Helen Reddy

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Peter et Elliott le dragon
Nouvelle‐Angleterre, au début du XXᵉ siècle. Peter, un orphelin de neuf ans, s’échappe de sa famille adoptive qui le maltraite. Son seul ami, un dragon de cartoon nommé Elliott, a le pouvoir de devenir invisible quand bon lui semble. Les deux camarades arrivent dans une petite ville côtière et trouvent refuge chez le gardien du phare. Ensemble, ils vont vivre d’incroyables aventures et devront affronter le terrible Docteur Terminus qui veut mettre la main sur Elliott…
747 en péril

747 en péril

Oct 18, 1974
L'action de 747 en péril se situe à bord d’un avion de type Boeing 747 de la compagnie fictive Columbia Airlines entre Washington et Los Angeles. Afin d'éviter l'épaisse nappe de brouillard qui recouvre Los Angeles, le commandant Stacy reçoit l'ordre d'atterrir à Salt Lake City. Lors de la descente vers l’aéroport, une collision avec un petit avion de tourisme dont le pilote vient de mourir d'une crise cardiaque, éjecte le copilote et tue le mécanicien navigant se trouvant dans le poste de pilotage du Boeing 747. Seul survivant, le commandant Stacy gravement blessé et incapable de se maintenir aux commandes.
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Le bonheur et l'harmonie règnent à Heartland, symbolisées par un ancien militaire, le sergent Pepper, qui a fondé un groupe de musique nommé Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Des jeunes musiciens modernes recréant sa musique se font engager par un producteur de disques à Los Angeles, M. Kite. M. Mustard, maléfique promoteur immobilier assoiffé d'argent, en profite pour corrompre Heartland.
The Perfect Host

The Perfect Host

Jul 01, 2010
John est en cavale après avoir fait un braquage. Blessé au pied, il cherche refuge dans la plus proche maison possible et tombe sur celle de Warwick qui est sur le point d’organiser un petit dîner entre amis. John va rapidement s’apercevoir que Warwick est un hôte hors du commun.
Accomplished Women

Accomplished Women

Jan 01, 1974
This film features six prominent women successful in a variety of fields: Katharine Graham, president of the Washington Post Company; Dr. Virginia Apgar, specialist in the problems of newborn infants; LaDonna Harris, founder of Americans for Indian Opportunity; Shirley Chisholm, first black U.S. Congresswoman; Nikki Giovanni, poet; and Helen Reddy, singer.
Neil Diamond : Live At the Greek Theatre 1976
Neil Diamond gives a powerful and memorable performance at the packed Greek Theatre in Los Angeles in 1976, perhaps one of Neil’s great years. The show takes us back to a memorable time in pop music and in Neil Diamond’s career - while also giving us music that is as fresh and timeless today as it was then. The early hits are here, in rousing and intimate interpretations: ‘Cherry, Cherry,’ ‘Song Sung Blue,’ ‘Sweet Caroline,’ ‘I Am...I Said,’ ‘Cracklin’ Rosie,’ and more. But Neil also introduces songs from what was then his new album - and is now considered a classic - the benchmark ‘Beautiful Noise,’ produced by rocker Robbie Robertson. And Neil gets across the footlights, bringing the big audience to its feet, inciting clapping and singing along, and pulling two of the best-known stars of the era, singer Helen Reddy and the actor Henry Winkler (then an icon as TV’s ‘Fonzie’) up on stage to sing with him. An amazing trip back in time with one of our most enduring singers.
The Midnight Special Legendary Performances 1973
The Midnight Special is an American late-night musical variety series that aired on NBC during the 1970s and early 1980s, created and produced by Burt Sugarman. It premiered as a special on August 19, 1972, then began its run as a regular series on February 2, 1973; its last episode was on May 1, 1981. The ninety-minute program followed the Friday night edition of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. The show typically featured guest hosts, except for a period from July 1975 through March 1976 when singer Helen Reddy served as the regular host. Wolfman Jack served as the announcer and frequent guest host. The program's theme song, a traditional folk song called "Midnight Special", was performed by Johnny Rivers.
The Midnight Special Legendary Performances 1975
The Midnight Special is an American late-night musical variety series that aired on NBC during the 1970s and early 1980s, created and produced by Burt Sugarman. It premiered as a special on August 19, 1972, then began its run as a regular series on February 2, 1973; its last episode was on May 1, 1981. The ninety-minute program followed the Friday night edition of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson.
Paul Williams Still Alive
Filmmaker and longtime fan Stephen Kessler's portrait of the award-winning 1970s singer-songwriter-actor, who disappeared for much of the 1980s and '90s, but still performs today.
Senior Entourage

