Rosaria De Cicco

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Anime borboniche

Anime borboniche

Jan 14, 2021
A married couple is going to the Royal Palace of Caserta for a historical reenactment.
La guerra di Mario

La guerra di Mario

Mar 03, 2006
A court takes 9-year-old Mario away from his abusive family and entrusts him to a childless couple. For the three of them, living together is difficult and often painful, since they come from two different worlds. To cope with loneliness and displacement, Mario creates his own world, where he meets Schad Sky, an imaginary friend.
Pianese Nunzio, 14 anni a maggio
A young priest crusades against organized crime in his Naples neighbourhood but falls in love with a 13-year-old boy. It's the chance the gangsters were waiting for to get rid of the thorn in their side. Will they be able to force the boy to accuse the priest of sexual harassment and have his reputation destroyed?
Segui le Ombre

Segui le Ombre

Mar 05, 2004
The young Carabiniere Gatta is sent to barracks in the Naples area. It's 1946 and the war is still hanging in the air even if the small community doesn't seem to have been affected that much by it. Even so, certain suspicions take root in the brigadier's mind. The hotel in the town was the setting for unexplained deaths and crimes that had been covered up. Gatta decides to investigate. Fragments begin to emerge, killers and their victims take shape and speak to each other from different times. There's the hotel owner, a grief-striken mother, a weak son and long-suffering sister, an orphan and two woman who were violently killed. Pain, indifference and shame cast a shadow over everything.
Vito e gli altri

Vito e gli altri

Sep 19, 1991
A despairing man murders his wife and his son on New Year's Eve before surrendering to the police. Placed in the custody of sexually abusive relatives, his only surviving child Vito is left free to roam the trash-strewn back streets of Naples where he and his friends engage in drug abuse, prostitution and petty crime.
Feisbum - Il film

Feisbum - Il film

May 08, 2009
The title translates literally as "Faceboom." An omnibus film helmed by seven top-tiered Italian directors, this comedy explores the worldwide Facebook craze of the early 21st century by recounting the adventures of numerous Europeans whose lives are altered by that social networking site.
L'homme en plus

L'homme en plus

Aug 31, 2001
L'histoire de deux hommes, tous deux nommés Antonio Pisapia, qui sont sur le déclin et mènent des vies étrangement parallèles. L'un est un chanteur pop dont le succès se termine après un scandale sexuel ; l'autre est un footballeur dont la carrière est interrompue par une blessure.
Io non ci casco

Io non ci casco

Dec 05, 2008
Marco, close to turning eighteen, is a boy like many others: he has a girlfriend, lots of friends and is passionate about electronic music, especially DJ Claudio Coccoluto. One day he is the victim of a moped accident and ends up in an irreversible coma: family and friends gather around him in the hospital room, full of pain but also of hope.
Un paio di occhiali

Un paio di occhiali

Jan 01, 2001
A Donatello award nominated short feature about a young girl whose vision of her family and the world is drastically changed when she gets a new pair of spectacles.
La kryptonite nella borsa
Set in 1970s Naples, bullied nine year-old Peppino is watching the world around him as his extended dysfunctional family change. Psychedelic flower power and hippie love is threatening the old traditional southern Italian family. Dad is having an affair and Mom has taken to her bed with depression. Super-mod brother and sister Titina and Salvatore take the boy under their wings, introducing him to demonstrations and love-ins, whilst caped superhero Gennaro visits Peppino even after being knocked down and killed by the number 12 bus. It is the imaginary appearances of this older superman cousin that help the nine-year-old navigate the complicated adult world.
Mister Felicità

Mister Felicità

Jan 01, 2017
A slacker switches up his cleaning job by pretending to be a mental coach's assistant and consults an injured ice skater who has lost her confidence.
Tableau de famille

Tableau de famille

Mar 16, 2001
Mariés depuis dix ans, Massimo et Antonia, une biologiste à Rome, mènent une existence heureuse jusqu'au jour où ce dernier décède dans un tragique accident de voiture. Sombrant dans la dépression, Antonia découvre que son mari entretenait depuis sept ans une liaison secrète avec un homme, Michele. Elle part alors à sa rencontre.
La Fenêtre d'en face

