J. Todd Anderson

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Confessions d'un homme dangereux
Parallèlement à sa carrière d'animateur du Gong Show, un jeu télévisé américain qui dura quatre ans, de 1976 à 1980, Chuck Barris aurait mené une carrière de tueur professionnel. Il aurait officié pour le compte de la CIA sous le nom de Sunny Sixkiller. Confessions d'un homme dangereux se penche sur ce destin peu ordinaire.


Mar 08, 1996
Jerry Lundegaard, vendeur de voitures d’occasion à Minneapolis est endetté jusqu’au cou. Pour s’en sortir, il fait appel à Carl Showalter et Gaear Grimsrud, deux escrocs à la petite semaine, pour qu’ils enlèvent son épouse Jean. Il pourra ainsi partager avec les ravisseurs la rançon que son riche beau-père paiera pour la libération de sa fille. Mais le plan va rapidement tourner au désastre.
The Nice Guys

The Nice Guys

May 15, 2016
Los Angeles. Années 70. Deux détectives privés enquêtent sur le prétendu suicide d’une starlette. Malgré des méthodes pour le moins « originales », leurs investigations vont mettre à jour une conspiration impliquant des personnalités très haut placées…


Feb 14, 2011
Depuis 60 ans, Paul, un extraterrestre, vit sur terre et collabore avec le gouvernement américain. Il se cache à l'abri des regards dans une base militaire ultra secrète... Paul est à l'origine de tout ce qu’on a pu imaginer sur les extraterrestres, du merchandising aux scénarios de Rencontres du troisième type , E.T. ou encore X Files. Hélas pour lui, maintenant que le gouvernement américain lui a soutiré toutes les informations intéressantes sur la vie extraterrestre, il décide de se débarrasser de lui. Paul réussit alors à s'échapper et tombe nez à nez avec deux adolescents attardés fans de science-fiction qui sillonnent les États-Unis en camping car. Paul les convainc de l'emmener avec eux et de l'aider à quitter la terre. La tâche s’avère d'autant plus difficile pour nos deux "héros du dimanche" qu'ils sont poursuivis par un flic implacable assisté de deux pieds nickelés du FBI...
My Mummy

My Mummy

Aug 05, 2008
While shopping at Earl’s All American Exquisite Antique-O-Rama, Brad and Cat decide to buy a mummy. But what begins as a joke quickly unravels in this crazy horror spoof starring J. Todd Anderson, Adam Rihacek and Natasha Randall. The visually striking comedy marks the sophomore feature of writer-director Anderson, the longtime storyboard artist and visual consultant for the Coen brothers
American Violence

American Violence

Feb 03, 2017
Fascinée par les causes de la violence, le Dr Amanda Tyler interroge et analyse Jack Shea, un condamné à mort. Alors que l'entretien commence et que le sort de Jack est en suspens, Amanda doit décider si un sursis à l'exécution doit être accordé.
The Old Man & the Gun

The Old Man & the Gun

Sep 27, 2018
L'histoire vraie d'un braqueur de banques âgé de 78 ans qui n'a toujours pas renoncé à sa passion pour les hold-ups...
Emma and Elvis

Emma and Elvis

Oct 02, 1992
Alice and Eddie, two misfit political activists challenge the problems of their time.


Mar 08, 1996
Alice and Eddie, two misfit political activists challenge the problems of their time.
My Mummy

My Mummy

Aug 05, 2008
While shopping at Earl’s All American Exquisite Antique-O-Rama, Brad and Cat decide to buy a mummy. But what begins as a joke quickly unravels in this crazy horror spoof starring J. Todd Anderson, Adam Rihacek and Natasha Randall. The visually striking comedy marks the sophomore feature of writer-director Anderson, the longtime storyboard artist and visual consultant for the Coen brothers
The Naked Man

The Naked Man

Aug 02, 1998
While shopping at Earl’s All American Exquisite Antique-O-Rama, Brad and Cat decide to buy a mummy. But what begins as a joke quickly unravels in this crazy horror spoof starring J. Todd Anderson, Adam Rihacek and Natasha Randall. The visually striking comedy marks the sophomore feature of writer-director Anderson, the longtime storyboard artist and visual consultant for the Coen brothers
Ave, César !

Ave, César !

Feb 05, 2016
While shopping at Earl’s All American Exquisite Antique-O-Rama, Brad and Cat decide to buy a mummy. But what begins as a joke quickly unravels in this crazy horror spoof starring J. Todd Anderson, Adam Rihacek and Natasha Randall. The visually striking comedy marks the sophomore feature of writer-director Anderson, the longtime storyboard artist and visual consultant for the Coen brothers
Le grand saut

Le grand saut

Mar 11, 1994
While shopping at Earl’s All American Exquisite Antique-O-Rama, Brad and Cat decide to buy a mummy. But what begins as a joke quickly unravels in this crazy horror spoof starring J. Todd Anderson, Adam Rihacek and Natasha Randall. The visually striking comedy marks the sophomore feature of writer-director Anderson, the longtime storyboard artist and visual consultant for the Coen brothers
My Mummy

My Mummy

Aug 05, 2008
While shopping at Earl’s All American Exquisite Antique-O-Rama, Brad and Cat decide to buy a mummy. But what begins as a joke quickly unravels in this crazy horror spoof starring J. Todd Anderson, Adam Rihacek and Natasha Randall. The visually striking comedy marks the sophomore feature of writer-director Anderson, the longtime storyboard artist and visual consultant for the Coen brothers
My Mummy

