Stacey Sher

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Vanilla Sky

Vanilla Sky

Dec 14, 2001
David Aames est un jeune et brillant éditeur new-yorkais qui a tout pour lui : l'argent, la réussite professionnelle et les femmes. Son ami Pelayo commet l'erreur de lui présenter Sofia, sa nouvelle compagne. Au premier regard, David succombe au charme de celle-ci. Tous les deux filent bientôt le parfait amour. Alors que David se dispute en voiture avec Julie, une ex folle de jalousie, la jeune femme accélère et c'est l'accident. Julie décède. Atrocement défiguré, David est transporté d'urgence à l'hôpital où les médecins ne peuvent réaliser de miracle. Sa vie bascule. Les gens ont dorénavant peur de lui et Sofia l'évite. Mais un matin, David se fait gentiment réveiller par celle-ci, qui lui déclare son amour. Les médecins lui annoncent même qu'il pourra retrouver son ancien visage. Réalité ou hallucination ?
Science Fiction
QT8 : Tarantino en 8 films
À travers l’histoire d’une carrière de cinéaste déjà iconique marquée par 8 films cultes, de Reservoir Dogs à Hateful 8, QT8 remonte la filmographie de Quentin Tarantino, le réalisateur le plus vénéré de ces 30 dernières années
The Caveman's Valentine
Romulus, a misunderstood musician turned recluse hiding from personal demons in a New York City cave, finds the frozen body of a young drifter in a tree. The authorities, including his police officer daughter, claim the death is accidental. Romulus is convinced the man was murdered by a prominent art photographer but how can he prove he's right when everyone thinks he's insane?
Bienvenue à Gattaca

Bienvenue à Gattaca

Sep 07, 1997
Romulus, a misunderstood musician turned recluse hiding from personal demons in a New York City cave, finds the frozen body of a young drifter in a tree. The authorities, including his police officer daughter, claim the death is accidental. Romulus is convinced the man was murdered by a prominent art photographer but how can he prove he's right when everyone thinks he's insane?


Sep 05, 2003
Romulus, a misunderstood musician turned recluse hiding from personal demons in a New York City cave, finds the frozen body of a young drifter in a tree. The authorities, including his police officer daughter, claim the death is accidental. Romulus is convinced the man was murdered by a prominent art photographer but how can he prove he's right when everyone thinks he's insane?


Sep 24, 2013
Romulus, a misunderstood musician turned recluse hiding from personal demons in a New York City cave, finds the frozen body of a young drifter in a tree. The authorities, including his police officer daughter, claim the death is accidental. Romulus is convinced the man was murdered by a prominent art photographer but how can he prove he's right when everyone thinks he's insane?
Polly et moi

Polly et moi

Jan 16, 2004
Romulus, a misunderstood musician turned recluse hiding from personal demons in a New York City cave, finds the frozen body of a young drifter in a tree. The authorities, including his police officer daughter, claim the death is accidental. Romulus is convinced the man was murdered by a prominent art photographer but how can he prove he's right when everyone thinks he's insane?
D'une vie à l'autre

D'une vie à l'autre

Oct 30, 1998
Romulus, a misunderstood musician turned recluse hiding from personal demons in a New York City cave, finds the frozen body of a young drifter in a tree. The authorities, including his police officer daughter, claim the death is accidental. Romulus is convinced the man was murdered by a prominent art photographer but how can he prove he's right when everyone thinks he's insane?
Mesures exceptionnelles
Romulus, a misunderstood musician turned recluse hiding from personal demons in a New York City cave, finds the frozen body of a young drifter in a tree. The authorities, including his police officer daughter, claim the death is accidental. Romulus is convinced the man was murdered by a prominent art photographer but how can he prove he's right when everyone thinks he's insane?
Fisher King : Le Roi pêcheur
Romulus, a misunderstood musician turned recluse hiding from personal demons in a New York City cave, finds the frozen body of a young drifter in a tree. The authorities, including his police officer daughter, claim the death is accidental. Romulus is convinced the man was murdered by a prominent art photographer but how can he prove he's right when everyone thinks he's insane?
À vif !

À vif !

Oct 02, 2015
Romulus, a misunderstood musician turned recluse hiding from personal demons in a New York City cave, finds the frozen body of a young drifter in a tree. The authorities, including his police officer daughter, claim the death is accidental. Romulus is convinced the man was murdered by a prominent art photographer but how can he prove he's right when everyone thinks he's insane?
Reno 911 ! : It's a Wonderful Heist
It’s Holiday Season in Reno, and Lieutenant Dangle wishes he’d never been born. With the help of a roller skating “Angel,” he learns how much better the lives of the other deputies would be if he never existed. Will he decide to live on anyway? There’s still Christmas criminals to catch!
Reno 911 : La Traque de QAnon
It’s Holiday Season in Reno, and Lieutenant Dangle wishes he’d never been born. With the help of a roller skating “Angel,” he learns how much better the lives of the other deputies would be if he never existed. Will he decide to live on anyway? There’s still Christmas criminals to catch!
TV Movie
Les Huit Salopards

Les Huit Salopards

Dec 25, 2015
It’s Holiday Season in Reno, and Lieutenant Dangle wishes he’d never been born. With the help of a roller skating “Angel,” he learns how much better the lives of the other deputies would be if he never existed. Will he decide to live on anyway? There’s still Christmas criminals to catch!