Senior Entourage

May 03, 2021
Senior Entourage is a wild, wacky "Mockumentary" comedy featuring a zany, multi-racial cast ranging in age from 9 to 90. It's "Seinfeld for seniors" starring Ed Asner, Helen Reddy, Charlie Robinson, Marion Ross and Mark Rydell
Kenny Rogers and Friends
Extraits de diverses émissions télévisées diffusées à la télévision américaine au début des années 1970'contenant une vingtaine de chansons, dont certaines en duo avec plusieurs amis de Kenny Rogers tels que : Kenny Rogers, Ricky Nelson, Bill Withers, Helen Reddy, B.J. Thomas, Sam Houston, José Feliciano & The first Edition.
Les Griffin

Les Griffin

Mar 02, 2025
La famille Griffin habite à Quahog, charmante petite bourgade américaine. Peter, le père, a érigé la fainéantise en philosophie de vie. Lois, la mère, est à la fois la femme au foyer bonne à tout faire et le cerveau de la famille. Chris, le fils, a hérité de son père ses formes généreuses et ses préoccupations favorites sont manger, surfer sur le web et manger. Megan, la fille, est l'archétype de l'adolescente en crise : elle ne s'aime pas et, en même temps, attend désespérément son prince. Stewie, le petit dernier, a pour ambition de conquérir le monde. Même Brian, le chien, est complètement fou, ou plutôt très intelligent : il parle, philosophe, débat... Bienvenue chez les Griffin !
The Jeffersons

The Jeffersons

Jul 02, 1985
La famille Jeffersons quitte sa maison du Queens pour un emménager dans un bel appartement de Manhattan.
Le Muppet Show

Le Muppet Show

Mar 15, 1981
Que le spectacle commence ! Kermit la grenouille, Miss Peggy, Fozzie l'ours, et Gonzo, les marionnettes du Muppet Show, s'animent pour nous offrir un show haut en couleurs. En coulisses, alors que chacun prépare son numéro, la tension monte. Les Muppets se mettent en quatre pour recevoir leur invité d'honneur, la personnalité du moment ! Cerise sur gâteau, Statler et Waldorf, confortablement installés dans la loge-balcon, ne manque jamais une occasion de se moquer de leurs compères...
Hallmark Hall of Fame

Hallmark Hall of Fame

Nov 27, 2011
Hallmark Hall of Fame is an anthology program on American television, sponsored by Hallmark Cards, a Kansas City based greeting card company. The longest-running primetime series in the history of television, it has a historically long run, beginning during 1951 and continuing into 2013. From 1954 onward, all of its productions have been shown in color, although color television video productions were extremely rare in 1954. Many television movies have been shown on the program since its debut, though the program began with live telecasts of dramas and then changed to videotaped productions before finally changing to filmed ones. The series has received eighty Emmy Awards, twenty-four Christopher Awards, eleven Peabody Awards, nine Golden Globes, and four Humanitas Prizes. Once a common practice in American television, it is the last remaining television program such that the title includes the name of the sponsor. Unlike other long-running TV series still on the air, it differs in that it broadcasts only occasionally and not on a weekly broadcast programming schedule.
The Flip Wilson Show

The Flip Wilson Show

Feb 28, 1974
The Flip Wilson Show is an hour long variety show that aired in the U.S. on NBC from September 17, 1970 to June 27, 1974. The show starred American comedian Flip Wilson; the program was one of the first American television programs starring a black person in the title role to become highly successful with a white audience. Specifically, it was the first successful network variety series starring an African American. During its first two seasons, its Nielsen ratings made it the nation's second most watched show. The show consisted of many skits over an hour. It also broke new ground in American television by using a 'Theatre-in-the-Round' stage format, with the audience seated on all sides of a circular performance area. Wilson was most famous for creating the role of Geraldine Jones, a sassy, modern woman who had a boyfriend named Killer. Flip also created the role of Reverend Leroy, who was the minister of the Church of What's Happening Now!. New parishioners were wary of coming to the church as it was hinted that Reverend Leroy was a con artist. Wilson popularized such catchphrases as "What you see is what you get", and "The devil made me do it!".
Diagnostic : Meurtre

