Георгий Тейх

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Жена для метрдотеля
When intoxicated by alcohol, Dasha inexplicably finds herself in the bed of a wealthy foreigner from a luxurious restaurant, where she and her friends visited the day before. The man offers the girl a marriage proposal. It seems that everything is set for a happy family life - a lot of money, a beautiful, intelligent and loving spouse, expensive clothes. However, for life this is not all that is needed.
Raspoutine, l'agonie

Raspoutine, l'agonie

Sep 01, 1981
En 1916, un moine d'origine paysanne, qui a réussi à fasciner une partie de la cour, et notamment l'Impératrice, accroît peu à peu son influence dans la sphère du pouvoir.
Нечистая сила
A junior employee of the Forest Research Institute is sent to collect mushrooms. In the forest, he meets a strange old woman, receives a silver horn and a magic club as a gift from her, and after some time ends up in prison as a counterfeiter. His connections with the mysterious old woman do not end there.
Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women
L’histoire de ce film n’est pas commune : Le film original, datant de 1962, était soviétique et s’appelait Planeta Bur. Ses droits ayant été rachetés par un Américain, ces films ont bien sûr modifié l’œuvre soviétique comme cela les arrangeait. Le tout dans un contexte de guerre froide et de course à l’espace… Mais seules les trois premières minutes décrivent l’arsenal spatial américain. Cette petite introduction laisse alors place à la voix d’un des astronautes qui sera notre narrateur. Il évoque l’attirance qu’il a eue pour une créature de Venus. Une créature qu’il n’a jamais rencontrée, mais dont la force de la présence a suffit à le faire tomber amoureux. Le film est d’une lenteur qui laisse naître une certaine fascination pour les belles blondes des bords de mer vénusien. Nous découvrons, une planète presque hypnotisante, au rythme des vagues qui s’écrasent sur les rochers et du chant de ces sirènes blondes.


Mar 20, 1972
Solaris est une planète mystérieuse qu’étudie une station orbitale. D’étranges phénomènes s’y sont produits. Un physicien s’est donné la mort, et deux autres sont devenus fous. Kris Kelvin, un scientifique spécialisé en psychologie, y est envoyé en mission. À peine arrivé, il croit sentir une forme de vie non humaine à bord de la station. Une femme lui apparaît, qui devient sa maîtresse. Elle n’est que le double de sa propre femme, qui s’est suicidée quelques années plus tôt, par sa faute. Elle disparaît ou surgit au gré de ses désirs. Il comprend que la planète Solaris fonctionne comme une mémoire affective, qui matérialise les pulsions de ceux qui l’approchent…
La planète des tempêtes
Trois vaisseaux spatiaux quittent l'Union Soviétique à destination de Vénus. A l'approche de la planète, un des appareils est détruit. Les deux autres se partagent la mission. L'un d'eux restera en orbite autour de Vénus tandis que l'autre tentera de se poser sur la planète. Le premier dans lequel est restée une femme, doit servir de liaison entre Vénus et la Terre. Pendant ce temps deux groupes de cosmonautes arrivent à se poser sur la planète. Ils tentent ensuite de se retrouver, Dans l'un des groupes se trouve un Américain et son robot «John». Ils découvrent des animaux inquiétants. A ce moment, survient une gigantesque éruption volcanique...
Science Fiction


Nov 17, 1972
This lavish Soviet/Czech co-production is based on Fyodor Dostoyevsky's famous novel, The Gambler, which tells the story of a Russian living in Germany, in a gambling resort. This film is set at the turn of the century, and was filmed in Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad), Czechoslovakia. Played by Nikolai Burlyayev, the gambler succumbs completely to his addiction, using up every resource he has (human, spiritual and financial) in his wagering, finally becoming a rootless drifter.
Право первой подписи
An employee of the foreign trade association Kazakov makes an offer to the American businessman Vikas to invest in the construction of a chemical plant. It was decided to build it on the site of a gasification station in Nizhne-Pechorsk. Vikas' decision to conclude a contract for the construction of the plant becomes known to American businessmen, who are not interested in this cooperation. Ron Kluger comes to Moscow to interfere with the negotiations...
Le manteau

Le manteau

Feb 02, 1959
L'histoire d'un fonctionnaire qui se fait voler son précieux pardessus neuf. Personne ne semble vouloir l'aider à récupérer son bien précieux, ce qui continue de le préoccuper même lorsqu'il est au-delà de la tombe.
Ленинград. Ноябрь
After a ten year long stay in West Germany, Max returns to the Soviet Union to visit his deadly ill father in Leningrad. There he finds a friend in a man who calls himself Igor and he begins a love-affair with the deafmute Lena. Around Max' relationship to his father, Igor and Lena, losely held episodes give a many fasetted portrait of Leningrad and its inhabitants. In the eyes of the returning Max, the city is at once well-known and foreign. Lyrically saturated images and sophisticated editing contributes to making the film an expressive description of a changing city.


Aug 19, 1987
Gobsek the richest and most stragity usurer of Paris. The Countess by Anastasi lays will Gobseck family diamond my husband, for the sake of debt her beloved Maxim. This rash act she reveals to her husband her love affair.
Возвращение резидента
After returning from the USSR, Tulyev was subjected to rigorous verification of his former "owners". He continues his work in Western intelligence, but already as a Soviet intelligence officer through the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR. In a new capacity, he establishes the whereabouts of Hitler’s criminal Hoffmann, who was once sentenced to death, and helps the authorities arrest him. However, as a result of the conflict within NATO intelligence, Charlie Brighton, Hoffman's assistant, begins to hunt for him. At the same time, Tulyev manages to establish the identity of the murderer of his father, Karl Brockmann, with whom they crossed in the service of mercenaries somewhere in hot countries. He wants revenge, but, by an evil irony of fate, he must help prepare Brockmann for being cast as a spy in the Soviet Union.
Земля, до востребования
Based on a true story about Soviet spy Lev Manevich. He lives in Italy and operates in the Nazi Germany and Austria. Manevich, who is posing as a businessman, collects information about the latest German airplanes made by Messerschmitt for Luftwaffe. On his spying trip to Berlin, Manevich noticed that a stranger was following him. Now his life is in danger, but he must do something to complete his mission...
Старый дом

Старый дом

Mar 23, 1970
About the early years of the life of the philosopher and writer Alexander Herzen, about his first and unrequited love, about the throwing of youth and growing up of a young critic and revolutioner. According to his father, he comes from an ancient Russian family, and his mother was a simple German woman. As an illegitimate son, he was not given the name of his father, Yakovlev. In his youth, he was fond of the ideas of freedom, for which it is not a pity to fight, which even then was close to the ideals of the revolution...
А был ли Каротин?
The beginning of the 30s of the last century. A leak of classified information was found at the Soviet shipbuilding plant. Arriving under the guise of a scientist, the legendary chekist Karotin begins to unravel the threads of the conspiracy of the fascist spy organization. He is helped by inexperienced but active local detectives. Mastering the basics of the counterintelligence, they fall into a situation the other one funnier.
Короткое дыхание любви
Having been captured, an Afghan officer decided not to return to his homeland. He settled in Finland, met Rita, a tourist from St. Petersburg, and lost his peace. Everything was against him: his beloved was older than him, had a sick son, the doctor treating his son loved her, and he himself, on top of everything else, was the son of this doctor...
Юность поэта
Biographical film "Youth of the poet", dedicated to Pushkin-Lyceum student. At the 1937 world exhibition in Paris, the film was awarded a gold medal. The Director managed to accurately recreate the historic era, to convey the atmosphere of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum in the years of the formation of the poetic genius of Pushkin.