Peter Singer

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Examined Life

Examined Life

Sep 05, 2008
Examined Life pulls philosophy out of academic journals and classrooms, and puts it back on the streets. Offering privileged moments with great thinkers from fields ranging from moral philosophy to cultural theory, Examined Life reveals philosophy's power to transform the way we see the world around us and imagine our place in it.
Speciesism: The Movie

Speciesism: The Movie

Sep 18, 2013
Modern farms are struggling to keep a secret. Most of the animals used for food in the United States are raised in giant, bizarre factories, hidden deep in remote areas of the countryside. Speciesism: The Movie director Mark Devries set out to investigate. The documentary takes viewers on a sometimes funny, sometimes frightening adventure, crawling through the bushes that hide these factories, flying in airplanes above their toxic manure lagoons, and coming face-to-face with their owners.
Henry, le parcours d'un homme
Le parcours militant et la vie d'Henry Spira, syndicaliste puis activiste de la cause animale, qui expose tout au long du film ce qui fait un·e bon·ne militant·e et une bonne stratégie.
Le Temps des bêtes : un film de cruauté et de compassion
Le documentaire expérimental Le Temps des bêtes porte sur les différentes relations que nous entretenons avec les animaux. Il illustre un paradoxe : il y a ceux que l’on aime et ceux que l’on exploite pour notre profit. Le film met aussi en lumière le travail des gens qui s’occupent de leur bien-être de diverses façons. Ultimement, il propose que le véganisme n’est pas le mouvement radical et marginal que l’on dépeint dans les médias, ni même un style de vie pour simplement faire différent, mais plutôt une forme de conscience qui cherche à réconcilier nos valeurs intrinsèques et nos actions quotidiennes.


Jan 01, 2013
In the short film produced by Fronteiras do Pensamento in partnership with Okna Produções, Australian philosopher Peter Singer proposes fundamental ethical challenges about life: do we have the right to end our own life? After all, how different is existing from living?
Live and let Live

Live and let Live

Nov 03, 2013
Ce documentaire examine nos relations avec les animaux et les raisons éthiques, environnementales et liées à la santé qui conduisent les gens à devenir vegan.


Apr 17, 2017
Ed doit réaliser un documentaire sur le bien-être animal pour faire bouger l'opinion publique. Etranger à cette question, il va s’immerger dans le monde de la cause animale et du véganisme. Cette aventure va remettre en question ses habitudes…mais jusqu'à quel point ?
Food ReLOVution

Food ReLOVution

Jan 14, 2017
“Food Relovution: What We Eat Can Make A Difference” is an eye-opening and compelling feature documentary that examines the consequences of the meat culture as concerns grow about health, world hunger, animal welfare and the environmental cost of livestock production. It aims to show how these global issues affect everyone and are interrelated, and how making our food choices with a sense of awareness, knowing what we are buying and what we are eating is the first fundamental step towards a better world.
A Cow at My Table

A Cow at My Table

Jan 01, 1998
A Cow at My Table explores Western attitudes towards farm animals and meat, and the intense battle between animal advocates and the meat industry to influence the consumer's mind. Five years in production took Director Jennifer Abbott across Canada, the US, Australia and New Zealand to meet with the leaders of the animal rights movement, animal welfare advocates as well as spokespeople from livestock industries. A Cow at My Table inter-cuts these diverse perspectives with archival films, images from modern-day agribusiness and footage of farm animals shot from uncharacteristic vantage points.
Kangaroo: A Love-Hate Story
This groundbreaking film reveals the truth surrounding Australia’s love-hate relationship with its beloved icon. The kangaroo image is proudly used by top companies, sports teams and as tourist souvenirs, yet when they hop across the vast continent some consider them to be pests to be shot and sold for profit. KANGAROO unpacks a national paradigm where the relationship with kangaroos is examined.
Do You Trust this Computer?
La science-fiction a longtemps anticipé l'essor de l'intelligence artificielle, et aujourd'hui, une nouvelle génération d'ordinateurs autodidactes a commencé à remodeler tous les aspects de nos vies. Est-ce que l'IA va inaugurer une ère de potentiel sans précédent, ou s'avérer être notre dernière invention ?
Humans and Other Animals
Nous sommes à un tournant de l'histoire de notre espèce : alors que nous découvrons que les autres animaux nous ressemblent plus que nous ne l'aurions cru possible, un mouvement de plus en plus important dénonce les industries opaques qui utilisent les animaux de manière troublante. "Humans and Other Animals" entraîne les spectateurs dans un voyage épique, présente des preuves directes de la façon dont les animaux pensent, utilisent le langage et ressentent l'amour, et mène l'enquête dans des industries puissantes, à l'aide d'équipements sur mesure et de tactiques jamais expérimentées auparavant. Il présente également une idée philosophique profonde qui pourrait changer à jamais notre façon de voir les autres animaux et de nous percevoir nous-mêmes.


Jul 22, 2021


Hosted by Hamish Macdonald, Q&A puts punters, pollies and pundits together in the studio to thrash out the hot issues of the week. It's about democracy in action - the audience gets to ask the questions.
The Colbert Report

The Colbert Report

Dec 18, 2014
The Colbert Report is an American satirical late night television program that airs Monday through Thursday on Comedy Central. It stars political humorist Stephen Colbert, a former correspondent for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. The Colbert Report is a spin-off from and counterpart to The Daily Show that comments on politics and the media in a similar way. It satirizes conservative personality-driven political pundit programs, particularly Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor. The show focuses on a fictional anchorman character named Stephen Colbert, played by his real-life namesake. The character, described by Colbert as a "well-intentioned, poorly informed, high-status idiot", is a caricature of televised political pundits. The Colbert Report has been nominated for seven Primetime Emmy Awards each in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012, two Television Critics Association Awards Awards, and two Satellite Awards. In 2013, it won two Emmys. It has been presented as non-satirical journalism in several instances, including by the Tom DeLay Legal Defense Trust and by Robert Wexler following his interview on the program. The Report received considerable media coverage following its debut on October 17, 2005, for Colbert's coining of the term "truthiness", which dictionary publisher Merriam-Webster named its 2006 Word of the Year.
Enough Rope With Andrew Denton
Enough Rope with Andrew Denton is a television interview show originally broadcast on ABC1 in Australia. The title of the show came from the phrase "give someone enough rope and they'll hang themselves". The program was the brainchild of Australian comedian, social critic, producer and media personality Andrew Denton, who hosted the show. The hour-long chat show aired from 2003 to 2008.
The Great Philosophers
Bryan Magee traces the history of western philosophy over two millennia, discussing the ideas of the past with an expert guest or contemporary philosopher.