Oct 31, 2024
It’s Holiday Season in Reno, and Lieutenant Dangle wishes he’d never been born. With the help of a roller skating “Angel,” he learns how much better the lives of the other deputies would be if he never existed. Will he decide to live on anyway? There’s still Christmas criminals to catch!
Get A Job

Get A Job

Mar 17, 2016
It’s Holiday Season in Reno, and Lieutenant Dangle wishes he’d never been born. With the help of a roller skating “Angel,” he learns how much better the lives of the other deputies would be if he never existed. Will he decide to live on anyway? There’s still Christmas criminals to catch!


Feb 10, 2012
It’s Holiday Season in Reno, and Lieutenant Dangle wishes he’d never been born. With the help of a roller skating “Angel,” he learns how much better the lives of the other deputies would be if he never existed. Will he decide to live on anyway? There’s still Christmas criminals to catch!
Secret défense

Secret défense

Feb 28, 1998
It’s Holiday Season in Reno, and Lieutenant Dangle wishes he’d never been born. With the help of a roller skating “Angel,” he learns how much better the lives of the other deputies would be if he never existed. Will he decide to live on anyway? There’s still Christmas criminals to catch!


Aug 02, 1996
It’s Holiday Season in Reno, and Lieutenant Dangle wishes he’d never been born. With the help of a roller skating “Angel,” he learns how much better the lives of the other deputies would be if he never existed. Will he decide to live on anyway? There’s still Christmas criminals to catch!
Les règles de notre liberté
It’s Holiday Season in Reno, and Lieutenant Dangle wishes he’d never been born. With the help of a roller skating “Angel,” he learns how much better the lives of the other deputies would be if he never existed. Will he decide to live on anyway? There’s still Christmas criminals to catch!
Qui a Tué Mona ?

Qui a Tué Mona ?

Mar 03, 2000
It’s Holiday Season in Reno, and Lieutenant Dangle wishes he’d never been born. With the help of a roller skating “Angel,” he learns how much better the lives of the other deputies would be if he never existed. Will he decide to live on anyway? There’s still Christmas criminals to catch!


Jan 01, 1970
Struggling writer Lowen Ashleigh is on the brink of financial ruin when she accepts the job offer of a lifetime: she's been hired to complete the remaining books in a successful series that bestselling thriller author Verity Crawford is unable to finish after a mysterious accident. Upon arrival at the lavish Crawford estate, Ashleigh slowly learns that things are not exactly as they seem.
Devil in the White City
Dr. HH Holmes, a cunning serial killer, is believed to have murdered anywhere from 27 to 200 people at a time when the city of Chicago was enthralled with hosting the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893.
Close Up with The Hollywood Reporter
Durant la journée, Jules est la parfaite étudiante américaine. Elle fait même partie d'une des confréries de son université. Mais cette dernière garde un lourd secret : elle a été victime d'un viol commis sur le campus. Bien décidée à faire payer le responsable et à empêcher que cela ne se reproduise, Jules décide de faire justice, elle-même, la nuit. Aidée par Ophelia, une étudiante en droit, hacker et dealer, elle part en quête de vengeance...
Close Up with The Hollywood Reporter
Cette série met en scène Karen Sisco, marshal fédéral à Miami chargée de retrouver des criminels en fuite dans le sud de la Floride. Elle est aidée dans sa tâche par son père, un détective privé en semi-retraite, qui lui prodigue ses conseils.
Close Up with The Hollywood Reporter
États-Unis, années 1970. Avocate et mère au foyer modèle de six enfants, Phyllis Schlafly est également une activiste conservatrice. Lorsqu’elle prend la tête du mouvement pour empêcher la ratification de l’amendement qui vise à garantir l’égalité des droits entre les sexes, elle déchaîne la colère des féministes, emmenées par leurs leaders, Gloria Steinem et Betty Friedan… D'après une histoire vraie.
Close Up with The Hollywood Reporter
Les Oscars du cinéma (Academy Awards) sont des récompenses cinématographiques américaines décernées chaque année depuis 1929 à Los Angeles et destinées à saluer l'excellence des productions américaines du cinéma. L'attribution de ces distinctions dans les domaines choisis pour représenter les métiers de la création cinématographique (réalisation, interprétation, scénario, technique) est organisée, gérée et dirigée par l'association professionnelle Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.