Jennifer Venditti

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New York Conversations
New York Conversations is a documentary made of varied conversations revolving around cinema in New York. These conversations give us the opportunity to sketch some of the bad boys and girls -directors, actors or producers of New York cinema, whether they be famous, anonymous or blossoming talents. Young and impetuous for most, they are watched over by a few veterans. All share this iron will to remain independent, out of choice but above all, out of necessity. The necessity to create at any cost. Shot with a Super8 camera, this documentary groups together 15 short conversations about film making, life, independence, art and...New York.
Uncut Gems

Uncut Gems

Aug 30, 2019
Un propriétaire de bijouterie, au sein de Diamond District à New York, et revendeur à ses heures perdues, voit sa vie bouleversée lorsque sa marchandise est volée.
Billy the Kid

Billy the Kid

Dec 09, 2007
"I'm not black, I'm not white, not foreign, just different in the mind. Different brains, that's all," explains 15-year-old Billy in Jennifer Venditti's provocative coming of age film. Following Billy as he bicycles through the quiet streets of small town Maine, we watch him traverse the frustrating gap between imagination and reality, grappling with isolation and first-time young love. By turns exhilarating and disturbing, we see the world from the intimate view of an expressive and seemingly fearless outsider.
Funny Pages

Funny Pages

Aug 26, 2022
"I'm not black, I'm not white, not foreign, just different in the mind. Different brains, that's all," explains 15-year-old Billy in Jennifer Venditti's provocative coming of age film. Following Billy as he bicycles through the quiet streets of small town Maine, we watch him traverse the frustrating gap between imagination and reality, grappling with isolation and first-time young love. By turns exhilarating and disturbing, we see the world from the intimate view of an expressive and seemingly fearless outsider.
Undercover: Une histoire vraie
"I'm not black, I'm not white, not foreign, just different in the mind. Different brains, that's all," explains 15-year-old Billy in Jennifer Venditti's provocative coming of age film. Following Billy as he bicycles through the quiet streets of small town Maine, we watch him traverse the frustrating gap between imagination and reality, grappling with isolation and first-time young love. By turns exhilarating and disturbing, we see the world from the intimate view of an expressive and seemingly fearless outsider.
star-crossed: the film
Takes the music from the studio to the screen with gorgeous visuals and a sense of heightened reality envisioned by Musgraves and Zeinali and shot by Academy Award-nominated cinematographer Matthew Libatique.
Lost River

Lost River

Apr 08, 2015
Takes the music from the studio to the screen with gorgeous visuals and a sense of heightened reality envisioned by Musgraves and Zeinali and shot by Academy Award-nominated cinematographer Matthew Libatique.
Billy the Kid

Billy the Kid

Dec 09, 2007
"I'm not black, I'm not white, not foreign, just different in the mind. Different brains, that's all," explains 15-year-old Billy in Jennifer Venditti's provocative coming of age film. Following Billy as he bicycles through the quiet streets of small town Maine, we watch him traverse the frustrating gap between imagination and reality, grappling with isolation and first-time young love. By turns exhilarating and disturbing, we see the world from the intimate view of an expressive and seemingly fearless outsider.
American Honey

American Honey

Sep 30, 2016
"I'm not black, I'm not white, not foreign, just different in the mind. Different brains, that's all," explains 15-year-old Billy in Jennifer Venditti's provocative coming of age film. Following Billy as he bicycles through the quiet streets of small town Maine, we watch him traverse the frustrating gap between imagination and reality, grappling with isolation and first-time young love. By turns exhilarating and disturbing, we see the world from the intimate view of an expressive and seemingly fearless outsider.
Désir rampant

Désir rampant

Jan 20, 2006
"I'm not black, I'm not white, not foreign, just different in the mind. Different brains, that's all," explains 15-year-old Billy in Jennifer Venditti's provocative coming of age film. Following Billy as he bicycles through the quiet streets of small town Maine, we watch him traverse the frustrating gap between imagination and reality, grappling with isolation and first-time young love. By turns exhilarating and disturbing, we see the world from the intimate view of an expressive and seemingly fearless outsider.
Good Time

Good Time

Aug 11, 2017
MMA fighter Mark Kerr struggles with addiction, winning and love during his peak era in the UFC.


Nov 05, 2025
MMA fighter Mark Kerr struggles with addiction, winning and love during his peak era in the UFC.
Les Ruines

Les Ruines

Apr 02, 2008
Upon her release from a detention centre, undocumented Uyghur immigrant Aishe moves to New York City, vowing to outrun the many things chasing her.
Mad love in New York

Mad love in New York

May 29, 2015
Upon her release from a detention centre, undocumented Uyghur immigrant Aishe moves to New York City, vowing to outrun the many things chasing her.
Honey Boy

Honey Boy

Sep 28, 2019
Upon her release from a detention centre, undocumented Uyghur immigrant Aishe moves to New York City, vowing to outrun the many things chasing her.
Ted K

Ted K

Oct 29, 2021
Upon her release from a detention centre, undocumented Uyghur immigrant Aishe moves to New York City, vowing to outrun the many things chasing her.
Uncut Gems

Uncut Gems

Aug 30, 2019
Upon her release from a detention centre, undocumented Uyghur immigrant Aishe moves to New York City, vowing to outrun the many things chasing her.
Nos âmes d'enfants

Nos âmes d'enfants

Nov 19, 2021
Upon her release from a detention centre, undocumented Uyghur immigrant Aishe moves to New York City, vowing to outrun the many things chasing her.
Marty Supreme

Marty Supreme

Dec 25, 2025
Upon her release from a detention centre, undocumented Uyghur immigrant Aishe moves to New York City, vowing to outrun the many things chasing her.
The Carpenter's Son

The Carpenter's Son

Aug 14, 2025
A boy, known only as ‘The Boy’, is driven to doubt by another mysterious child and rebels against his guardian, 'The Carpenter', revealing inherent powers and a fate beyond his comprehension. As he exercises his own power, the Boy and his family become the target of horrors, natural and divine.

Feb 27, 2022

À 17 ans, Rue Bennett, fraîchement sortie de désintox, cherche à donner un sens à son existence. Elle se lie très vite à Jules Vaughn, une fille trans récemment arrivée en ville après le divorce de ses parents. Dans leur sillage gravitent Nate Jacobs, un sportif dont les problèmes de colère masquent des complexes sexuels ; Maddy Perez, la petite amie de Nate ; Chris McKay, star de l'équipe de football qui peine à suivre les cours ; Cassie Howard, dont le passif sexuel continue de la poursuivre ; Lexi Howard, jeune sœur de Cassie et amie d'enfance de Rue ; et Kat Hernandez, en pleine exploration de sa sexualité. Adaptation US de la série éponyme israëlienne Euphoria (2012), elle-même tirée d'une histoire vraie.

Jan 14, 2024

De jeunes mariés s'efforcent de concrétiser leur projet d'éco-habitat dans une petite ville du Nouveau Mexique.

Jul 02, 2023

Suite à sa dernière tournée entachée par une dépression nerveuse, Jocelyn est déterminée à récupérer son titre de pop star la plus populaire et sexy d'Amérique. Tedros, un propriétaire de boîte de nuit au passé trouble, ranime la flamme en elle. Cette nouvelle romance l’entraînera-t-elle au sommet de son art, ou la fera-t-elle basculer dans les tréfonds de son âme ?

May 26, 2024

Un espion communiste franco-vietnamien, depuis les derniers jours de la guerre du Vietnam jusqu'à son arrivée à Los Angeles en tant que réfugié. Là-bas, il se rend compte que son travail n'est pas terminé.