Judith Butler

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Examined Life

Examined Life

Sep 05, 2008
Examined Life pulls philosophy out of academic journals and classrooms, and puts it back on the streets. Offering privileged moments with great thinkers from fields ranging from moral philosophy to cultural theory, Examined Life reveals philosophy's power to transform the way we see the world around us and imagine our place in it.
Tongue Twisters

Tongue Twisters

Jan 01, 2011
« How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood ? » A tongue twister is a sentence with much alliterations and is complicated to pronounce. A tongue twister must be spoken quickly and repeated a few times. Langage breaks down between and meaning. This film is a linguistic game between sound and meaning and a portrait of the linguistic reality of Berkeley. Many American people recite tongue twisters in diffrent languages and/or in English as second language : German, Englsih, Arabic, Armenian, Assyrian, Mandarin, Korean, Croatian, Spanish, French, Hebrew, Japonese, Farsi, Portuguese, Tagalog, Vietnamese.
Hannah Arendt : du devoir de la désobeissance civile
La vie et l'œuvre de la philosophe politique allemande d'origine juive Hannah Arendt (1906-75), qui a fait sensation en inventant un concept subversif, la banalité du mal, dans son livre de 1963 sur le procès du criminel de guerre nazi Adolph Eichmann (1906-62), qui s'est tenu en Israël en 1961 et qu'elle a couvert pour le magazine New Yorker.
Photo Booth

Photo Booth

Sep 23, 2022
Outraged by the latest bombing of Gaza, Palestinian queer activists Hamza and Walid recruit queer novelist Jean Genet to help them sabotage the Eurovision song contest in Jericho. Their method? Secure the collaboration of Buddy and Pedro, Toronto's famous gay penguins... The emergence of queer BDS (boycott, divestment, sanctions) as a dynamic Palestinian-led global movement is brought to vivid life through interviews and actions, opera and agitprop, protests and pranks. Recounting fifteen years of passionate activism in Toronto and worldwide, Photo Booth juxtaposes a surreal operatic narrative with documentary scenes that explore pride and pink-washing, gay soldiers and homo-nationalism, Queers Against Israeli Apartheid, and the accelerating weaponization of anti-Semitism.
Fake Orgasm

Fake Orgasm

Dec 02, 2010
Lazlo Pearlman is a conceptual artist, an activist capable of dinamiting our prejudices about sex and identity. What it seems to be a reflexion about lies in our sexual lives suddenly turns out to be a sharp discourse about gender theory and the continuous evolution of our identitiy. Fake Orgasm, first part of an ambitious multidisciplinary project about sexuality and identity, hits our minds and forces a change of perspective to reconsider some concepts we've been educated with and grown up with.
Para Onde Voam as Feiticeiras
Through artistic manifestations, a group of LGBTQIA+ people performs public stagings that raise debates on issues of gender, social inequality and prejudice in the streets of downtown São Paulo. Messing with the popular imagination and providing debates, the artists explain their daily struggles to anyone who is interested in acquiring a new perspective on the most subtle layers of intolerance.


Oct 01, 2017
What if becoming doesn’t lead to an end, but instead is a process of being?
The Palestine Exception
After years of right-wing assaults on higher education, attacks took a new form in 2023 and 2024 that has been described as the new McCarthyism. As students across the country organize protests against Israel's war on Gaza, decades-long taboos in academia around criticism of Israel-the "Palestine exception"-are shattered. This film features professors and students as they join calls for a ceasefire and divestment from companies that do business with Israel and face waves of crackdown from administrators, the media, the police and politicians. Scholars from diverse disciplines explain what is at stake in these protests and why so many young people identify with the Palestinian cause. The documentary unfolds as a story of college campuses as sites of both rebellion and repression, places where personal and collective histories converge in unexpected ways.
Les années 68

Les années 68

May 22, 2018
En 1968 et 1969, alors qu'au Sud-Viêtnam les États-Unis s'engagent de plus en plus massivement dans la guerre, une vague de contestation déferle sur la planète. Dans des pays aussi différents que les vieilles nations européennes et japonaise, les États-Unis, le Mexique, le Brésil sous dictature militaire, la Tchécoslovaquie communiste ou le Zaïre de Mobutu, la jeunesse étudiante constitue souvent le fer de lance de cette révolte multiforme et globale. Alors que les atrocités perpétrées contre les populations civiles vietnamiennes par la puissance américaine jouent un rôle déclencheur, de multiples facteurs cristallisent aussi la révolte.