Jonathan Gurfinkel

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Les Méduses

Les Méduses

May 05, 2007
Le jour de son mariage, Keren se casse la jambe et doit renoncer à sa lune de miel aux Caraïbes... Une mystérieuse petite fille sortie de la mer change la vie de Batya, la jeune femme qui la recueille et qu'elle suit comme son ombre... Joy, une employée de maison en exil va, sans le vouloir, renouer les liens entre une vieille femme sévère et sa fille... Bouteilles jetées à la mer, fragments d'humanités qui flirtent avec l'absurde... Dans un joyeux désordre chacun cherche sa place, l'amour, l'oubli ou sa mémoire, car telle est la vie à Tel-Aviv...
שש פעמים

שש פעמים

Dec 05, 2013
Gili is a teenager who decides to change schools. She is determined to improve her lame social status. Over the course of a few weeks she hooks up with several different boys, all from her new school. Their encounters get more and more sexual, each time exploring their limits a little further. The boys are eager to take what is so generously offered, and Gili is thrilled with the attention. Just as Gili is trapped in the zone where it's not certain if she is giving her consent to what is happening or not, the viewer too feels trapped in the same zone, feeling for certain that something terrible is happening, but unable to pin point exactly when, and what...