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Jun 08, 2023
Two men, one recently out of the army, walk a trail to a mountain. Uphill and downhill, cool breezes in the shadows of the trees, shouts from the mountaintop. They go hiking and share their regretful love stories.


Apr 16, 2015
Jung-Woo (Kim Sung-Su) is a neurosurgeon and also works in bioengineering research. He is married, but has an ongoing relationship with Yoo-Gyeong (Han Go-Eun). She is a doctor and stands by Jung-Woo. Yoo-Gyeong has a mysterious accident one day and her hand is cut off in the accident. Thanks to Jung-Woo's quick thinking, her hand is reattached successfully with surgery. Yoo-Gyeong's health improves after the surgery, but bizarre events take place around her constantly.


Nov 01, 2023
L'histoire d'un chef d'équipe d'enquêteurs, Hwang Joon-cheol, chargé d'enquêter sur les garçons soupçonnés de vol au supermarché de la ville locale, "Woori Super".


Mar 27, 2024
There is HWAPYONG Restaurant with full of hopes of the family of three generations. Grandfather, the first-generation owner, and the first son, the second-generation owner, who lives as a fugitive after being branded as a communist and his wife and Cheol-soo’s mom who has to work hard by juggling work and family without complaint. The second son, Cheol-soo’s uncle, who sometimes acts like a child with an excuse of being the second son but loves Cheol-soo more than anyone and seriously cares about the restaurant. To the third generation, young Cheol-soo, family is the most precious. By the time when ‘Seoul Spring’ longing for democratization came to nothing due to ‘Retreat from Seoul Station’ in 1980, there were a series of peaceful protests in Gwangju, Jeolla Province. In warm May, a large dark cloud is looming over HWAPYONG Restaurant, the home and everything of this ordinary family of Cheol-soo, in the middle of Gwangju.
모던 보이

모던 보이

Oct 02, 2008
During the Japanese occupation, a Korean modern boy, who wants to fit in with the Japanese, falls in love with a Korean freedom fighter.


Jun 09, 2011
Au lendemain d'un attentat, un journaliste se pose des questions sur les mystères qui entourent l'affaire. Le retour d'une ancienne connaissance va confirmer ses doutes. Et si l'explosion n'était pas le fait d'un espion nord-coréen comme le gouvernement essaye de le faire croire...
The King

The King

Jan 18, 2017
Park Tae-soo devient procureur après avoir traversé une enfance difficile. Il veut exercer le pouvoir absolu et rencontre Han Kang-sik.
The World of Silence

The World of Silence

Dec 14, 2006
Jung Ho, célèbre photographe qui sait lire sur les lèvres, rentre en Corée après avoir passé plusieurs mois à l’étranger. Le suicide de sa petite amie au lycée l’a profondément traumatisé et il continue à vivre avec ce souvenir. Quelques jours après son retour, alors qu’il occupe la maison d’un parent pendant son absence, une employée d’un orphelinat sonne à sa porte.


May 04, 2011
Hwang Jae-Sung, bon détective à capturer les criminels et Jung-Wei Chan, détective qui a l'habitude de les perdre, sont deux officiers de police rivaux et appartenant à 2 commissariats distincts. Ils tentent tous les deux d'arrêter un violeur en série et de devenir l'officier de l'année.
악인은 살아 있다
Byeong-do sets out to revenge the death of his wife, who was killed by members of the financial institution she once worked for. Yoo-mi was a high ranked manager for a financial institution and an innocent wife to a man. This film is a thriller full of plot twists, depicting the revenges and chase surrounding the mysterious death of the woman.


May 10, 2012
Yeon-hee visits her hometown long after she lost her mother in a fire incident. At her hometown, Yeon-hee finds Seok who lost his father in the incident. By hanging around places that their parents once hung around, they try to heal their trauma together. Yeon-hee gradually gets to know why she left home and what she did not know about her mother before. A girl that she comes across reminds her of her childhood. Through the relationship with the young girl Yeon-hee recalls her lost features.


Mar 17, 2011
Pil-Yong, un fonctionnaire s'occupe de sa femme handicapée après un accident. La restauration d'un livre ancien imprimé sur du papier traditionnel (hanji) est l'occasion pour lui de monter en grade. Au cours de sa mission, il rencontre Ji-won, une réalisatrice préparant un documentaire consacré au hanji.
The Age of Shadows

The Age of Shadows

Sep 07, 2016
Le film suit les activités des « Heroic Corps », une organisation indépendante anti japonaise qui a existé lors de la colonisation japonaise de la Corée du Sud. Ce groupe employait des moyens violents afin d'obtenir l'indépendance de la Corée.
The Culprit

The Culprit

Jul 10, 2019
Quelqu'un assassine brutalement la femme de Young-hoon. Un échantillon de cheveux a été retrouvé sur le corps de sa femme et les détectives l’utilisent pour retrouver son ami Joon-sung et l’enferment. Da-yeon demande à Young-hoon de témoigner en son nom, mais quand il ne se présente pas pour le procès...


