Klara Roumianova

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Раз, два - дружно!
Elk, who ran through the forest during a thunderstorm, was crushed by a fallen tree. A brazen and treacherous magpie told the wolves about it all through the forest. Good forest animals decided to help to free the elk. The first was a hedgehog, then a hare and his mom, a family of squirrels, a mouse, a frog. Decisive in saving the elk from the wolves was the contribution of the smallest character - an ant.
Les Douze Chaises

Les Douze Chaises

Jun 21, 1971
Un ancien aristocrate, Ippolit Vorobyaninov, mène une vie misérable dans la Russie soviétique. Sa belle-mère lui révèle un secret : elle a caché des diamants de famille dans l'une des douze chaises qu'ils possédaient. Vorobyaninov, en coopération avec un jeune escroc, Ostap Bender, entame une longue recherche pour retrouver les diamants.


Jun 06, 1971
Second animation about Gena and Cheburashka. Cheburashka wishes Gena the Crocodile a happy birthday and gives him a toy helicopter as a gift. After meeting some pioneers, they decide to be pioneers themselves. They build a playground for the local children and collect scrap metal, after which they become pioneers.
Не может быть!
The film includes three short stories based on the stories of Mikhail Zoshchenko: "Crime and Punishment", "Fun Adventure", and "Wedding Event" about the negative phenomena of the provincial life of the young country of the Soviets: stupidity, drunkenness, money-grubbing, lack of spirituality.
Как несли стол
The animals did not know how to properly carry the table, then they asked a little girl, to whom her parents gave colored pencils. She began to draw and explain everything perfectly to them in pictures.
Золотой цыпленок
A fairy tale based on the novel by V. Orlov. This is the story of how a couple of swindlers - Fox and Wolf - stole Chicken Ryaba so that she would lay them golden eggs. But the wolverine Wolf lost his prey, and he had to ... hatch the egg himself.


Sep 27, 1981
Once upon a time there were two bears - Ivashka and Mishuk. Mishuk remained hard-working and diligent, and Ivashka made friends with an evil sorceress named Laziness.
Малыш и Карлсон
A Soviet cult cartoon, so untypical for a Western viewer, especially, a little one. A boy named Malysh ("A Little One") suffers from solitude being the youngest of the three children in a Swedish family. The acute sense of solitude makes him desperately want a dog, but before he gets one, he "invents" a friend - the very Karlson who lives upon the roof. So typical for the Russian culture spirit of mischief, which is, actually, never punished, and the notion that relative welfare not necessarily means happiness made the book by Astrid Lindgren and its TV adaptations tremendously popular in the Soviet Union and nowadays Russia and vice versa - somewhat alienated to the Western reader and viewer (see User's comments below). However, both the book and the cartoon are truly universal - entertaining and funny for the children and thought-provoking and somewhat sad for grownups.
Крокодил Гена
First animation about Gena and Cheburashka. Gena the Crocodile works as a zoo animal at an urban zoo. Every evening, he returns home to his lonely apartment. Gena gets very tired of playing chess against himself and decides to find some friends to play with. Animals and people respond to advertisements that he posts all around the city. First, a girl named Galya comes with a homeless puppy, who is then followed by Cheburashka. They decide to build a house for all the lonely citizens of the city, but a mischievous old lady, Shapoklyak, tries to stop them in different ways.
Chapeau claque

Chapeau claque

Nov 10, 1974
Alors que Tchebourashka et Guéna le Crocodile s'étaient décidés à partir en vacances au bord de la mer, Shapoklyak dérobe leurs tickets de trains sur le quai de gare...
Чебурашка идет в школу
Fourth animation about Gena and Cheburashka. Gena finds out that Cheburashka is unable to read. Luckily, the next day is September 1, the first day of school, and Gena decides to take Cheburashka to school so he can learn. After failing to buy a school uniform, they go to the school anyway, only to find it is closed for repair. Shapoklyak uses Lariska the Rat to stimulate the workers to repair the school quickly. As the school also doesn't have enough teachers, Gena and Shapoklyak volunteer to be teachers.
Les Cygnes sauvages

Les Cygnes sauvages

Jul 12, 1962
Quand une sorcière transforme ses frères en cygnes, une jeune princesse décide de les retrouver pour leur rendre leur apparence humaine...


Feb 02, 1969
White little bear hides from his mother friendship with a human who smells smoke.


