Bolek Prchal

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Eva tropí hlouposti

Eva tropí hlouposti

Nov 10, 1939
Eva's aunt is jealous of her neighbor's excellent roses and wants to know the secret. To help auntie out Eva applies for secretarial work at the neighbor's house in order to find out the formula. Things get complicated when it turns out that Eva's brother is in love with the daughter of the house and also wants to get in there under false pretenses.
Nebe a dudy

Nebe a dudy

Oct 31, 1941
Rudolf Bartoš, the owner of a farm, quarry and factory, is extremely rich, however, he is unapproachable and irritable, and the dread of his employees. One day he falls down a steep slope by a river and hurts himself. The quarryman Fábera finds him groaning in pain and takes him to his cottage.
Studujeme za školou

Studujeme za školou

Jan 05, 1940
The heroes of the Czech film comedy are the students of the Business Academy, who sleep in the school desks under the avalanche of a large amount of study material, without which they say they will not be able to do without in their future profession. One of the least popular teachers is the strict and unyielding Professor Wolf, proud of his textbook. Nevertheless, student life is relatively calm, but only until the holidays come and the students go directly to the field for their holiday practice. The film follows how unhappy the first encounter with business reality turned out for three of them, for Karel Zeman, Ivan Javorský and Vašek Pelíšek...
Veliká příležitost
An optimistic collective drama from the life of the workers on the construction site of the Youth Track. An amnestied prisoner wants to atone for his wrongdoing with an honest strike and reveals the vandal who was going to poison the drinking water cistern.
Dva ohně

Dva ohně

Feb 17, 1950
A socialist drama from the time of the February coup. The owner of the brickyard will use several workers before February in order to subvert worker solidarity and continue to do his black business. However, the vigilance of a young, aware worker prevents him from doing so.
Roztomilý člověk

Roztomilý člověk

Jul 04, 1941
The main hero of the story is the editor Viktor Bláha, who likes to invent crazy mystifications, during which he has a good time at the expense of those around him. Not only friends pay for his jokes, especially his roommate Jan Valtera, but also completely unknown people who "get involved in his wound" and have no idea that the slightest mistake on their part will trigger an avalanche of Bláh's eloquence. But as they say, everything takes time... The film was shown for the first time at the Film Festival in Zlín on July 30, 1941.
Přednosta stanice

Přednosta stanice

Apr 12, 1941
Vlasta Burian jako černý pasažér rozvrátí disciplinovaný chod jednoho nádraží. Pan Ťopka působí dojmem gentlemana trochu chaplinovského typu. Živí se příležitostnou prací, za níž jezdí výhradně jako černý pasažér vlakem. Při jedné jízdě se setká s obávaným generálním inspektorem drah Kokrhelem. Na jedné malé stanici se mu podaří vystoupit a převléknout se do uniformy přednosty stanice. Setkání s inspektorem Kokrhelem se však nevyhne... (oficiální text distributora)
Před maturitou

Před maturitou

Sep 09, 1932
The story of high school students, talented Jan and Karel, who has a problem with math. Their life affects pedantic professor of mathematics Klec, that goes with them on a school trip, which escalates the conflict between them. Jan wants to escape, but Professor Donat will discourage him. Karel fails the exam of mathematics and decides to commit suicide.
Svět kde se žebrá

Svět kde se žebrá

Jun 17, 1938
The smooth narration, corresponding to the requirements of a light comedy, develops the smiling and optimistic story of the "one-armed" beggar Dostál, who earned enough money with his excellent begging skills to buy a nice house, become a respectable master of the house, and save the impoverished lawyer Neprosil from poverty, who he contributed regularly to him when he was still well off. He also wanted to get him together with his pretty ward Zorka, for whom he said he would be an ideal husband, but the young people were able to do that by themselves and without his clumsy help, or rather despite his rather ineffective help... The film was shown at the VI. IFF in Venice in 1938.
Cesta do hlubin študákovy duše
Small stories from a grammar school.Děj je poskládán z celé řady epizod, které během jednoho školního roku prožívají septimáni. Jejich pojítkem je příběh profesora přírodopisu Matulky, starého mládence a věčného suplenta, který si z přehnané svědomitosti ani v pokročilém věku netroufá složit tu poslední státnici. Stále se mu totiž zdá, že ještě něco nezná, a tak by snad bez diplomu odešel i do penze. Naštěstí jsou tu jeho studenti, kteří sice dávají dobráckému učiteli pěkně zabrat, ale po nezodpovědné klukovině s bouchacími kuličkami, kdy se Matulkovi udělá špatně, se kluci vzpamatují a s pomocí mladého profesora, někdejšího Matulkova žáka, připraví šlechetnou lest. Pod záminkou nákupu k doplnění školní entymologické sbírky je vylákán ke zkoušce u laskavého profesora Vondráka. (oficiální text distributora)
Dívka v modrém

Dívka v modrém

Jan 26, 1940
A painting of a girl from another time comes to life for it's buyer in this costume comedy.
Řeka čaruje

Řeka čaruje

Jan 25, 1946
Leopold Kohák married a rich widow a long time ago and now has nothing to do compared to his energetic wife. He's growing old and troubled by the fact that he betrayed his first love Emča and his beloved river Sázava where he spent his childhood and youth. A visit from an old friend Lebeda brings it all back to him. After a nervous breakdown Leopold secretly visits his home instead of going to the spa. A wandering tramp suggest Leopold should bathe in the magical waters of the Sázava, and slowly his youth returns to him.
U pěti veverek

U pěti veverek

Feb 25, 1944
Josef Houbička, the owner of the U pěti veverek apartment building in Malostran, is a kind and forgiving good man who allows himself to be ruthlessly oppressed by his proud wife, Filoména, and secretly fixes her problems with the tenants. He lends rent money to two poor painters and bribes offended maids just to keep the house quiet. He would like to restore the old soap factory in the house, but Filoména promotes more profitable garages. And since neither of them wants to back down, Houbička eventually leaves the house after one of the arguments. He makes friends with the innkeeper Pulec, who runs the not-so-prosperous inn At the Leaky Jug...
13. revír

13. revír

Mar 08, 1946
Inspector Cadek from the 13th police station should keep an eye on the released safe-cracker nicknamed The Cat. He rightly suspects that Cat will go and pick up his last loot which the police didn't manage to find and that he will want revenge on Karta who helped get him behind bars. At the hospital, Cat's ex-lover Fróny hopelessly falls for doctor Chrudimský and decides to start a new life. She still refuses to help the inspector in his search for The Cat and Karta.


Jul 05, 1946
An ambitious and selfish lawyer confesses to the murder of his first wife. Some of the scenes were filmed in the last weeks of the war.


Mar 24, 1950
The catastrophically dry weather of 1947 causes immense problems in the countryside. In the small village Klícov, only farmers Hánek and Bervida and the old Hromádka have water. The others must queue every day for a drop for themselves and their cattle. All the villagers lament over their previous decision to turn down the cooperative chairman Kouba's proposal to built a new village water-supply system.