Après s'être assommée, une architecte qui hait les comédies romantiques découvre à son réveil que sa vie s'est muée en conte de fées au fort parfum d'eau de rose.
Sardines Out Of A Can is a semi-romantic comedy following Puja, a single, eccentric, grad school dropout who with the help of her friends and a smart-phone is on a quest to find the perfect 'roommate.'
Sardines Out Of A Can is a semi-romantic comedy following Puja, a single, eccentric, grad school dropout who with the help of her friends and a smart-phone is on a quest to find the perfect 'roommate.'
Sardines Out Of A Can is a semi-romantic comedy following Puja, a single, eccentric, grad school dropout who with the help of her friends and a smart-phone is on a quest to find the perfect 'roommate.'
Sardines Out Of A Can is a semi-romantic comedy following Puja, a single, eccentric, grad school dropout who with the help of her friends and a smart-phone is on a quest to find the perfect 'roommate.'