Stanley Crouch

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Ali-Frazier I: One Nation... Divisible
In sports history, there are moments that define the essence of competition. In boxing, it is a 1971 fight known as Ali-Frazier I. This documentary chronicles the events that led to what many call 'The Fight of the Century,' in which undefeated heavyweight champion Smokin' Joe Frazier went to war in Madison Square Garden against undefeated deposed champion Muhammad Ali.
Why We Laugh: Black Comedians on Black Comedy
Directors Robert Townsend and Quincy Newell offer this comprehensive and hilarious examination of the history, evolution and cultural significance of African American comedy in America, from the earliest minstrel shows to the latest HBO special. Featuring interviews with cultural critics and loads of comedic clips, this program features appearances by a who's-who of black comedians including Chris Rock, Bill Cosby, Whoopi Goldberg and many more.
What Happened, Miss Simone?
Artiste légendaire et militante passionnée des droits civiques, Nina Simone a marqué son époque autant que son époque l'a marquée. Comment une enfant prodige du piano est-elle devenue une icône controversée du Black Power ? En mêlant archives rares, témoignages de proches ? dont la propre fille de Nina ? et bandes audio exclusives, What Happened, Miss Simone? retrace le parcours hors-norme d'une des artistes les plus appréciées et les moins comprises du XXe siècle. Principalement raconté à la première personne, un récit de vie épique et personnel signé par la réalisatrice nommée aux Oscars Liz Garbus.
The Wonderful World of Louis Armstrong
Louis Armstrong is one of the most recognizable figures in jazz, with his incomparable trumpet playing and beaming smile. This video profiles Armstrong from his humble beginnings in New Orleans through his career as America's Ambassador of Good Will. Film clips, vintage photographs and interviews with family, friends, fellow musicians and Armstrong himself are woven together to tell the story of this legendary personality.


Jan 31, 2001
Jazz is a ten part series that explores the evolution – and the genius – of America’s greatest original art form, focusing on the extraordinary men and women who could do something remarkable – create art on the spot. Jazz celebrates their profoundly enduring, endlessly varied, and infinitely alluring music in the context of the complicated country that gave birth to and influenced it, and was in turn transformed by it.