Mariusz Dmochowski

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Jul 21, 1966
During the war, a nurse finds footwear belonging to a Soviet soldier. The discovery haunts her.
Piłkarski poker

Piłkarski poker

Mar 31, 1989
Laguna was once a great soccer player whose career was interrupted by an injury. He spent years climbing the ranks to become an international referee. He sees the prevailing arrangements, manipulations, and bribery around him. Now desperate, he decides to stage an extraordinary culmination of his career: he wants to create a so-called "miracle Sunday" by "printing" the final round of games - taking substantial bribes from the interested clubs and manipulating the matches so that the results align in the order he set up.
Punkt wyjścia

Punkt wyjścia

Feb 11, 1972
A study of the psyche of a sick, aging man who loses faith in the meaning of life.
La Cicatrice

La Cicatrice

Dec 06, 1976
La réalisation d'un complexe chimique est confiée à Bednarz, initialement un peu réfractaire à l'idée. Mais, homme fort, décidé et honnête, il se convainc qu'il va construire, sans faire de compromis, non seulement un complexe chimique, mais aussi un site où les gens vivront dans le bonheur et sans conflit.


Feb 25, 1977
Michał Kopera has an accident at work. His relatives visiting him at the hospital are more interested in his account than in his health.
La Poupée

La Poupée

Nov 07, 1968
1878. D'abord modeste commis de brasserie en proie à de régulières humiliations, Stanislaw Wokulski finit par devenir un riche homme d'affaires. Toutefois, il demeure sensible à la misère et aux inégalités sociales. Il s'efforce d'apporter des remèdes à cette situation. Très épris d'une aristocrate ruinée, Izabella Lecka, il l'épouse mais celle-ci le trompera avec un séducteur
O-Bi, O-Ba: The End of Civilization
Situé dans un donjon souterrain habité par des êtres humains entassés et en haillons, après l'holocauste nucléaire. L'histoire suit les pérégrinations d'un héros à travers des situations de survie. Les gens attendent que l'Arche arrive et les sauve pendant que leur habitat s'effondre.
Sceny nocne

Sceny nocne

Mar 13, 1990
Warsaw elites meet at a ball in Baron Neman's palace, where they discuss the political situation in Poland.


Mar 18, 1980
Le film se déroule dans un futur terrifiant, où la technologie commande les mouvements des individus, supervisés par les médecins, exécutant un programme visant à améliorer la race humaine. Alors que les médecins créent un monstre, les monstres sont déjà là en tant qu'espèces du futur - mais les médecins soupçonnent l'un d'eux d'être un être humain.
Polonia Restituta

Polonia Restituta

May 18, 1981
A two-part historical film covering the years of the First World War and the post-war period up to 1919 - until the signing of the peace treaty in Versailles near Paris. An attempt to show the great and complicated process of regaining an independent existence by a nation within its own state. The screen shows characters from history textbooks: Józef Piłsudski, Ignacy Paderewski, Roman Dmowski, Wojciech Korfanty as well as representatives of the world political scene, incl. David Lloyd George, Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau, Vladimir Lenin and others.
Rajska jabłoń

Rajska jabłoń

Apr 14, 1986
Girls no more, four heroines emerge into womanhood with a more clear-eyed outlook on life.
Zaklęte rewiry

Zaklęte rewiry

Nov 27, 1975
Set in the early 1930s, a young man finds a job as a dishwasher in a hotel and quickly works his way up the ladder. Loosely based on the novel by Henryk Worcell.
Przeciwko bogom

Przeciwko bogom

Sep 13, 1961
Accused by colleagues of cowardice, the aviator gets a chance for rehabilitation.
Les points sensibles

Les points sensibles

Aug 28, 1981
Nous sommes en 1998 et le monde se trouve dans un cataclysme écologique : il y a une pénurie d'eau, l'environnement est pollué et être dehors comporte des risques élevés. Le personnage principal est un technicien de télévision, Jan, un individualiste, harcelé par les conformistes. Jan aime Ewa, une étudiante en ballet, qui à son tour est en liaison avec Allan, un homme puissant et prospère.
Science Fiction


