Barbara Eda-Young

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Dec 18, 1973
Policier intègre, Serpico lutte contre la corruption généralisée au sein de la police new-yorkaise. Détesté de tous, collègues comme supérieurs, il ne pourra compter que sur lui-même pour mener à bien sa croisade pour la justice.
The Substance of Fire

The Substance of Fire

Sep 11, 1996
Isaac Geldhart is a Holocaust survivor who, overcome by grief at the recent death of his wife, seems determined to run his publishing firm into the ground by printing books that have no hope of financial success. His son Aaron, who also works at the company, grows frustrated with Isaac's emotional decline and attempts to take over the firm. The resulting crisis involves Isaac's other two children, his daughter Sarah and his dying son Martin.
Lies of the Twins

Lies of the Twins

Aug 21, 1991
An ex-model is seduced into danger by her psychotherapist boyfriend's wicked identical twin.
Death of a Salesman

Death of a Salesman

Jan 09, 2000
An aging salesman is fired from his job after a long career in it. Broken, without much to look forward to, he tries reconnecting with his wife and kids who he had always put down as he dedicated himself to work.
Talk to Me

Talk to Me

Jan 10, 1984
Richard, a successful New York accountant, has a chronic stuttering problem that causes great exhaustion and personal strife for him. After trying a number of different therapies to alleviate his condition, Richard travels to Roanoke, Virginia, where he enters the Hollins Institute, a treatment center devoted to the research and cure for stuttering. Here, Richard's painful memories form the core of this poignant drama.
A Picture of Autumn

A Picture of Autumn

Apr 19, 2021
A PICTURE OF AUTUMN, by N.C. Hunter, is a sensitive, intelligent and comic depiction of one family’s attempt to grow old gracefully. AUTUMN tells the story of Charles and Margaret Denham, living in disarray in the decaying ancestral home with ancient Uncle Harry and senile Nanny. Their son Robert returns to England after several years abroad and finds that both the house and its occupants have faded from past glory. When an opportunity to sell the burdensome property arises, Robert leaps at the chance to help his parents downsize.
Histoires de l'autre monde
Une série d'anthologie d'horreur où le spectateur est pris à travers des histoires de fantômes, des aventures de science-fiction et, événements inexpliqués rampants.
Hawaï police d'État

Hawaï police d'État

Apr 05, 1980
Hawaï police d'État est une série policière américaine, produite par CBS et Leonard Freeman, dont l'action se déroule à Hawaï . La série comporte 12 saisons, initialement diffusées de 1968 à 1980 et est régulièrement rediffusée. Le lieutenant Steve McGarrett, interprété par Jack Lord, dirige une unité spéciale de la police, basée sur une équipe ayant réellement existé pendant les années 40 alors qu'Hawaï était sous la loi martiale.
Action & Adventure
Inspecteur Barnaby

Inspecteur Barnaby

Nov 10, 2024
L'inspecteur Barnaby, accompagné de son adjoint, enquêtent sur les crimes commis dans la région anglaise fictive du Midsomer...
The Murder of Mary Phagan
Au début du XXe siècle à Atlanta, le meurtre d'une jeune fille suscite de vives réactions de la part de la communauté, et conduit finalement à l'arrestation d'un homme qui pourrait bien être innocent...