Ildikó Pécsi

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Jan 19, 1961
Miskei, the popular and dynamic president of a co-op falls in love with Mari, the attractive wife of the elderly Pató. The deeply feeling woman is fed up with the service beside the haughty land holder, she is longing for tenderness and a child. The passion of Miskei is growing when he sees how crudely, humiliating Pató treats her. During a powerful summer shower, when chance brings them together in an abandoned press house, he storms on Mari confessing love. The woman refuses him bitterly. Miskei calms down and he keeps on expressing his love and high esteem with the woman by steadfast and tiny compliments. Early one morning Mari leaves her husband and sets off to the city to learn and to begin a new life.
Sztálin menyasszonya

Sztálin menyasszonya

Aug 14, 1991
At a dusty crossroads in the Soviet Union villagers surrender their possessions - a horse, a samovar, a goat - to the state. The train which takes them away brings to the village a physically and mentally handicapped woman, barely able to speak. She makes herself bracelets of burrs and studies herself in a cracked and cloudy mirror. Befriended by very few, teased and tormented by many she seeks protection at a huge portrait of Stalin.
Indul a bakterház

Indul a bakterház

Nov 12, 1980
The story of Bendegúz, the teenage boy who never succeeds in anything and about whom everybody's first though is "I wish you had been hanged when you were born!" drops out of school and becomes a cowboy. He works for the Stationmaster whose cows he has to graze by the railway. Despite his goodwill and kindheartedness he always manages to spoil everything he touches. No matter his wit, he gets into humiliating situations and regularly fights with the Ugly Witch (the Stationmaster's mother-in-law). However his good spirit and cheerfulness never leave him.
Az aranyember

Az aranyember

Dec 13, 1962
Adaptation of Mór Jókai's classic 19th century novel on Mihály Tímár, the captain of a commercial Danube ship in the 1830s, who finds unexpected fortune by meeting a Turkish aristocrat fleeing from his home country with his daughter Tímea. On their journey, they find an unknown island on the Danube, called the Senki szigete (the Island of No-one), a sort of earthly paradise, with only an old woman and her young daughter Noémi living on it.


Apr 16, 1981
"Ripacsok" is a great movie with great soundtrack, acting, cinematography, direction, etc. The world of "artists", hamming actors, good clowns and bad clowns... A unique movie in many ways. Pál Sándor is a very good hungarian director, watch his movies (especially the slightly better "Régi idõk focija") if you have the chance.
Fény a redőny mögött
Torday Géza, a new engineer arrives at the ammunition factory disguised as if manufacturing camping gears. His appearance upsets existing patterns. The director sells the products at a low price in the West. In the meantime diversionaries attempt to destroy the plant. It turns out that Torday is a man of the intelligence built in among the reconnaissance people, as is his childhood lover, Magda. Agents and policemen play the game.
Pesti háztetők

Pesti háztetők

Aug 10, 1961
Gráci has been recently released from a reformatory school. His old gang would like to involve him in a new action, but he hesitates. His past record is bad enough already, and he would not like to get into new trouble.
Plusz-mínusz egy nap

Plusz-mínusz egy nap

Apr 05, 1973
Baradla Géza, war criminal, returns after 25 years, with his ex-accomplice, Obrád Simon, to the village where he burned houses with people inside and executed partisans. The ex squad-leader is chased to this place by his "heroic deed" and the memory of his love. Like a maniac, he wants to forgive the village residents for having killed six of his soldiers.
Mit csinált felséged 3-tól 5-ig?
The chroniclers are diligently scribbling the history of life and deeds of the virtuous and wise King Matthias, who, in the meantime, sneaks out of the palace in disguise. Instead of attending a boring reception of the imperial deputies and papal legates, he pays his address to three pretty women from Szelistye.
Zongora a levegőben

Zongora a levegőben

Aug 13, 1976
Kicsi Dániel, the young virtuoso pianist gets a separate apartment in the ten-storey block of flats. He rehearses all the time, irregularly, day and night, disturbing thus the peace of the dwellers in the thin-walled house. Inquisition begins in the name of equal rights for inhabitants.
N. N.  A halál angyala
The two main characters of this ironic account of the general condition of intellectuals are the charming psychologist, Korin György, and the unexpected. Korin starts a television series of people in their 40s. In the afternoon just after the first section, however, he is reported to be dead as a result of a rather strange accident. Everything turns upside down.
Le CInquième Sceau

Le CInquième Sceau

Oct 07, 1976
L’hiver 1944. Une poignée d’amis se trouvent réunis dans une salle de torture. Pour avoir le droit de sortir, ils doivent gifler un prisonnier en train d’être torturé mais ils sont incapables d’un tel geste. Király le libraire et ses compagnons, donnent leur vie pour conserver une part d’humanité. Seul l’horloger Gyuricza accepte, la mort dans l’âme, d’assener les coups, dans le seul but de sauver les enfants juifs cachés dans son appartement.