Jan 28, 1977
Un groupe d'étudiants passe les vacances d'été dans un camp universitaire pour étudier la science de la linguistique. L'un des directeurs du camp, Jaroslaw, est un jeune professeur qui préfère l'approche directe et intime des étudiants. Il est opposé dans ses opinions libérales par Jakub, qui aime manipuler les gens.
Miejsce dla jednego

Miejsce dla jednego

Apr 26, 1966
The deputy director of a machine plant is injured in a car accident and loses important documents. An uncompromising controller is sent to the plant to investigate the matter.


Jul 05, 1984
Set in the early years of the century. A story of a country gentleman haunted by the memory of his first wife. His current wife, had enough of his obsession and has taken a lover, who is mysteriously paralyzed. Meanwhile, main character's son gets his first taste of sensual experience with a mute peasant girl.


Jan 01, 1976
A short making-of from the set of Kieslowski's feature film "Blizna", which uses a lot the word "Action!" and the slate.


Oct 07, 1989
L'alchimiste Sendivius arrive à la cour du kniaź Fryderyk en prétendant qu'il est capable de transmuter le plomb en or. Le prince l'autorise à prouver ses dires, toutefois si l'expérience échoue, il subira la torture jusqu'à ce que mort s'en suive. Alors que Von Lotz lui fait visiter les cachots et lui montre les supplices qu'il subira en cas d'échec ou s'il réussit et refuse de dévoiler ses secrets au prince, il découvre que son maître Thomas Seton est emprisonné dans une cellule sordide et subit quotidiennement la torture...
Bilans kwartalny

Bilans kwartalny

Jan 21, 1975
The main character is a bookkeeper, 40, who lives a quiet, uninteresting life with her husband and son of school age. She realizes that soon she won't be needed much at home as the boy grows up and the relationship with her husband crumbles. It's only when an embezzlement is discovered at the office and she stands up to her management, that she realizes life has more to offer. She meets a well-off former classmate, married to an American. Then she meets Jacek and starts contemplating possibilities of a new start. She discovers love for the first time, but turns to old ways rather than to break loose.
Prawdzie w oczy

Prawdzie w oczy

Nov 20, 1970
After an accident in a smelter plant kills two workers a crane operator decides to take full responsibility.
Hrabina Cosel

Hrabina Cosel

Sep 06, 1968
The Countess Cosel is based on the true story of the beautiful Anna Constantia of Brockdorff, a German noblewoman who became a mistress of Augustus the Strong, King of Poland and Elector of Saxony in 1704.
Świadectwo urodzenia

Świadectwo urodzenia

Oct 02, 1961
Three separate stories depicting the tense everyday life during occupation, as seen through the eyes of children. In “On the Road,” the two main protagonists are lost in the September’s strife: a young boy, and a soldier transporting the valueless documents of his broken unit. In “Letter from the Concentration Camp” the story’s protagonists are young boys who help their mother during the hardships of the occupation. Their treasure is an officer uniform belonging their father who is being held in a prisoner of war camp. In “Blood Drop,” the Germans find a set of typical Aryan characteristics in this story’s protagonist – a Jewish girl, hiding in an orphanage.
Sprawa Gorgonowej

Sprawa Gorgonowej

Nov 25, 1977
In 1931, just before the New Year, in a house of architect Henryk Zaremba scream rips the night. The daughter of Zaremba is found killed in her bedroom, obviously killed with a pickaxe. The police arrives and starts the investigation. Rita Gorgonova, the governess of the girl and also lover of Zaremba becomes the main suspect. Film based on real events - investigation and court trials of the most famous pre-war Polish murder case. Despite being historically accurate the movie is both involving and entertaining since the case was simple on the surface, but very complicated in details.
Bicz Boży

Bicz Boży

Jul 07, 1967
A young boy sends anonymous threats to various troublemakers around town, hoping that they will report themeselves to the police and grant his older brother, a militia officer a transfer to Warsaw.


