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キタの帝王 闇の咆哮
The mysterious death of the perpetrator of sexual violence against women continues. Former lawyer Toshisuke Honmoto begins to work on solving the case. However, a group of men calling themselves the "Justice Restoration Group" appear before Honmoto, and a battle with them begins.


Jan 01, 1996
Hotondo is a capable lawyer who is about to marry his girlfriend Mayumi. However, during a trial, Mayumi is involved in an accident and tragically dies. Hotondo investigates the suspicious circumstances surrounding her death, but falls into a mysterious trap and is sentenced to two years in prison. Two years later, Hotondo is released and discovers that the medical corporation Atsumito-kai is involved in Mayumi's death.
快楽殺人女捜査官 囮
After reading about beautiful women killed in a gruesome manner during the recent months, Akiko tries to nail down the sick serial killer herself. What she does not know is that the killer has already targetted her as his next victim.
School days with a pig
Hoshi, un jeune enseignant japonais, met en place une expérience unique pour ses élèves de sixième. Afin d'illustrer la chaîne alimentaire et faire comprendre à ses élèves l'importance de la responsabilité humaine, il décide de leur faire passer l'année avec un porcelet et de le manger le jour du départ en vacances.
The Revenge : A Visit from Fate
Sho Aikawa plays a police detective whose dark personal history makes it impossible for him to stay within the limits of the legal system. But he is not just a detective; he is also a husband who has to explain to his wife how he got blood on his sleeve. And the criminals he pursues turn out to be as imperfect and oddly human as he is-and just as determined to protect their own families.


Jun 05, 1996
A woman, lotus, who has tatami of Kannon, a good-looking appearance and a sharp sword arm on the back, turns into a yogyakaya in a certain town town as a guard. In the end, Koren finds out that tokubei, a regular member of the store, is a man who killed and killed his mother. In such a way, a tiger family against the nyoya houses children of the town. It was tokubei's trap to attract the lotus and try to be the dead. In order to save the child, the lotus family was alone to fulfill the grudge of the years.
リストラ代紋 史上最強の公務員
Even the group was forced to quit due to excessive ferocity. Satoshi Narumi became a temporary employee at the ward office for his beloved wife. Every day she works hard at miscellaneous tasks such as making tea and making copies, even though she is teased by her disgusting boss. Even if I can't stand it sometimes, I always think of my wife's smile,I spent my days in peace, but... Between violence and counter work, chivalry and beloved wife, The masculinity of Restructuring Daimon - Satoshi Narumi explodes!
リストラ代紋 3

リストラ代紋 3

Jan 02, 1997
Former mobster Satoshi Narumi, who was laid off from a yakuza group and became a temporary employee at the Koenji Ward Office, is once again approached by evil forces.
Mariko Okano’s boyfriend Junichi Nagata leaves suddenly to become a volunteer teacher in a remote country. Mariko and Junichi’s families are both left wondering why he departed so quickly, without discussing his plans with them first. The next day, a woman’s charred body is discovered in a warehouse. The woman turns out to be Ayako Oshima, the mother of a student who was suspected of arson in a warehouse blaze 15 years ago. Oddly, Mariko had been trapped in that warehouse fire with another student, but was saved by Junichi. However, the other student died in the blaze. Soon after, Mariko receives a letter from Junichi, in which he confesses to a crime Mariko was not aware of. Are the two fires related? And what was the crime Junichi confessed to?