Diagnostic : Meurtre

May 11, 2001
Le docteur Mark Sloan aide un service de police à résoudre des enquêtes criminelles, en tant que consultant. Son fils Steve Sloan, policier très compétent, lui demande un coup de main pour résoudre les affaires difficiles. Mark travaille au Community General Hospital de Los Angeles avec Amanda Livingstone, puis Bentley, qui est une de ses amies, et sur qui il peut compter pour résoudre les enquêtes. Pendant les deux premières saisons, Jack Stewart assiste Mark, Steve et Amanda puis décide de partir exercer dans le Colorado. À partir de la troisième saison, Jesse Travis prend la relève.
Les Griffin

Les Griffin

Mar 02, 2025
La famille Griffin habite à Quahog, charmante petite bourgade américaine. Peter, le père, a érigé la fainéantise en philosophie de vie. Lois, la mère, est à la fois la femme au foyer bonne à tout faire et le cerveau de la famille. Chris, le fils, a hérité de son père ses formes généreuses et ses préoccupations favorites sont manger, surfer sur le web et manger. Megan, la fille, est l'archétype de l'adolescente en crise : elle ne s'aime pas et, en même temps, attend désespérément son prince. Stewie, le petit dernier, a pour ambition de conquérir le monde. Même Brian, le chien, est complètement fou, ou plutôt très intelligent : il parle, philosophe, débat... Bienvenue chez les Griffin !
The Midnight Special

The Midnight Special

May 16, 1980
The Midnight Special is an American late-night musical variety series that aired on NBC during the 1970s and early 1980s, created and produced by Burt Sugarman. It premiered as a special on August 19, 1972, then began its run as a regular series on February 2, 1973; its last episode was on May 1, 1981. The ninety-minute program followed the Friday night edition of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. The show typically featured guest hosts, except for a period from July 1975 through March 1976 when singer Helen Reddy served as the regular host. Wolfman Jack served as the announcer and frequent guest host. The series also occasionally aired vintage footage of older acts. As the program neared the end of its run in the early 1980s, it began to frequently use lip-synched performances rather than live. The program also featured occasional comedic performances such as Richard Pryor and Andy Kaufman.
The Midnight Special

The Midnight Special

May 16, 1980
The Midnight Special is an American late-night musical variety series that aired on NBC during the 1970s and early 1980s, created and produced by Burt Sugarman. It premiered as a special on August 19, 1972, then began its run as a regular series on February 2, 1973; its last episode was on May 1, 1981. The ninety-minute program followed the Friday night edition of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. The show typically featured guest hosts, except for a period from July 1975 through March 1976 when singer Helen Reddy served as the regular host. Wolfman Jack served as the announcer and frequent guest host. The series also occasionally aired vintage footage of older acts. As the program neared the end of its run in the early 1980s, it began to frequently use lip-synched performances rather than live. The program also featured occasional comedic performances such as Richard Pryor and Andy Kaufman.


Nov 22, 1982
Disco was a pop music program that aired in Germany on the ZDF network from 1971 to 1982. It generally aired on the first Saturday of each month at 7:30PM, each show running 45 minutes. 133 shows were produced. The show was hosted by German actor and comedian Ilja Richter. Its lesser known predecessor on ZDF, 4-3-2-1 Hot & Sweet was aired between 1966 and 1970, presenters included Ilja Richter and Suzanne Doucet. Disco generally served a younger pop-oriented audience compared to ZDF's Hitparade, and until 1972, its main competitor was Beat-Club, followed by Musikladen, both on ARD. Repeats of Disco have been aired since 1984 on ZDF Musikkanal, after its closedown in 1989 on 3sat. Since 2004, the digital ZDF Theaterkanal aired repeats of the entire series. In 2007, ZDF Dokukanal began to air reruns, starting with episodes from 1975 and also multiple repeats of the series have been shown on hit24 in 2008. The show focussed on chart hits current at the time of airing, giving about equal airtime to international pop music and German Schlager. Despite its name, it did not particularly focus on disco music although it featured many disco hits as long as they were chart relevant..
The Tonight Show avec Johnny Carson
Le 1er octobre 1962, Groucho Marx accueillit Johnny Carson comme le nouveau présentateur du The Tonight Show. L’émission a été filmée à New York pendant pratiquement les dix premières années, avec Johnny Carson en tant que présentateur. Puis à partir de mai 1972, le plateau déménagea au Studio One à Burbank en Californie pour le reste de son « mandat » .


