Zuzana Stivínová

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Nov 30, 2023
Rouzbeh arrives in Prague, far from his troubled family life in Tehran, to research his father’s past. Visiting the flat where his father, a communist expatriate, lived 50 years ago, in the times of Czechoslovakia, he is stopped by a policewoman investigating a recent accident. The current resident of the flat, Vladimir, who turns out to be Rouzbeh’s half-brother, has fallen out the window. Discovering hidden corners of Vladimir’s life and getting closer to his soul, Rouzbeh learns a shocking truth about his father, totally contradicting the image of a hero he had about him. This puts him on the path which led to Vladimir's fall from the window.
Její tělo

Její tělo

Nov 16, 2023
A successful athlete, member of the Olympic team, after a vertebra injury and the forced end of her sports career, becomes a successful and well-known porn actress. Based on the real-life story of Olympic diving champion Andrea Absolonová.
O rodičích a dětech
On a walk through Prague, a 40-year-old son's conversations with his septuagenarian father reveal complexities that both strain and sustain their bond.


Aug 31, 2023
Electra repense à son dixième anniversaire, mêlant angoisses, rêves et fantasmes cachés. Notre mémoire n'est-elle qu'une fiction ? Ou un mythe ?
Occamova břitva

Occamova břitva

Jan 12, 2013
A married couple unexpectedly find themselves witness to a murder. The perpetrators pay them to remain silent, but also turn them into the main suspects of the crime. The more the two try to distance themselves from the case, the more entangled they become, and so does their relationship
Martin a Venuše

Martin a Venuše

Mar 07, 2013
Juggling demanding careers with three kids, Martin and Vendula decide a big change is needed to keep their marriage from sinking.
Anděl Páně

Anděl Páně

Nov 03, 2005
An angel who ruins everything he touches is sent to Earth to learn about love, forgiveness and selflessness -- and he has just one day to do it.
1989: Z dopisů psaných přes železnou oponu
An original film testimony about the time 30 years ago. Peter Kořínek is 21 years old, hailing from Pardubice. He listens to underground bands, reads samizdat books, and faces school troubles due to his long hair. He dreams of emigration. It is the beginning of 1989, and there is no indication that he will experience freedom in communist Czechoslovakia.


Feb 23, 2024
Six mois après son départ, un astronaute en mission solo essaie de sauver son mariage qui bat de l'aile avec l'aide d'une mystérieuse créature qui se cache dans son vaisseau.
Science Fiction
Kousek nebe

Kousek nebe

Feb 10, 2005
A Little Piece of Heaven tells a story of love, friendship, and solidarity, aspects of life that allows us to live with dignity even at the most difficult of times. Set within the walls of a Communist prison of the 1950s, a tale unfolds of a young couples' fragile love. An angry young man Lubos always felt defiance toward everything around him, and eventually this trait lands him in court. The verdict is clear and the punishment long and hard. But even in prison Lubos is unable to tame his love of jazz or the eternally blazing flame of rebellion he carries inside. There is no place on earth where love cannot grow. Lubos meets Dana in prison. Out of solidarity and support, their fellow prisoners hatch a small rebellion to help them fulfill their love - a love which has appeared in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Faithless Games

Faithless Games

May 15, 2003
Pianiste renommée, Eva suit son mari, le compositeur Peter, dans un petit village à la frontière de la Slovaquie et de la Hongrie. Alors que Peter trouve le calme et la tranquillité pour composer, Eva cherche en vain une opportunité de jouer, et ressent douloureusement la séparation avec sa famille mais aussi avec Prague et ses amis.
Le retour de l'idiot

Le retour de l'idiot

Feb 25, 1999
Frantisek ne connait rien de la vie : jusqu'ici, il a passé toute son existence derrière les murs d’un asile psychiatrique. En conséquence tout ce qu’il voit et entend est pour lui une première expérience. De retour au pays, il est du coup le témoin privilégié d’un quadrille amoureux : Olga est éprise d’Emil qui est incapable de choisir entre deux femmes. Sa rivale, Anna, qui n’est autre que sa propre sœur, a une liaison avec le frère d’Emil. Tour à tour confident, témoin et souffre douleur, l’Idiot aime tout le monde et comprend mieux les gens qu’ils ne se comprennent eux-mêmes.
Z města cesta