La Fenêtre d'en face

Feb 27, 2003
Rome, 1943. Aux heures les plus sombres de la guerre, un jeune apprenti boulanger tue son employeur avant de disparaître dans les rues de la ville endormie. 60 ans plus tard, un vieux monsieur élégant, de l'argent à la main, erre dans Rome sans savoir qui il est. Un jeune couple, Giovanna et Filippo, le croise par hasard. Filippo le ramène dans leur appartement malgré les réticences de la jeune femme. Au fil des jours, elle se prend d'amitié pour cet homme solitaire et décide de découvrir son secret avec l'aide de son voisin d'en face. Les souvenirs commencent à affleurer. La mémoire de Davide se réveille. Au fur et à mesure que les événements tragiques qui ont marqué l'esprit du vieil homme ressurgissent, Giovanna et Lorenzo se rapprochent enivrés par leur propre attirance et captivés par l'esprit et le passé du vieil homme...
E se mi comprassi una sedia?
Gaetano and Gennaro Tavani are two brothers on the threshold of fifty, they are nine months apart from each other. The first, Gaetano, has little acting experience behind him, while the second, Gennaro, has written some screenplays in the past and directed some small films as a director. Together they opened a "cinematic" production company, Tavani Brass, mainly dealing with small commercials, pre-eighteenth birthday videos and weddings. Their dream is to be able to make a successful film. Given Checco Zalone's exploits, the two propose to an unknown Neapolitan singer, Chicco Resina, to create a product capable of intercepting the success of the blockbuster film in Italy.
Troppo napoletano

Troppo napoletano

Apr 07, 2016
When Debora's ex-husband, a popular neomelodic singer, loses his life in a stage dive, she worries that her 11-year-old son Ciro may be showing symptoms of depression. Taken to a child psychologist, shy Tommaso, Ciro eventually confesses to him that it's not his father's death that has got him down, it's love for his classmate, the cute Ludovica. The two make a deal: Tommaso will help Ciro to win the affections of Ludovica, while Ciro will give Tommaso a hand at having a chance with his mother.
Il sindaco pescatore

Il sindaco pescatore

Feb 08, 2016
In this fact-based drama, an ecology-minded fisherman is elected mayor of his corrupt seaside town and begins crusading against drugs and crime.
Cattive inclinazioni

Cattive inclinazioni

Sep 26, 2003
When a bloodthirsty serial killer begins murdering women with a carpenter’s set square, the story becomes a media sensation, inspiring kooks from all over the city to attempt to cash in on the publicity.
La Loi de la mafia

La Loi de la mafia

Oct 19, 2014
Grandeur et décadence d'un clan de la Camorra, à travers le parcours d'un criminel et de sa famille. Quarante ans de la vie d'un homme dans l'une des villes les plus belles et les plus controversées du monde : Naples.
Un giorno perfetto

Un giorno perfetto

Aug 30, 2008
Antonio and Emma have been separated for years, but he does not accept when Emma dates other men. Indeed Antonio proves obsessive, aggressive and intrusive, and again threatens Emma to hurt the children: little Kevin, shy and introverted, and the adolescent Valentina.
Un'estate al mare

Un'estate al mare

Jun 27, 2008
Set against the sun-soaked shores of Italy in the summertime, seven different tales unfold about life, love, loss, family, and friendship.
Mariti in affitto

Mariti in affitto

Apr 02, 2004
When Vincenzo Scocozza , an Italian immigrant sculptor living and working in Manhattan, weds the expectant Charlene Taylor, it over complicates his life for he is already married
Silvio et les autres

Silvio et les autres

Sep 13, 2018
Il a habité nos imaginaires par la puissance de son empire médiatique, son ascension fulgurante et sa capacité à survivre aux revers politiques et aux déboires judiciaires. Il a incarné pendant vingt ans le laboratoire de l’Europe et le triomphe absolu du modèle libéral après la chute du communisme. Entre déclin et intimité impossible, Silvio Berlusconi incarne une époque qui se cherche, désespérée d’être vide.
Non è solo un gioco

Non è solo un gioco

Sep 18, 2019
The Skratch Fab presents It is not just a game, directed by Guglielmo Lipari, a short hit with the mockumentary style full of twists.
Magari resto

Magari resto

Sep 10, 2020
In the splendid setting of the Cilento, Francesca is preparing for her wedding but feels that something in her life is not quite right. Surrounded by her longtime friends, with wedding preparations in full swing, she begins to ask herself important questions and to look for answers where she has always built her most solid certitudes, as ever finding help from her counsellor, Don Fabio. She will end up stumbling on a truth that will completely subvert the tidiness of her life, questioning her tenets, only to realize she is ready to find herself.
I liceali

I liceali

Jul 06, 2011
A teen comedy-drama set in an Italian public high school following an ensemble cast of students and teachers.
Un sacré détective

Un sacré détective

Dec 26, 2024
Don Matteo est un curé de campagne, à Gubbio, une petite ville en Italie. Son sacerdoce ne s'arrête pas à dire la messe ou confesser ses paroissiens, mais aussi à enquêter sur les différents crimes qui ont lieu dans sa paroisse.