Sep 17, 1997
Kiriko a professional assassin with a dark past finds the boss of the criminal organization she belongs to is the man who killed her father years ago in Manila.
Sadako 3D 2

Sadako 3D 2

Aug 30, 2013
Tandis que Kashiwada Kiyoshi a été condamné à la peine de mort pour une série de meurtres, Akane et Takanori ont eu une petite fille, Nagi. Malheureusement, Akane est décédée peu de temps après la naissance. Cinq ans ont passé. La petite Nagi est victime de moqueries et de brimades, elle semble encore traumatisée par l'absence de sa mère. Son père Takanori trop pris par son travail, c'est sa tante Fuko qui s'en occupe essentiellement. Mais Fuko éprouve un certain malaise auprès de l'enfant autour de laquelle les morts mystérieuses s'enchainent. Et si Sadako était de retour...
Another XX ダブルエックス 狂愛
Female detective Eiko Kagami is on a sting operation to lure and arrest a stalker with her beauty. One day, one after another, call girls who are friends of Kenichi Yoshii, a popular writer, are murdered. All of them were killed immediately after having relations with each other, and Yoshii's book “Crazy Love” was always left at the murder scene, the torn pages seeming to be intended as a message from the murderer. Furthermore, Yoshii's close secretary and lover, Michiko, was arrested as the murderer, and the case seemed to be solved. However, the true culprit's footsteps were approaching close to Yoshii...!


Feb 03, 1996
Directed by Banmei Takahashi of "New Love in Tokyo." A drama centered around identity, with a half Korean/Japanese man and a hermaphroditic woman.
ビジネスマン必勝講座 ヤクザに学ぶ カリスマ性
In the yakuza world, where 'conflict,' 'prison sentences,' and 'death' are ever-present threats, the leader’s responsibility is immense, and their leadership skills are honed to perfection. To develop motivated subordinates and unite the organization, the key ingredient is undeniably 'charisma!' How do these bosses acquire their 'charisma'!? The highly popular 'Learn from the Yakuza' series continues with its fourth installment!!
往復書簡 ~十五年後の補習
Office lady Mariko was puzzled that her boyfriend Junichi suddenly left for a remote country. Junichi volunteered as an international volunteer to teach children in developing countries, and he will not return for another two years. Junichi had decided to do such an important thing without consulting himself or his family...what was the reason? With no phone service, all Mariko can do is to write a letter to Junichi expressing her anxiety.
Kamen Rider

Kamen Rider

Feb 23, 2025
Le monde est tourmenté par Shocker, une mystérieuse organisation terroriste, qui recrute ses agents en kidnappant des personnes qu'ils transforment en mutants cyborgs. Takeshi Hongo, l'une des victimes, se rebelle juste avant la phase finale de sa transformation. A l'aide de ses nouveaux pouvoirs, il décide de combattre Shocker...
Action & Adventure
Mr Brain

Mr Brain

Jul 11, 2009
Ryusuke Tsukumo est un neuro-scientifique travaillant pour l'Institut Nationale de Recherche de la Police Scientifique. Il n'arrive généralement pas à décrypter l’atmosphère d'une situation ; mais, lorsqu'il utilise sa science, il se fait alors très respecter. Lorsque quelque chose titille son intérêt, il y persévère et ne renonce jamais, cherchant obstinément les criminels avec certitude.
14-Sai no Haha

14-Sai no Haha

Dec 20, 2006
Ichinose Miki est une collégienne de 14 ans tout à fait responsable, elle n'a aucun problème particulier, sauf peut-être un peu de mal à suivre en cours (c'est pour cela qu'elle prend des cours du soir). Là, elle y rencontre Kirino Satoshi, plus vieux qu'elle d'un an, avec qui elle va se lier d'amitié. Petit à petit les deux adolescents vont se rapprocher. Mais voilà que deux mois après le début de l'histoire, Miki va se rendre compte qu'elle est enceinte ! Les réactions des gens la concernant vont changer du tout au tout, ils vont très vite la juger et la mépriser. Ses parents complètement désarmés et sous le choc vont essayer de faire au mieux pour leur « petite » fille. La jeune fille va subir bien des tourments et des tracas, mais en fin de compte quelle vie va-t-elle décider de mener et comment la mènera-t-elle ? Ce qui est sûr c'est qu'elle devra surmonter beaucoup d'obstacles…