Ronan Leahy

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The Catalpa Rescue

The Catalpa Rescue

Sep 14, 2007
The Catalpa Rescue is the extraordinary story of the daring rescue of six Irish rebels from a notoriously brutal penal colony in Fremantle, West Australia in 1876.
Batman Begins

Batman Begins

Jun 10, 2005
Alors que le souvenir de ses parents assassinés le hante, Bruce Wayne, désemparé, erre à travers le monde cherchant les moyens de combattre l'injustice et ses propres peurs. Avec l'aide de son dévoué majordome et homme de confiance Alfred, de l'inspecteur Jim Gordon et de son allié Lucius Fox, Wayne revient à Gotham City et révèle son alter ego: Batman, un justicier masqué qui utilise sa force, son intelligence et une batterie d'armes high-tech pour combattre les forces sinistres qui menacent la ville…
The Life of Lester Wink
Lester Wink, a door-to-door pet insurance salesman with a phobia of talking with strangers, must make a sale by 5pm, or get fired. He meets Sammy, a widow who is afraid to leave her house, and a friendship is born.


Mar 04, 2016
Gridlock is a thriller set during a traffic jam on a country road. When a little girl goes missing from one of the cars, her father forms a desperate search party to find her, and soon everyone is a suspect.
The Break

The Break

Jul 11, 2015
Since 2008 the recession has been the biggest story in Ireland. Nobody has gone untouched by the catastrophic collapse of house prices, the banking system and the Celtic Tiger feelgood factor. The Break is a story about how Tim, a father of two, tried to cope for the first few months after everything went wrong.
The House Across the Street
Claudia, a lonely single mother and school nurse, is longing for connection. Her opportunity to be a hero comes when a young child in her community – Emily Winter – goes missing. Claudia becomes embroiled in the case and fixated on uncovering the truth. However, her fascination quickly begins to turn to obsession, not only with what happened to Emily, but also with the Winter family at the heart of the case - Emily's grief-stricken father, Owen; her cold mother, Sabine, and her twelve-year-old brother.