A meteor lands in Jamestown California in 1849 during the gold rush. It is found by miners who release it's spoors which turn the population into blood thirsty mutants.
After going through a breakup and moving back home, James navigates through a "quarter life crisis" while dealing with mental illness, a spandex wearing superhero, hunting for coyotes and faith healing as he pursues his dream of making a feature film.
Our story follows Jo, an overweight, impassioned reporter with hopes of becoming a news anchor. She is unsuccessful in her attempts until a revolutionary weight loss program is developed, in which trainers occupy the consciousness of their clients and work out their bodies for them.
Roy est le gars sympa qui passe toujours le dernier. Malade de la situation, quelques jours avant Noël, il accepte une invitation pour un dîner avec la belle et étrangement séduisante Emilia.
Carlo and Melissa stay at a seaside villa but everything changes when Melissa discovers an ancient book of demons and the ghost of a 10 year old boy that's been dead for 40 years. She becomes possessed and it's up to Carlo, with the help of Anna De Luca, a professor on demonology, to stop the ritual that will bring about the rebirth of a 400 year old demon.
Writer/Director Bruce Reisman pays homage to the Golden Age of Broadway during the summer of 1948. Inspired by true events, this is the story of private, often forbidden romances of legends from Montgomery Clift to Richard Rodgers, told through the perspective of 24-year-old Sidney Lumet. This special director’s cut adds 12 minutes of previously-unseen footage.
Dans ce film qui jette un point de vue caustique sur le Hollywood des années 30, le scénariste Herman J. Mankiewicz, alcoolique invétéré au regard acerbe, tente de boucler à temps le script de Citizen Kane d’Orson Welles.
After experiencing a mass shooting that took his wife's life, Nolan now suffers Agoraphobia. Pummeled by fear, Nolan refuses to leave the confines of his home. However, when the laws of time and space begin to do strange things within his apartment's walls, he must battle his fears or suffer a fate worse than death.
Every line on someone's face tells a story. Each character in this short has an even shorter story to tell. All of them wallow in Victimhood with no resolution. Farce, comedy or tragic drama, do you see yourself in any of these people?