Jan 14, 1980
L'action se déroule en URSS à la fin des années 1970. Les héros du film - équipage de l'avion Tu-154 de la compagnie Aeroflot, effectuent des vols internationaux.
Самый, самый, самый, самый
Many different birds and animals have long settled on the shores of Lake Chad. One day they decided to choose a king for themselves and chose Lion. They called him the bravest, the strongest, the wisest and the most beautiful. Then a son was born to the Lion and the Lioness - a little Lion Cub. When the Lion Cub could walk by himself, he met a hyena who told the Lion Cub that he was a Lion, which means he was the king of animals, which means he was the bravest, strongest, wisest, most beautiful.
When one blacksmith voices suspicious that there might be sorcery involved in his colleague's work, things get out of hand. Based on the fairy tale by French writer Luda Schnitzer.
Добро пожаловать!
A friendly moose lets an insect hitch a ride on his antlers. But the moose is soon taken advantage of, as more and more forest creatures (including a bear!) take up residence in his antlers. How can the moose get rid of these unwanted guests? Based on a Dr. Seuss story.


Jan 01, 1973
Adventures of Mowgli is an animated feature-length story originally released as five animated shorts of about 20 minutes each between 1967 and 1971 in the Soviet Union.
Лесная хроника
Greedy Wolf robs the forest. It deprives animals of their property. Once Hare found a hunting trap, and decided to find the owner "disappearance". Sly Fox, decided to punish the gray robber sent to Wolf Hare. Wolf because of his greed, took a trap for the valuable thing, and was punished for it.
Ваше здоровье!
On the day of coming of age, the parents took the Guy out into the big world and blessed him to find his own way in life (in the film, it is shown as a long road with milestones-years). And to make it easier to go, they gave him a good helper - strong Health: it will always protect its carrier if he takes care of him. And the Guy went along the road of life, performing labor feats, and Health always rescued him: both when he saved a girl from a hole, and while receiving a higher education on the job. Having received an engineering degree and becoming a master, the Guy continued to protect his friend, playing sports and winning various competitions.—Bazza the Beast


Jan 25, 1968
A young piglet in trouble.
Le nègre de Pierre le Grand
L'histoire est issu d'un roman inachevé d'Alexandre Pouchkine paru en 1837 . Pierre le Grand prend sous son aile un Russe d'origine africaine, Ibrahim Petrovich Hannibal, alors que le tsar construit sa grande marine. Après une liaison désastreuse en France, Ibrahim se jure de ne plus jamais tomber amoureux, jusqu'à ce qu'il aperçoive la fille d'un riche boyard. Pierre le Grand insiste pour qu'ils se marient, mais Ibrahim va à l'encontre des souhaits du tsar, refusant de la forcer à l'épouser puisqu'elle n'est pas consentante. Cependant, lorsqu'un autre homme tente de l'épouser, la loyauté et la générosité d'Ibrahim sont mises à l'épreuve.
Жизнь сначала
The Second World War has ended. With the victory in Moscow, front-line friends, Antonina, Fyodor and Alexey, move into Fyodor’s huge apartment, which was empty in the first years of the war, when his wife left him. Alexey loved Antonina all his life, but when he found out that she loved Fedor, he immediately left for his homeland, and Fedor’s wife unexpectedly returned.
Время, вперёд!
The film is set in the 1930s in the USSR. The film tells about one day of the construction of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. The heroes of the film are simple construction workers who are burning at work. Upon learning that their colleagues in Kharkov have set a record, they mobilize to break it. The entire construction site was engulfed in immense socialist competition. The teams are ready to complete the work on time at any cost. A Moscow journalist who has come to cover the scale of the great construction project is looking for the hero of his report...
Они были первыми
1918. Anxious in Petrograd. Increasingly compressed around the revolutionary city of the enemy ring. Go to the front working shelves. The struggle against the enemies of Soviet power is not only on the outskirts of the city, but also in the rear. In this harsh and difficult time for the revolution by the will of the Bolshevik party on the outskirts of the workers created Komsomol organizations. The first to join the young Communist League, young workers — Stepan Barabash, Alexander Chizhik, Glasha, Kuzma. After some hesitation and deliberation, members of the Komsomol be a peasant boy, Theodore, who came from a remote village to work in Peter and the schoolboy Zhenya Gorovskoe. In the days of intense fighting young patriots together with the troops of the working guard sent to defend Petrograd


