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Jan 25, 2007
Yu Mi est une élève modèle qui vise toujours les meilleures notes, tandis que Se Ri est une rebelle à la tête d'un gang qui sème la terreur dans son quartier. Elles fréquentent la même école et sont dans la même classe. Et si tout les oppose, un point en commun les rapproche : elles sont amoureuses du même garçon...
시리즈 다세포 소녀
“Useless High School” is a school renowned for its sexual aberrations and sexually ambiguous teenagers, The student president and vice-present flaunt their taste for S&M. Independent study and supplementary classes are done on homosexuality and transgenderism, and teachers and students alike leave school early because of sexually-transmitted diseases. Dasepo Girl Series features a brother with only one eye and his transgender sister, plus a poor girl literally wearing poverty on her back and her escapades into the world of sex with adults - and those are just a few of the many unique characters populating Mosseulmo ("Useless") High.
여고생 시집가기
The story begins with the tale of a classic Korean story of romance about a princess named Pyun-gang whose husband, On-dal dies. Then we flash forward to a mother who has brought her haunted daughter (also named Pyun-gang) to a psychic, who informs her that her daughter is haunted by the ghost of the princess . He then goes on to say that the girl must marry her On-dal by her 16 birthday and produce a child within a year otherwise she will die. The family treats it skeptically until years later, Pyun-gang has several near-death experiences and is immediately spooked, convinced she is going to die. As luck would have it, soon thereafter, a new transfer student joins Pyun-gang's class. His name is On-dal, and he's intelligent, handsome and rich which really doesn't make the prospect of high school marriage such a tough deal for Pyun-gang, what with her impending death and all.
Memento Mori

Memento Mori

Dec 24, 1999
Un jour, en se rendant en cours, Min-Ah trouve un étrange livre qui semblait avoir été oublié là. Eprise de curiosité, la jeune fille le feuillette rapidement et se rend compte qu’il s’agit du journal intime de deux jeunes filles du lycée, Hyo-Shin et Shi-Eun, amoureuses l’une de l’autre. Intriguée par cette découverte, Min-Ah se fait porter pâle pour aller à l’infirmerie afin de lire plus attentivement le journal. Mais peu après, Hyo-Shin, l’une des propriétaires du journal en question, se suicide en se jetant du haut d’un des bâtiments du lycée. C’est à partir de là que Min-Ah commence à se sentir différente : elle devient témoin de flash-backs concernant la relation entre Hyo-Shin et Shi-Eun. C’est presque comme si, par moments, elle était possédée par l’âme de la jeune fille morte…


Feb 11, 2016
Ga-In’s (Hong Soo-A) family went into financial difficulties when she was a college student. One day, she happens to meet Eun-Jung (Lim Seong-Eon). They went to the same high school. Unlike Ga-In, Eun-Jung seems to have everything including a happy marriage life and stable job. Ga-In feels jealous of Eun-Jung and soon she becomes obsessed that she is Eun-Jung.
미스 푸줏간

미스 푸줏간

Jan 11, 2017
Soon-Ae (Seo-Young) opens a butcher's shop. The butcher's shop is popular due to its flavorful meat. Most of the store's customers are male. Meanwhile, man’s body is found at a hotel near the butcher's shop. The man was brutally murdered. Soon, more murders are found with similarities to the first murder. One day, Detective Kim (Kim Min-Jun) stops by the butcher's shop and meets Soon-Ae. Since then, Detective Kim keeps a watch on Soon-Ae.
돌이킬 수 없는

돌이킬 수 없는

Nov 04, 2010
A young girl goes missing just as a convicted sex offender moves into town. The girl's father, the inhabitants of the towns and even law enforcement believe he is responsible for the disappearance.


May 07, 2003
Twenty is the age that everyone considers to be the best time of their lives. However, we have never suffered from love for the opposite sex, dreams for the future, and passion for life as much as we did at that age. The problems of 20-year-olds, which are childish and simple to the eyes of others, but are more serious than anything else to the people concerned. ‘Twenty Years Old’ look at the problems from their point of view and try to solve college life in a serious but pleasant way.
청담동 스캔들

청담동 스캔들

Jan 01, 2015
Drama series depicts an epic scandal of the upper class that place in Cheongdam District, Seoul. An area which epitomizes the wealthy lifestyle.
One Spring Night

One Spring Night

Jul 11, 2019
Quand Lee Jeong-in rencontre Yu Ji-ho, quelque chose de totalement imprévu se produit. C'est le printemps, et tout paraît possible...


Mar 11, 2007
Based on renowned Japanese novelist Yamazaki Toyoko's representative work Shiroi Kyotō, the drama brings viewers deep into the political inner workings of the medical field by taking a satirical look at malpractice and power plays at a university hospital, and contrasting the paths and personalities of two doctors.
Orange Marmalade

Orange Marmalade

Jul 24, 2015
Deux cents ans auparavant, les humains et les vampires ont signé un traité de paix mais les relations entre les deux espèces ne se sont jamais réellement améliorées. À notre époque, Baek Ma-Ri est un vampire obligé de cacher sa véritable identité afin de finir le lycée dans les meilleures conditions. Jung Jae-Min, un garçon populaire, et humain, tombe amoureux d'elle.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy