Lidiya Sukharevskaya

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Nov 27, 1950
Saint Petersburg, 1858. A group of composers known as The Five meet at Balakirev's. Young Modest Mussorgsky, both a civil servant and a musician, has become a fixture there. He tells about the first opera he plans to compose. Then he goes to the country where he discovers the lowly conditions of the peasants and the bloody conflicts with the rich land owners. He works on Gogol's 'The Marriage', trying to render into music the natural accents of the play's naturalistic dialogue. But his efforts do not pan out. On the other hand, he starts writing his opera on the story of Boris Godunov. The Marinsky Theatre refuses to stage the work. The Five, and Mussorgsky among them, are libeled and the group starts disintegrating. When 'Boris Godunov' is finally performed in 1874, it is a popular success.
Biographical film about the composer Rimskiy-Korsakov. Belongs to the gallery of costume historical and biographical films of the postwar cinema of the Soviet Union. The film tells about the last two decades in the life of Russian composer.
Vassilissa la belle

Vassilissa la belle

May 13, 1940
En butte aux tourments infligés par une marâtre et ses filles, une jeune fille est aidée par une poupée aux pouvoirs surnaturels. Celle-ci lui permet de s'acquitter des épreuves s par la sorcière chez qui elle a été envoyée sous le prétexte de chercher du feu. Elle rentre chez elle porteuse d'un crâne aux yeux ardents, qui consument la marâtre et ses filles. Elle part ensuite à la ville, est recueillie par une vieille auprès de laquelle elle tisse une toile merveilleuse. La vieille offre la toile au tsar, qui finit par convoquer la jeune fille au palais, tombe amoureux d'elle et l'épouse.
Anna Karenine

Anna Karenine

Nov 06, 1967
Anna Karénine, une jeune femme mariée de la haute société russe du xixe siècle, est amoureuse de Vronski, un jeune homme séducteur et fat. Elle prend la fuite avec lui, abandonnant ses enfants et son mari, ennuyeux et important. Les gens du monde se détournent d'Anna qui a de plus en plus de mal à retenir son amant. Elle finit par se jeter sous un train.


Jun 06, 1949
Command of one of the Soviet divisions becomes aware of the alleged enemy counterattack. The scouts sent into the enemy's rear to refine the data returned. A new group of seven scouts, called "The Star", headed by Lieutenant lieutenant. Returning after a job, the group suddenly found with the German squad. After sending one of the scouts with a report, the lieutenant lieutenant with his friends enter into mortal combat with the enemy ...
La garnison immortelle
Les événements se déroulent dans la forteresse de Brest-Litovsk lors de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, au moment où les troupes allemandes envahirent l'Union soviétique, au mois de juin 1941. Au début, le film montre le quotidien des habitants de la garnison, les militaires et leurs familles. Tous font les projets d'avenir et essayent de faire abstraction de ce qu'ils perçoivent comme la provocation des allemands. Mais, un jour, les premiers obus atteignent la forteresse, puis l'assaut commence. Personne n'est au courant du fait que la ligne du front recule. Tous restent sur leurs positions et combattent, en attendant le renfort qui ne viendra jamais, jusqu'à ce que la situation devient désespérée.
Жизнь сначала
The Second World War has ended. With the victory in Moscow, front-line friends, Antonina, Fyodor and Alexey, move into Fyodor’s huge apartment, which was empty in the first years of the war, when his wife left him. Alexey loved Antonina all his life, but when he found out that she loved Fedor, he immediately left for his homeland, and Fedor’s wife unexpectedly returned.
Суд сумасшедших
Germany, the 1930s. A young scientist, Professor Johannes Werner discovers rays of life-giving power. The scientist refuses to give up his invention for military use and, breaking the equipment, runs to the USA, where he hides for a long time under the name of Martini. One day, after being invited to a military industrial concern to see a new European invention, Werner meets his former pupil Huber. Huber, a traitor and fascist, has restored the professor's apparatus according to stolen plans and is demonstrating it as his own invention. Werner rejects the proposal for joint cooperation and, at a meeting in the hall of scientific associations, reveals his real name and resolutely reveals the criminal intentions of the revanchists.


Jul 07, 1943
Chronicle of the life of Russian poet Michail Lermontov, from the final days of Alexandr Pushkin to the fatal destiny of the poet himself.


May 17, 1953
College assessor Miguev, returning home, finds a foundling at the porch. Having mistaken him for his son from the former maid Agnia, the frightened Miguev, in turn, is trying to toss the baby, but to no avail. Tired dad decides to confess to his wife Anna Filippovna, and, meanwhile, the true parents begin to search for their child left “for a second” at the threshold of a respectable house ...


Jun 15, 1959
Three boys live in the same house and go to the same school in Kiev. After one of the boys gets in trouble, their friendship is put to a serious test for the first time in their lives.
Райские яблочки
Political pamphlet based on the story of the Finnish writer Martti Larni "Socrates in Helsinki". Spring of 1944. In the paradise, which has long been settled by the philosopher Socrates, a fired soldier Vittori Virten arrives. The philosopher respected the newcomer with great respect, and they even became friends. Once having distinguished himself before God, the heroes get a vacation on Earth and go on a journey: the soldier decides to visit his family in Laconia, and the sage just wanted to see the world — did he think it once, and decided to join the soldier...


Oct 15, 1957
The film is about the dramatic events of the early years of the Bolshevik Revolution. Based on the play of the same name by Vladimir Bill-Belotserkovets.


Apr 08, 1958
An endemic fever arose in the large Siberian construction area. Four scientists involved in the development of a vaccine against this disease, and whose laboratory was threatened with closure, are sent to the center of the outbreak. They manage to find the cause of the infection and create a vaccine.
Преступление Сильвестра Бонара
The action takes place in Paris in the 1860s and 1880s. The main character is an old scribe, obsessed with a noble passion for ancient manuscripts. One day, he helped a poor woman who lived next door by sending her a cup of broth and a log for the fireplace. Bonar soon forgot about his deed. Eight years later, he received an old manuscript as a gift, which he had long dreamed of, and was surprised to learn that the giver was the woman he had helped in a difficult moment.
TV Movie
Жизнь сначала
The Second World War has ended. With the victory in Moscow, front-line friends, Antonina, Fyodor and Alexey, move into Fyodor’s huge apartment, which was empty in the first years of the war, when his wife left him. Alexey loved Antonina all his life, but when he found out that she loved Fedor, he immediately left for his homeland, and Fedor’s wife unexpectedly returned.