Z města cesta

Oct 15, 2002
A poetic documentary about different sides of nature and city life.
Anděl Exit

Anděl Exit

Oct 26, 2000
A drug dealer named Mikes, who lives in Prague and longs to escape his own clichéd life.
Underworld : Blood Wars
Selene ne repoussera pas seulement les attaques des deux clans (Lycan et Vampire), qui après s'être livrés une guerre de longue date, s'allient contre elle. Elle va tout mettre en œuvre pour mettre un terme définitif à cette guerre éternelle, quitte à commettre le sacrifice ultime.
Po strništi bos

Po strništi bos

Aug 17, 2017
L'histoire d'un petit garçon forcé de quitter Prague pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale pour aller dans un petit village de Slavonice où il rencontre le reste de sa famille. Il a besoin de se faire de nouveaux amis et de s’habituer à une nouvelle vie qui est extrêmement différente de celle à laquelle ce citadin était habitué.
Miss D

Miss D

Jan 01, 2012
A call from an ex-lover threatens to rekindles memories from a time far gone by for D - a lonely cross-dresser trying to come to terms with her new image.
Noční hovory s matkou
Taking a cue from Franz Kafka's "Letter to My Father," this highly personal film follows Czech director Jan Nemec as he attempts to engage in a dialogue with his deceased mother. While alive, Nemec's mother had a troubled relationship with her son; this rumination seems to be Nemec's public platform for coming to terms with unresolved familial issues. The director embellishes his film by linking personal events with 20th century history.


Feb 16, 2020


Nov 03, 2005
Jan Nemec, a leading filmmaker of the Czech New Wave, creates an original portrait of one of the most provocative artists of the 20th century: Toyen (Marie Cerminova). As a female artist, Toyen broke through the male-dominated art world to create paintings and drawings often erotic in nature. She co-founded the surrealist movement in her native Prague, survived the Nazis and the Communists, maintained artistic and personal relationships with artists Jindrich Heisler (whom she hid during WWII) and Jindrich Styrsky.
Ma famille afghane

Ma famille afghane

Oct 21, 2021
Lorsque Herra, une jeune femme tchèque, tombe amoureuse de Nazir, un Afghan, elle n'a aucune idée de la vie qui l'attend dans l'Afghanistan post-Talibans, ni de la famille qu'elle s'apprête à intégrer. Un grand-père progressiste, un enfant adopté qui brille par son intelligence et Freshta, qui ferait n'importe quoi pour échapper à l'emprise violente de son mari.


Apr 01, 2016
Discharged from the hospital after a partial face transplant, Eva is consumed by curiosity about her donor, with whom she feels increasingly connected.


Jan 28, 2022


Dec 18, 2016
When Hana Sikorova, mayor of a northern Bohemian village, stands up to a large coal mining concern that offers villagers large compensation in exchange for abandoning their houses built on land containing brown coal deposits, her fourteen year old daughter Misha disappears. The search for her daughter makes Hana suspicious of the whole community, after years of peaceful coexistence. Under the pressure of unfolding events, the community starts to fall apart and show its true face. Solving the mystery divides the story into several interweaving narratives that ultimately connect in unexpected ways.
Marie-Thérèse d'Autriche
Conciliant romanesque et rigueur historique, cette superproduction européenne retrace l'histoire d'une souveraine exceptionnelle qui, de 1745 à 1780, dirigea l'Empire austro-hongrois en vivant au grand jour sa vie amoureuse et familiale.
Le village des secrets
Intolérance, inceste, manipulations, trafics, corruption, police dépassée : la bourgade de Buchnov, et ses vérités soigneusement enfouies, n'a rien de riant. Un enchevêtrement de peurs, de jalousies et de complicités a conduit un village entier à étouffer un meurtre. Sédentarisée mais reléguée à l'extérieur du village, la communauté rom hérite ici des basses œuvres et des crimes commis par d'autres. Ce village aux antagonismes exacerbés en raison, notamment, de difficultés sociales, apparaît comme un concentré des maux qui rongent l'Europe, où le sort réservé aux Roms n'est, dans l'ensemble, guère enviable.


Oct 21, 2018
A chronicle of the fall of the Austro-Hungarian empire and the rise of the Balkan states.