Alexander Senderovich

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Hotel Lux

Hotel Lux

Oct 27, 2011
1938. Hans Zeisig, un comédien juif, s'est permis une plaisanterie sur Hitler et doit fuir Berlin. Sous une fausse identité, il voyage jusqu'à Moscou et atterrit à l'Hôtel Lux, refuge des exilés communistes. Alors que les arrestations frappent tour à tour les habitants de l'hôtel, Hans réalise qu'il a emprunté malgré lui une identité peu ordinaire : celle de l'astrologue de Hitler. Une fonction qui intéresse grandement Joseph Staline. Intrigué, le dictateur soviétique ne tarde pas à l'engager comme astrologue personnel...


Mar 21, 2024
Yair, an ultra-Orthodox Yeshiva student, opens an electronics shop in "Geula", a neighborhood that is the shopping epicenter for the entire ultra-Orthodox community in Jerusalem. The religious character of the neighborhood is enforced by the "Geula Committee" and Yair strictly adheres to their rules. His shop is introducing a world of advanced technology that overnight becomes a magnet for every ultra-Orthodox household, but the increasing intrusion of modernity is an affront to the committee, leading to an inevitable conflict that forces Yair into a desperate struggle for survival.
Les Interdits

Les Interdits

Nov 27, 2013
1979. Carole et Jérôme ont 20 ans et partent en voyage organisé à Odessa, derrière le rideau de fer. Ils sont cousins et se prétendent fiancés. Le jour, simples touristes, ils visitent monuments et musées. Le soir, ils faussent compagnie au groupe et rencontrent clandestinement des refuzniks, Juifs harcelés par le régime soviétique pour avoir voulu quitter le pays. Ils découvrent un monde inconnu, brutal et absurde. Si Carole est animée par l’engagement et le goût du risque, pour Jérôme, la vraie motivation de ce voyage, c’est Carole.
Lenin in October

Lenin in October

Sep 26, 2010
A comedy set in Ashdod, Israel. Grisha, has almost given up on his dream of opening his own restaurant and serving his specialty dishes. The sudden death of a rich uncle in Russia changes all that. The uncle bequeaths all his money to his only and beloved nephew, so that he may open a restaurant. The problem is that all his life, the uncle was a sworn Communist, and his condition for granting the inheritance is that the restaurant be dedicated the values of Communism. Grisha is indifferent to these values but accepts the condition- he wants to make his dream come true at any price and he's prepares to dedicate the restaurant to any ideology they tell him to - it really doesn't matter. This leads to conflict between Grisha and his father, a failed poet who blames everything on the Soviet regime back in the Old Country.