Oct 12, 1958
A Pole incorporated into the Wehrmacht deserts, hiding in a coal mine ...
Czy jesteś wśród nich?!
This film criticizes various types of vandalism and behavior that is socially harmful: people spitting on the street, housewives wasting water, teenagers destroying sockets, passengers storming buses without paying attention to others, pedestrians devastating greenery in the city. Are you one of them?


Nov 29, 1976
A simple governess and a wealthy aristocrat fall madly in love with each other. However, his family are prejudiced towards her and have other plans for him.
The War of the Worlds: Next Century
Iron Idem est un journaliste et un animateur télé adulé par le public qui reconnaît en lui un homme indépendant, courageux, et proche du peuple. Lorsque les martiens descendent sur Terre, sa grande liberté de ton est muselée par les autorités et par le patron de la chaîne qui lui impose malgré ses convictions d'écrire des textes allant dans le sens de ce qui demeure en réalité une invasion. Opprimé, le peuple n'a qu'une seule alternative : celle d'accepter les nouvelles règles en vigueur. La présence des extraterrestres vampirise les médias, ainsi que les autorités dont la plus commune des représentations, la Police, flirte avec l'ennemi d'un peuple qui doit accepter la présence de l'intrus en lui donnant son propre sang.
Science Fiction


Jan 04, 1958
Pendant le soulèvement de Varsovie, en 1944,Dzidzius, personnage haut en couleur, est trompé par sa femme. Celle-ci, en fréquentant un officier Hongrois, va amener son infortuné mari à se conduire en héros. Pendant un feu d'artifice où alternent tirs d'obus et quiproquos entre les lignes et les adversaires, Dzidzius se demande que faire d'un message codé et comment poursuivre la lutte. Les détenus d'un camp de prisonniers gardent le moral grâce à une rumeur: le lieutenant Zawistowski aurait sauvé l'honneur du camp en s'évadant. Mais,en vérité, le "héros" se cache dans ce camp et les choses vont mal tourner pour lui...
C.K. Dezerterzy

C.K. Dezerterzy

Sep 22, 1986
Set in military barracks in a small town during World War I. The soldiers herded in the barracks are 'politically suspect' mix of characters from all over of the Austro-Hungarian Empire: Czechs, Jews, and even Italians, but officers in charge are Germans. A new lieutenant arrives with the mission to bring order to the unit. He is the sadist, enjoying humiliating the men. Fed up with his behaviour the lower ranks kidnap him one night and string him up in a public toilet. They also make sure that he fouls up during the inspection. Eventually the five ring leaders are imprisoned. They escape and end up in Budapest posing as guards as guards of veterinary surgeons. They are caught and sent back to face a court martial and their old tormentor.
Pan Wolodyjowski

Pan Wolodyjowski

Mar 28, 1969
In 1668 Polish colonel Michał Wołodyjowski, who recently retired to a monastery, is recalled to active duty and takes charge of Poland's eastern frontier defenses against invading Tatar hordes and Ottoman armies.
De la veine à revendre
To convince the prison warden against releasing him, a middle-aged Polish man recounts his life, one he considers to have been characterized by exceptionally bad luck.
Czarne chmury

Czarne chmury

Feb 18, 1974
Polish Fanfan, the first Polish series from the "cloak and dagger" - written about the "black cloud" in the press of the 70's. Axis of the plot became a dramatic episodes of the struggle for the maintenance of the Polish Prussia. They remained in feudal depending on the Republic from 1525, when Albrecht Hohenzollern secularized religious state and filed in Krakow tribute to the Polish king.
Stawka większa niż życie
Stawka większa niż życie is a series about the adventures of a Polish secret agent, Hans Kloss, who acts as a double agent in the Abwehr during Second World War in occupied Poland.
Kariera Nikodema Dyzmy
Nikodem Dyzma immigrates from the eastern part of Poland to the capital in the hope for possibilities to make a living. He is in need, very poor and forced to look for basic food and shelter. Yet, on a day when an unexpected invitation appears, his life changes dramatically.