Jun 05, 1976
This satire on film depicts the micro-climate of a technical vocational school newly established at a housing estate. The construction vocational school holds a name-giving ceremony, thus calling the attention of its supervisory organ to itself. The school-master distributes as well as receives presents from the sponsoring factory, and the pupils sit for a written examination of unheard-of material. The results are devastating, which the despotic school-master attempts to conceal by a staged disciplinary procedure.
Veri az ördög a feleségét
The film condenses the awkwardness of country and functionary existence, consumer thinking based on paternalistic relationships into the sequence of events of 20 August, the feast of the Hungarian new loaf with sentimental irony and documentary credibility. A railwayman's family on the Balaton highlands expects the Budapest relative with his functionary boss and family.


Aug 22, 1963
A country family unbounds by the death of the head of family and they set off for a miners' town under construction, just like their forefathers, "to take the land". As an outpost, the eldest daughter, Anna is sent, who has a stormy past.
Mennyei seregek

Mennyei seregek

Feb 23, 1984
When hunting, Zrínyi Miklós finds an Angel with a broken wing. He takes him for a heavenly message and carries him to his castle for cure. Lords and priests come to Zrínyi's court, one after the other, to see Angel. The occasion is appropriate for the ban to win them over to his plan: they should unite their forces to fight for the country's independence.
Olyan mint otthon

Olyan mint otthon

Oct 26, 1978
On his return from America, András simply cannot find his place: he has lost his wife, friends and job, and he cannot even find his way back to his former great love. Eventually, as a surrogate father, he takes in a wild young girl (Zsuzsa Czinkóczi) and a particularly strong bond is formed between these two rootless people. Márta Mészáros’s remarkable movie starring Jan Nowicki and Anna Karina is about displacement, loneliness and attachment.
Popcorn und Paprika

Popcorn und Paprika

Jan 01, 1984
The German national swimming team travels to Budapest for a competition. However, the teenagers are more interested in flirting with each other than training. Their coach is less than thrilled with his team's behavior.


Jul 02, 1982
A story of a family that after WWII moved to the south of Slovakia and acquired a prosperous butcher business left behind by a Hungarian emigrant. From the previous owner, the family also inherited a self-assured, greedy assistant who does not like to observe any firm moral principles. He assists the family in gaining wealth but in the long run, he causes the family's moral dissolution. In his most successful feature film, director Zoro Záhon combined a complex drama with excellent acting performances, especially that of Hungarian actor Gábor Koncz in the lead role.


Nov 16, 1978
The subject-matter of this comedy is age-old: that of the schizophrenic soul. Papa would have liked boy twins years ago, but her wife gave birth to a single child weighing six kilograms. He would like to dampen his feeling of emptiness by having the boy registered both as Péter and Pál.
Mese habbal

Mese habbal

Jan 01, 1979
Hungary in the 1930s. The world suddenly changes around the peaceful office-clerk and regular, average petit-burgeois Kornél Cassius. Friends and relatives turn up in his home, who soon establish themselves there and even take the upper hand. They continue to arrive in increasing numbers, and turn the well-known objects and patterns of relationships upside down.
A névtelen vár

A névtelen vár

Jan 01, 1981
The romantic story takes place in the time of Napoleon in Hungary, near Fertő-lake. Count Vavel hides here the French heiress from the revolution and Napoleon.


Jan 13, 1982
Satire from the makers of hungarian classic Love (1971): director Károly Makk and writer Tibor Déry. Made for TV.
TV Movie
A Tenkes kapitánya

A Tenkes kapitánya

Apr 04, 1964
During the Rákóczi's War of Independence in South Baranya, in Vienna, Colonel Eberstein is assigned by the Council of Warriors to dispose of the Kuruc army operating in the vicinity of Siklós.
Action & Adventure


Mar 24, 1990
Adventures of Linda, the young detective.