Jul 28, 1994
Singer-actress Vicki Lawrence hosted this talk and entertainment show.


Jul 01, 1992
Chat show hosted by Terry Wogan, featuring live studio interviews with famous and notable personalities.
The Mike Douglas Show

The Mike Douglas Show

Nov 30, 1981
The Mike Douglas Show is an American daytime television talk show hosted by Mike Douglas that originally aired only in the Cleveland area during much of its first two years on the air. It then went into syndication in 1963 and remained on television until 1982. It was distributed by Westinghouse Broadcasting and for much of its run, originated from studios of two of the company's TV stations in Cleveland and Philadelphia.
The Carol Burnett Show
The Carol Burnett Show is an American variety/sketch comedy television show starring Carol Burnett, Harvey Korman, Vicki Lawrence, Lyle Waggoner, and Tim Conway. It originally ran on CBS from September 11, 1967, to March 29, 1978, for 278 episodes and originated from CBS Television City's Studio 33. The series won 25 prime time Emmy Awards, was ranked No. 16 on TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time in 2002 and in 2007 was listed as one of Time magazine's "100 Best TV Shows of All Time."
The Carol Burnett Show
The Carol Burnett Show is an American variety/sketch comedy television show starring Carol Burnett, Harvey Korman, Vicki Lawrence, Lyle Waggoner, and Tim Conway. It originally ran on CBS from September 11, 1967, to March 29, 1978, for 278 episodes and originated from CBS Television City's Studio 33. The series won 25 prime time Emmy Awards, was ranked No. 16 on TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time in 2002 and in 2007 was listed as one of Time magazine's "100 Best TV Shows of All Time."
The Carol Burnett Show
The Carol Burnett Show is an American variety/sketch comedy television show starring Carol Burnett, Harvey Korman, Vicki Lawrence, Lyle Waggoner, and Tim Conway. It originally ran on CBS from September 11, 1967, to March 29, 1978, for 278 episodes and originated from CBS Television City's Studio 33. The series won 25 prime time Emmy Awards, was ranked No. 16 on TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time in 2002 and in 2007 was listed as one of Time magazine's "100 Best TV Shows of All Time."
The Tonight Show avec Johnny Carson
Le 1er octobre 1962, Groucho Marx accueillit Johnny Carson comme le nouveau présentateur du The Tonight Show. L’émission a été filmée à New York pendant pratiquement les dix premières années, avec Johnny Carson en tant que présentateur. Puis à partir de mai 1972, le plateau déménagea au Studio One à Burbank en Californie pour le reste de son « mandat » .
Golden Globe Awards

Golden Globe Awards

Jan 05, 2025
An annual awards ceremony recognizing excellence in film and television, both domestic and foreign, bestowed by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association.
The Tim Conway Show

The Tim Conway Show

Mar 07, 1981
A variety/sketch comedy television series. Tim Conway hosted a variety show so closely modeled on the successful Carol Burnett Show, even using some of the same sketches. Interpersed were dance routines where all the performers were youngsters and musical numbers.
The Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour
The Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour is an American network television music and comedy variety show hosted by singer Glen Campbell from January 1969 through June 1972 on CBS. He was offered the show after he hosted a 1968 summer replacement for The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour. Campbell used "Gentle on My Mind" as the theme song of the show. The show was one of the few rural-oriented shows to survive CBS's rural purge of 1971.
La croisière s'amuse

La croisière s'amuse

Feb 27, 1987
Le capitaine Stubing et son équipage, le barman Isaac, le docteur Adam, la directrice de croisière Julie et Gopher, accueillent chaque semaine sur leur paquebot, le Pacific Princess, des passagers pour une croisière exceptionnelle.