Alan Miller

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Le Loup, un vagabond sans frontière
Né dans une forêt de l’est de l’Allemagne, un jeune loup entreprend une périlleuse migration jusqu’aux Pays-Bas. Un documentaire aux images rares sur un prédateur qui, désormais protégé, fait son lent retour en Europe de l’Ouest.
African Bambi

African Bambi

Oct 14, 2007
A Giraffe mother tells the story of three young gazelle fawns who have to experience great adventures on the plains of Africa.
African Bambi

African Bambi

Oct 14, 2007
A Giraffe mother tells the story of three young gazelle fawns who have to experience great adventures on the plains of Africa.
African Bambi

African Bambi

Oct 14, 2007
A Giraffe mother tells the story of three young gazelle fawns who have to experience great adventures on the plains of Africa.
Elephants on the Run

Elephants on the Run

Jan 01, 1970
In Elephants on the Run we take a close look at the elephants’ family structure, the problems they face and their determination to live.
Monkey Hunters

Monkey Hunters

Jan 01, 2004
Lions rarely hunt baboons because they are hard to catch and usually not worth the risk or effort. But there is one place in Africa's Great Rift Valley where baboons are plentiful and lions have learned to catch them.
Cheetahs Against All Odds
In the Serengeti, cheetahs lead uneasy lives. Females must leave their cubs alone and exposed to the savagery of more powerful predators in order to hunt. Even scrounging scavengers can gain the upper-hand over this slender and graceful speedster. This extraordinary tale follows two cheetah mothers, struggling to raise their young in the face of constant danger. As their fortunes rise and fall, experience battles against luck for the upper hand and success against all odds.
Dark Side of Crocs

Dark Side of Crocs

Jan 01, 2015
Nile crocodiles, one of the most impressive creatures in the world, live in groups in African rivers. Water comes and goes in the wilds of Africa and while all animals need access to water, few can call the river home.
Dark Side of Crocs

Dark Side of Crocs

Jan 01, 2015
Nile crocodiles, one of the most impressive creatures in the world, live in groups in African rivers. Water comes and goes in the wilds of Africa and while all animals need access to water, few can call the river home.
Dark Side of Crocs

Dark Side of Crocs

Jan 01, 2015
Nile crocodiles, one of the most impressive creatures in the world, live in groups in African rivers. Water comes and goes in the wilds of Africa and while all animals need access to water, few can call the river home.
Fawn Identity

Fawn Identity

Jan 01, 2022
This is the story of two fawns, living parallel lives-one, an impala resident in the southern acacia forests, and the other, a Thompson's gazelle soon to be on the march with the great herds in the grasslands. Both must outrun the hunters to survive in a relentless and deadly contest in the East Africa savannah, one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
The Dark Side of Crocs
Witness daily life for Africa’s largest reptile and one of its fiercest predators in a place few species can call home: the Nile River.
Cheetahs Against All Odds
In the Serengeti, cheetahs lead uneasy lives. Females must leave their cubs alone and exposed to the savagery of more powerful predators in order to hunt. Even scrounging scavengers can gain the upper-hand over this slender and graceful speedster. This extraordinary tale follows two cheetah mothers, struggling to raise their young in the face of constant danger. As their fortunes rise and fall, experience battles against luck for the upper hand and success against all odds.
Cheetahs Against All Odds
In the Serengeti, cheetahs lead uneasy lives. Females must leave their cubs alone and exposed to the savagery of more powerful predators in order to hunt. Even scrounging scavengers can gain the upper-hand over this slender and graceful speedster. This extraordinary tale follows two cheetah mothers, struggling to raise their young in the face of constant danger. As their fortunes rise and fall, experience battles against luck for the upper hand and success against all odds.
Surviving the Serengeti
20 years after the TV Mini-Series "Tales of the Serengeti", our crew reunites to truly explore the Serengeti, with no fiction. We almost didn't survive it.
Surviving the Serengeti
20 years after the TV Mini-Series "Tales of the Serengeti", our crew reunites to truly explore the Serengeti, with no fiction. We almost didn't survive it.
Brutal Killers

Brutal Killers

Apr 01, 2011
Successful lions need to be brutal and use any means to quash would-be kings. These are not random acts of violence, but vital behaviour to secure their own genetic future.
Brutal Killers

Brutal Killers

Apr 01, 2011
Successful lions need to be brutal and use any means to quash would-be kings. These are not random acts of violence, but vital behaviour to secure their own genetic future.

Jan 01, 2005


Oct 04, 2016

De nombreuses espèces réapparaissent dans des habitats auparavant abandonnés, marquant le retour lent mais remarquable de ces animaux à travers l’Europe. Ces documentaires suivent leur retour et leur adaptation à ces nouveaux lieux de vie, à travers différentes espèces comme les martin‑pêcheurs ou les castors.

Jan 15, 2017

L'Afrique abrite une étonnante diversité d'animaux et nous allons apprendre à les connaître à travers six épisodes qui révèleront leur comportement extraordinaire et leurs stratégies de survie. Des plaines herbeuses du célèbre parc national du Serengeti aux montagnes et de la majesté des félins à la beauté des flamants roses, découvrez la vie dans la brousse. Ce premier épisode se concentre sur les chasseurs. Les guépards, les lions, les hyènes et les chacals ont choisi leurs cibles.