My Mummy

Aug 05, 2008
While shopping at Earl’s All American Exquisite Antique-O-Rama, Brad and Cat decide to buy a mummy. But what begins as a joke quickly unravels in this crazy horror spoof starring J. Todd Anderson, Adam Rihacek and Natasha Randall. The visually striking comedy marks the sophomore feature of writer-director Anderson, the longtime storyboard artist and visual consultant for the Coen brothers
The Nice Guys

The Nice Guys

May 15, 2016
While shopping at Earl’s All American Exquisite Antique-O-Rama, Brad and Cat decide to buy a mummy. But what begins as a joke quickly unravels in this crazy horror spoof starring J. Todd Anderson, Adam Rihacek and Natasha Randall. The visually striking comedy marks the sophomore feature of writer-director Anderson, the longtime storyboard artist and visual consultant for the Coen brothers
Et l'homme créa la femme
While shopping at Earl’s All American Exquisite Antique-O-Rama, Brad and Cat decide to buy a mummy. But what begins as a joke quickly unravels in this crazy horror spoof starring J. Todd Anderson, Adam Rihacek and Natasha Randall. The visually striking comedy marks the sophomore feature of writer-director Anderson, the longtime storyboard artist and visual consultant for the Coen brothers
La Prophétie des ombres
While shopping at Earl’s All American Exquisite Antique-O-Rama, Brad and Cat decide to buy a mummy. But what begins as a joke quickly unravels in this crazy horror spoof starring J. Todd Anderson, Adam Rihacek and Natasha Randall. The visually striking comedy marks the sophomore feature of writer-director Anderson, the longtime storyboard artist and visual consultant for the Coen brothers
The Predator

The Predator

Sep 05, 2018
While shopping at Earl’s All American Exquisite Antique-O-Rama, Brad and Cat decide to buy a mummy. But what begins as a joke quickly unravels in this crazy horror spoof starring J. Todd Anderson, Adam Rihacek and Natasha Randall. The visually striking comedy marks the sophomore feature of writer-director Anderson, the longtime storyboard artist and visual consultant for the Coen brothers
Science Fiction
Men in Black

Men in Black

Jul 02, 1997
While shopping at Earl’s All American Exquisite Antique-O-Rama, Brad and Cat decide to buy a mummy. But what begins as a joke quickly unravels in this crazy horror spoof starring J. Todd Anderson, Adam Rihacek and Natasha Randall. The visually striking comedy marks the sophomore feature of writer-director Anderson, the longtime storyboard artist and visual consultant for the Coen brothers
The Big Lebowski

The Big Lebowski

Mar 06, 1998
While shopping at Earl’s All American Exquisite Antique-O-Rama, Brad and Cat decide to buy a mummy. But what begins as a joke quickly unravels in this crazy horror spoof starring J. Todd Anderson, Adam Rihacek and Natasha Randall. The visually striking comedy marks the sophomore feature of writer-director Anderson, the longtime storyboard artist and visual consultant for the Coen brothers
The Old Man & the Gun

The Old Man & the Gun

Sep 27, 2018
While shopping at Earl’s All American Exquisite Antique-O-Rama, Brad and Cat decide to buy a mummy. But what begins as a joke quickly unravels in this crazy horror spoof starring J. Todd Anderson, Adam Rihacek and Natasha Randall. The visually striking comedy marks the sophomore feature of writer-director Anderson, the longtime storyboard artist and visual consultant for the Coen brothers
La Famille Addams

La Famille Addams

Nov 22, 1991
While shopping at Earl’s All American Exquisite Antique-O-Rama, Brad and Cat decide to buy a mummy. But what begins as a joke quickly unravels in this crazy horror spoof starring J. Todd Anderson, Adam Rihacek and Natasha Randall. The visually striking comedy marks the sophomore feature of writer-director Anderson, the longtime storyboard artist and visual consultant for the Coen brothers
Le Cri du Faucon

Le Cri du Faucon

Aug 09, 2019
While shopping at Earl’s All American Exquisite Antique-O-Rama, Brad and Cat decide to buy a mummy. But what begins as a joke quickly unravels in this crazy horror spoof starring J. Todd Anderson, Adam Rihacek and Natasha Randall. The visually striking comedy marks the sophomore feature of writer-director Anderson, the longtime storyboard artist and visual consultant for the Coen brothers
Warcraft : Le Commencement
While shopping at Earl’s All American Exquisite Antique-O-Rama, Brad and Cat decide to buy a mummy. But what begins as a joke quickly unravels in this crazy horror spoof starring J. Todd Anderson, Adam Rihacek and Natasha Randall. The visually striking comedy marks the sophomore feature of writer-director Anderson, the longtime storyboard artist and visual consultant for the Coen brothers


Jun 30, 1989
While shopping at Earl’s All American Exquisite Antique-O-Rama, Brad and Cat decide to buy a mummy. But what begins as a joke quickly unravels in this crazy horror spoof starring J. Todd Anderson, Adam Rihacek and Natasha Randall. The visually striking comedy marks the sophomore feature of writer-director Anderson, the longtime storyboard artist and visual consultant for the Coen brothers
Arizona Junior

Arizona Junior

Mar 13, 1987
While shopping at Earl’s All American Exquisite Antique-O-Rama, Brad and Cat decide to buy a mummy. But what begins as a joke quickly unravels in this crazy horror spoof starring J. Todd Anderson, Adam Rihacek and Natasha Randall. The visually striking comedy marks the sophomore feature of writer-director Anderson, the longtime storyboard artist and visual consultant for the Coen brothers