Jan 01, 1980
A cowardly man is being scared by trolls underneath an old tree.
Мешок яблок

Мешок яблок

Jan 01, 1974
Hare carries bag of apples for 4 sonnies and lovely daughter. But along the way he gives all apples to forest dwellers leaving his children hungry.
Кот в сапогах
A miller has three sons. When he dies the eldest son inherites the mill, the middle one a donkey and the youngest son gets only a cat. At frist the youngest son is very disappointed but the cat turns out to be pretty resourceful.
Крошка Енот

Крошка Енот

Aug 05, 1974
A story about a little raccoon who needs to prove to his mother he's brave enough to go to the pond to gather herbs at night, on his birthday.
Le Lapin jouet

Le Lapin jouet

Apr 22, 1982
A mother rabbit and her three kits are playing in a field. A little girl comes across one of the kits and steals it, dressing it up and playing with it as if it were a living doll. While the girl is distracted, the three other rabbits come to the rescue.


Jan 01, 1963
Adaptation of a fairy tale Korney Chukovsky. As big and strong animals, succumbing to panic, obey little cockroach.
Четверо с одного двора
There lived in one yard four friends: a kitten, a puppy, a goat and a small chicken. But only they always cursed because their things somehow disappeared. The kitten lost milk from the bowl, the puppy lost his bone, the kid lost a carrot, and the chicken, almost had hardly been eaten. But one day the friends accidentally found a rat-thief, who they then all together amicably caught in a mousetrap and she paid for her theft.
Maria, Mirabela

Maria, Mirabela

Mar 03, 1982
Oache, surpris par les remerciements de la Fée des Bois qui s'était arrêtée pour se désaltérer à la source alimentant le ruisseau où il vit, affirme avec véhémence que les grenouilles ne servent à rien. Pour le punir de cet odieux mensonge la fée gèle le ruisseau et Oache se retrouve avec les pattes prises dans la glace. Maria et Mirabela qui jouaient au ballon non loin de là, trouve la pauvre grenouille qui leur conte ses malheurs. Maria décide alors, au grand dam de sa sœur, d'aller trouver la fée pour quémander son pardon. En chemin elles rencontrent divers personnages plus farfelus les uns que les autres...


Mar 11, 1980
There was a bear cub in the same forest, named Topchumba. He was mocked by all the animals in the forest for his clumsiness. But one day his dad told him how to become dexterous and skillful.
Особое подразделение
In May 1941, a young instructor of the Komsomol Regional Committee of Belovezhskaya Pushcha Andrei Dyomushkin was invited to the graduation party of the Moscow Theatre School to create a professional theatre in the city. The war has crossed out all plans. Now he, along with the course of graduates, will have to go through the war and be the commander of the front acting fraternity in the current army "A Special Unit"...
Без страха и упрёка
The Soviet boys, Vadik and Yura, together with the mischievous little girl Tosha, are children with a kind heart and good life philosophy. One day they find money on the street, which must be returned to the owner without fail. But where to find an inattentive citizen who has lost not only money, but also a booklet with quite important information. So, begins the time of exciting adventures, breathtaking moments, high-quality humor and instructive-entertaining ideological line.
Волшебное кольцо
Soviet cartoon, created in 1979 by the director-animator Leonid Nosyrev. Later, he entered the cartoon almanac "Laughter and Grief at The White Sea" with other Nosyrev's films based on Pomor fairy tales and legends.


May 12, 1973
Children will learn the fate of the legendary cruiser «Aurora».
Сладкий родник
The donkey descends from the mountains to the spring, picks up two large jugs of water drop by drop and carries them to the aul to distribute sweet water to everyone who needs it. But his greedy neighbor, the boar, does not allow him to pass, claiming that the path is his, because he passes near his gate. A boar drinks one jug and pours a second one, and the inhabitants of the aul - a rooster, a sheep and a bull-calf - get only drops.
Золотые слова
The brother and sister were very fond of having dinner with adults, their remarks made the guests laugh, and mom and dad were pleased that the guests saw such a mind and such development.
Золотой мальчик
In one city lived the Black Robber, the Pink King, the Blue Lady, the Green Bear and the Golden Boy. The first four heroes think that the boy is literally golden, and dream of getting him in order to fulfill their dreams.
Белая шкурка
A story about a white mouse. Since she is white, she was always mistaken for a doctor, a cook, or a hairdresser. And she successfully coped with all professions.


