers even more than what they may have owed on paper.
Le Retour des Texas Rangers
Lorsque des milliers de têtes de bétail sont volées au ranch "White Sage" au début des années 1930, les Texas Rangers sont de nouveaux appelés à la rescousse. Grâce à l'un de leurs agents, les Texas Rangers vont infiltrer le gang de voleurs, et tenter de récupérer le trésor des fermiers.
L'Or coule

L'Or coule

Aug 24, 1940
Un vagabond fugitif (John Garfield) engagé par un foreur de pétrole au Texas (Pat O'Brien) devient son rival pour la fille du patron (Frances Farmer).
It Can't Last Forever

It Can't Last Forever

Jul 15, 1937
Russ Matthews, a theatrical agent who is not above pulling off a hoax or two or more to further the career of his clients (and himself), and a newspaper gossip-columnist, Carol Wilson, get involved with gangsters when one of Larry's radio-program future-predicting cons gets out of hand.
Sinner Take All

Sinner Take All

Dec 18, 1936
A young lawyer is determined to identify who is murdering members of a wealthy New York publishing family.
River's End

River's End

Aug 10, 1940
An escaped criminal pretends to be a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in order to prove his innocence of murder. Star Dennis Morgan plays two roles.
Gun Law

Gun Law

May 13, 1938
Finding a man alone in the desert, Marshal Tom is relieved - of his horse, clothes and water. When he catches up to Raven, he finds him dying from drinking bad water. When he gets to Gunsight, everyone thinks that he is the outlaw Raven and he plays it out so that he can end lawlessness.
True to the Army

True to the Army

Mar 21, 1942
A wire-walker, on the run from gangsters, masquerades as a soldier at her boyfriend's Army base.
Dangerous Number

Dangerous Number

Jan 22, 1937
Hank Medhill, artificial silk manufacturer, has returned to the U.S. from Japan to learn that his former girlfriend, Eleanor Breen is about to marry. Hank convinces Eleanor to leave the groom-to-be and marry him. Shortly after the marriage, they discover that they have nothing in common. They separate. Hank decides to pick any name from the phone book and date them. That date results in a wild and frightful night for Hank, thanks to Eleanor's clever plan.
Fantômes en vadrouille
Deux agents de la station de service maladroits sont laissés comme les seuls bénéficiaires de la volonté d'un gangster. Leur voyage à réclamer leur fortune est dérouté quand ils sont bloqués dans une maison hantée avec plusieurs autres étrangers.
Murders in the Zoo

Murders in the Zoo

Mar 31, 1933
Dr. Gorman is a millionaire adventurer, traveling the world in search of dangerous game. His bored, beautiful, much younger wife entertains herself in the arms of other men. In turn, Gorman uses his animals to kill these men. When a New York City zoo suggests a fundraising gala, Gorman sees a prime opportunity to dispatch the dashing Roger and anyone else who might cross him.
The Big Guy

The Big Guy

Dec 22, 1939
A man is given the choice between having fabulous wealth or saving an innocent man from the death penalty.
The Lady's from Kentucky
Good-natured gambler Marty Black falls into ownership of a booking joint but soon falls on hard times. His one out is a marker for half-ownership in a young thoroughbred, which he quickly calls in. He discovers the other owner to be a young woman from an old horse racing family who wants to protect her colt almost as much as Marty wants to rush him into big races for a fast buck. While they clash, Marty soon comes to understand the human bond with the horses and what it means to be a thoroughbred.


Mar 22, 1935
A young pacifist after refusing on principle to defend her sweetheart's honor and being banished in disgrace, joins a riverboat troupe as a singer, acquires a reputation as a crackshot after a saloon brawl in which the villain of the piece accidentally kills himself with his own gun, falls in love with his former fianceé's sister and finally bullies an apprehensive family into accepting him.
Casier judiciaire

Casier judiciaire

Jun 01, 1938
Travaillant dans le même magasin, Joe et Helen, deux condamnés libérés sur parole, sont épris l'un de l'autre. Des deux amants, seul Joe a avoué son passé. Lorsqu'il découvre la vérité sur Helen, trahi et déçu, il se lance par désespoir dans la préparation d'un mauvais coup.