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Space Travelers

Apr 08, 2000
Trois jeunes hommes, amis d’enfance et sans le sou, vont tenter de dévaliser une banque pour réaliser leurs rêves et partir vivre sur une ile deserte. Une fois dans la banque, tout va aller de travers..
Pokémon 2 : Le pouvoir est en toi
Dans l'Archipel Orange situé tout au sud de Kanto, le Dresseur Gelardan a un plan sinistre : attraper les Pokémon légendaires Artikodin, Électhor et Sulfura dans le but de réveiller Lugia, le gardien des abysses… Lorsque Sacha et ses amis arrivent, les habitants de l'archipel lui demandent de partir à la recherche de 3 sphères élémentaires issues de différentes îles. Alors que le climat est extrêmement perturbé dans le monde entier, il devient évident que la capture du trio légendaire a déséquilibré la planète. Avec l'aide de Lugia, Sacha pourra-t-il trouver les sphères sacrées, rétablir l'équilibre originel et devenir l'Élu tant attendu par tous ?
La journée de Roigada
Ce court-métrage suit le quotidien du Roigada gardant l'île de l'autel du film Pokémon 2 : Le pouvoir est en toi. Roigada commence sa journée en allant chercher des noix de coco grâce à ses pouvoirs psychiques. Ensuite, il fait le tour de l'autel et sent le parfum des fleurs près de là. Dans l'après-midi, il fait une sieste et est réveillé par un Papilusion. Plus tard, il fait un tour dans l'océan et va voir son ami Otaria. Le soir venu, devant le coucher de soleil, il dîne grâce aux algues qu'il a récupéré dans l'après-midi et part se coucher.
Downtown no Gottsu Ee Kanji (ダウンタウンのごっつええ感じ, roughly "Downtown's Feeling Real Good"), was a Japanese variety show. It premiered on December 8, 1991 and ended its run on November 2, 1997. It aired on Fuji TV every Sunday night. Hosted by the comedy duo Downtown (consisting of Masatoshi Hamada and Hitoshi Matsumoto), it had several other actors and comedians in its regular cast, including You, Koji Imada, Koji Higashino, Itsuji Itao, Ryoko Shinohara and Honkon (Takahiro Kurano). Like most other Japanese variety shows, it featured guest interviews and games, but it is best known and remembered for its sketch comedy. Downtown and other cast members would dress in costumes and perform absurd skits with bizarre characters.
Everybody has theories that they personally cling blindly to regardless of proof or scientific validity. In this entertaining information program, a host of celebrities present their cases for pet theories to studio guests by any means be it academic argument or laughably “out there” logic. Can their theories gain acceptance? Or will they be discarded as pop science that only adds confusion to the world? Find out through exhaustive examination including on-location experiments!


Jan 01, 1993
A touching romantic drama about the love and friendship between a man and a woman who have been in a "more than friends, but less than lovers" relationship for 10 years. A touching love story about love and friendship over a period of ten years.   Aozora (Misako Tanaka), an office worker at a foreign-affiliated company, loves her friend's boyfriend, Masakazu (Chisato Oe), and wants to confess her love to him, but she can't betray her friend, so she tries to make up for it with a mistress who looks exactly like him. When Aozora meets Arashi (Hamada Masatoshi) by chance, she sympathizes with his honest way of life and begins to reevaluate her own way of life.
Entertainer Rating Check tests celebrities with questions that any A-list celebrity can answer correctly to prove their status as a top-class celebrity. All celebrities start as top-class celebrities. If they get it wrong, they go down in rank. Get wrong too many times, and they are erased from the screen since they aren’t “worth showing”. Will the celebrities be able to stick around to the very end?


Jun 30, 2000
A man who appears to have no particular passion for anything ironically proves effective with troubled high school students. Known as a legendary savior of problem schools, he shows up one day to salvage what's left of a class that had fallen apart completely. His highly unpredictable reactions and controversial advice to students shock the teachers and staffs much as they do the problem students themselves.


Nov 09, 2018
Renowned entertainers and car lovers grasp the wheel and compete with their battle cars in a variety of never before seen challenges! They face off in life-threatening duels designed to test their speed, courage, and above all, their grit! Put the pedal to the metal! Burn! Destroy! Crash into! This is a new show of the "Dangertainment variety (danger + entertainment)".


Oct 18, 2005
LINCOLN is a Japanese variety show. It premiered on October 18, 2005 and ended on September 10, 2013, and aired on TBS every Tuesday night. Hosted by Downtown, it features seven other owarai geinin in its regular cast, and has several recurring younger, up-and-coming comedians as guests. The show uses Abraham Lincoln as its mascot, and its slogan is: "The program of the geinin, by the geinin, for the geinin," parodying a line from his famous Gettysburg Address. The object of the show is to have the younger comedians watch and learn from the more experienced comedians through fun and games. The opening uses the song "The Revolution" by BT and features the regular cast as superheroic anime characters in a futuristic setting. The animation was done by Studio 4°C, a studio well known for The Animatrix. The opening has since changed to a LINCOLN version of the opening to Kinpachi-sensei and was directed by Ogiyahagi. Tomomitsu Yamaguchi, a regular when the show started, later became a semi-regular due to conflicts with his work schedule.
Gaki no Tsukai Ne Pas Rire Batsu Game
Downtown no Gaki no Tsukai ya Arahende!! (ダウンタウンのガキの使いやあらへんで!!?), parfois abrégée Gaki no Tsukai ou Gaki Tsuka, est une émission de télévision humoristique japonaise (owarai) créée et présentée par le duo Downtown depuis le 3 octobre 1989. Le programme est diffusé sur Nippon TV et continue à ce jour : Gaki no Tsukai fête son 1 000e épisode le 18 avril 2010. Le challenge No Laughing (Ne Pas Rire) consiste à mettre nos protagonistes dans des situations les plus farfelues les unes que les autres, il est formèlement interdit de rire sous peine de punition.


Oct 21, 1993
Downtown DX is a variety talk show hosted by Hamada Masatoshi and Matsumoto Hitoshi. Include several celebrities as weekly guests, introducing their photos and episodes to find out what they are really like. The guests include a wide variety of actors, celebrities, idols, and comedians.


Oct 07, 2004
Ookami Shounen Lie or Truth is a quiz and variety program hosted by Downtown’s Hamada Masatoshi. A series of stories are presented in the video for guest viewers to choose the one is telling the truth or lies. Popular entertainers and actors are also participated in the quiz questions with bloopers and outtakes from drama series.


Oct 03, 2008
Weekly late-night show hosted by Hamada Masatoshi of Downtown along with a rotating guest MC. Each week is a different subject usually. Usually the episode is having a guest talent on to teach Hamada (Hamachan) about a certain subject, or going shopping with Hamada.
Downtown no Gottsu Ee Kanji (ダウンタウンのごっつええ感じ, roughly "Downtown's Feeling Real Good"), was a Japanese variety show. It premiered on December 8, 1991 and ended its run on November 2, 1997. It aired on Fuji TV every Sunday night. Hosted by the comedy duo Downtown (consisting of Masatoshi Hamada and Hitoshi Matsumoto), it had several other actors and comedians in its regular cast, including You, Koji Imada, Koji Higashino, Itsuji Itao, Ryoko Shinohara and Honkon (Takahiro Kurano). Like most other Japanese variety shows, it featured guest interviews and games, but it is best known and remembered for its sketch comedy. Downtown and other cast members would dress in costumes and perform absurd skits with bizarre characters.