Nov 27, 2019
A couple running a roadside garage has their livelihood threatened by trucks going in and out of a nearby construction site. When they learn that metal scraps from the trucks are flattening tires, they start to scatter scraps and make money from changing tires.
참을 수 없는

참을 수 없는

Oct 21, 2010
Film examines the matters of labor and love. After losing her job, a single professional woman moves into her friend's flat -- where she develops an attraction to her friend's husband. Meanwhile, the friend finds herself falling for one of her husband's colleagues.
The King of Pigs

The King of Pigs

Apr 22, 2022
Examen de l'intimidation au sein des hiérarchies sociales coréennes. Kyung Min et Jong Suk luttent tous les deux pour se frayer un chemin dans le monde des affaires et de la littérature. Ils se retrouvent pour parler de leur enfance. ~~ Adapté du film d'animation "Le roi des cochons" (돼지의 왕) de Yeon Sang Ho (연상호).
훈장 오순남

훈장 오순남

Jul 27, 2017
This TV show revolves around Oh Soon Nam, a teacher at a traditional Korean school called Jeokhyeonjae where she nurtures students’ aspirations like a friend. Soon Nam is also married to the sole descendant of a head family clan that comes with heavy responsibilities. Then tragedy strikes her. Soon Nam embarks on an investigation to punish the people behind these injustices, and finds that she must choose between revenge and values she has lived by all her life. Always thinking of loved ones, she transforms into a person that people admire for her strength and perseverance in the face of adversity.
Moonlight Drawn by Clouds
En Corée sous la Dynastie Joseon, une jeune femme qui à vécu jusque-là dans la peau d'un homme, devient eunuque au palais royal et noue des liens avec le prince héritier.
Missing Noir M

Missing Noir M

May 30, 2015
Parfois, des affaires de personnes disparues semblent impossibles à résoudre, même pour les meilleurs enquêteurs. Gil Su Hyeon a fait ses études à Harvard et a travaillé pendant dix ans pour le FBI. De retour en Corée, reconnu pour son intelligence et ses capacités supérieures à la moyenne, on le charge de résoudre une affaire particulièrement ardue comprenant plusieurs disparitions. Il se voit alors attribuer Oh Dae Yeong comme associé, un vétéran considéré comme le meilleur dans sa spécialité. Avec l'aide de Jin Seo Jun, une spécialiste des renseignements, et Kang Ju Yeong, la médecin légiste, le duo va tenter de résoudre les cas de disparition les plus épineux.
일리있는 사랑

일리있는 사랑

Feb 03, 2015
Jang Hee Tae met his future wife, Kim Il Ri when he worked as a temporary biology teacher at an all girls high school. Il Ri was a student there. Now, Hee Tae works as a fishery researcher and spends his days in a typical marriage. One day, he learns that his wife is having an affair with a carpenter, Kim Joon. He becomes angry for the first time, but decides to keep his family and wife.
High School Love On

High School Love On

Dec 19, 2014
High school may be tough, but Woo Hyun has a guardian angel looking over him — literally. Disguised as a naive high schooler, Lee Seul Bi descends from the heavens to protect Woo Hyun's life, but discovers she's got a thing or two to learn about life as a teenager, including the pains of falling in love. Can this cherubic guardian protect the apple of her eye and also manage to survive high school?
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
친애하는 판사님께
Han Soo-Ho and Han Kang-Ho were born as identical twins, but they live totally different lives. Han Soo-Ho works as a judge and he is guided by principles. Han Kang-Ho's extensive criminal record contains 5 different arrests. One day, Han Soo-Ho suddenly disappears. Han Kang-Ho secretly takes his brother's place as a judge. Han Kang-Ho, who was once considered trash, becomes "Dear Judge" and highly respected.
Mémoire fatale

Mémoire fatale

Apr 30, 2023
Avec un mari parfait et une fille adorable, Hong Tae-ra mène une vie enviée de tous. Cependant, ses souvenirs refoulés refont surface, et elle se retrouve piégée dans un destin semblable à celui de Pandore, dans la mythologie grecque. Au lieu d’une élégante robe de soirée et d’un bouquet de fleurs parfumées, elle se voit contrainte de porter une veste en cuir tachée de sang et de brandir un revolver de calibre 28. Tae-ra doit alors se venger et protéger sa famille bienaimée.