Apr 24, 1968
Based on the famous Soviet song "Orlyonok" about a young trumpeter - a hero of the Civil War.
Солнечное зёрнышко
The sea is raging near the shore. Fishes are merrily circling in the water. Meanwhile, numerous shells were sleeping peacefully at the bottom. Suddenly a ray of sunlight comes through the sea. One shell woke up and, seeing a glowing (as it seemed to her) fish, was very surprised by this. The fish explains that this is the reflection of the sun on its scales. Intrigued, the shell asks the fish to bring her some sun, but fish says that this is impossible.
Кто самый сильный
The brothers Papolya and Nyakochi argued over who should chop the wood and who was stronger. In the struggle, Nyakochi knocked down his brother, but slipped on an ice floe. So the ice floe is stronger than Nyakochi? But the sun melted the ice floe, the cloud covered the sun, the wind dispersed the clouds, the rock stopped the wind, the tree destroyed the rock, and Nyakochi and Papolya cut down the tree. Based on a Nenets folk tale.
Сладкая сказка
The main character of the cartoon is a small and very greedy dragon with a sweet tooth. He ate all the food in his house and went to his teddy bear's birthday party. Arriving at his home as the very first of the guests, Drakosha immediately began to eat all of Mishutka’s sweets, without even giving him a gift. When the dragon ate everything he could, together with the rest of Mishutka’s guests (the doll Alyonka and the Puppy), they went through the TV to the confectionery factory.
Мой друг Мартын
Self-confident, arrogant Seryozha is not friendly with anyone. His only friend is puppy named Martyn, yet he treats him rudely. One day Martyn runs away and Seryozha has no one to help him in his searches.
Часы с кукушкой
One day, the Cuckoo left the clock and temporarily flew away to the forest on business. Her neighbors are different animals, and they decided to help her, replace her. But nothing good came of it. Based on the fairy tale by Sofia Prokofieva.
Приезжайте в гости
A Squirrel, a Bear cub and a Hare were sitting under a tree and looked at the pictures in the book. Suddenly a Squirrel saw an unusual beast on one of them and asked who it was. Misha replied that this is elephant and friends decided to invite him to visit a New Year tree. All their conversation was heard by a Wolf cub, who was skeptical about the fact that someone would come to them. But the kids did not listen to him and decided to write a letter. In the forest came a snowy winter, and the elephant really arrived to them.
Горячий камень
A boy finds a magic stone that will allow people to live their lives over again. His bearded, noble Grandfather prefers his life of hardship, revolution and Communist victory to remain just as it is.
Без этого нельзя
This story is about a puppy who liked it not to belong to anyone. He had no friends, no family, and no relatives. He was cheerfully singing songs, being happy that he did not want to listen to anyone and did not need to ask permission for anything and could do what he wanted. But is it possible to live like that forever?


Jan 01, 1967
Adaptation of a short story by famous Czech writer Milos Macourek. It is about small frost Frantishek who drew not white, but color patterns on the window.


Jan 11, 1965
On the motifs of the story of S.Rashidov “A Kashmir song”. Spring Flower Nargis waits for the master of bees Bambur whom nobody has seen yet. A witch transforms the master of storms Chorud into a young man and lets him pass as Bambur, but her trick is unmasked. Chorud kills Nargis, but Bambur revives her. A tale by the old ( Cell animation) master Polkovnikov, (1908-1982) whose active career as animation director stretched from 1933 till 1980.


Apr 13, 1993
The hunter gets the opportunity to see how the animals hibernate.
Ну, погоди!

Ну, погоди!

Dec 29, 2012
Follows the comical adventures of a mischievous yet artistic wolf [Volk], trying to catch a hare [Zayats]. The series has additional characters that usually either help the hare or interfere with the wolf's plans.
Незнайка на Луне
They are neither adults nor kids - somewhere in between, living in their separate boys and girls cozy dorms and doing whatever they love to do - inventors, artists, poets, mechanists, scientists and....just dreamers! These enthusiastic and creative folks enjoy their half-adult, half-childish lifestyles and entertain each other with the different tricks and practical jokes. The main hero stands out of the crowd - while the others try to live the normal life socializing as they can, he can never be rested, always coming up with the different unpredictable and unexpected moves, which always make viewers burst with laugh....