Tommy Kroepels

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L'Origine de la violence
Lors d’un voyage en Allemagne, un jeune professeur, Nathan Fabre, découvre au camp de concentration de Buchenwald la photographie d’un détenu dont la ressemblance avec son propre père, Adrien, le stupéfie. De retour en France, le souvenir de cette photographie ne cesse de l'obséder. Face au silence de son père, il décide alors de se pencher sur l'histoire de sa propre famille. Les secrets qu'il y découvre bouleversent son existence. À l'issue de sa quête, Nathan comprendra que le passé, même enfoui au plus profond des mémoires, finit toujours par resurgir...
Neonnächte - Der U-Bahn-Schlitzer
A new case for the energetic criminal investigation officer Beate Stein: The half-undressed corpse of a subway driver is found in a subway tunnel. It soon seems as if the perpetrator has been found in a convicted female murderer. But after his death, the murders continue ...

Jan 11, 2009

Lena's father works as a developer in Hitler's high-tech forge, where the famous unit receiver E1 was developed. When he dies in 1945, he leaves a notebook with the name Sattler. He should look for Lena. Lena is stranded with her seriously ill mother Hilde and her sister Betty in a village near Fürth. Here she meets two men: Walter Juskowiak, returnees from prisoner of war, with whom she meets, and Hans Sattler. The representative for radio kits turns out to be the son of Wilhelm Sattler, owner of the Sattler works in Fürth. Lena is sure to have finally found the right man.