Mark McKinney

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Escapade à New York

Escapade à New York

Apr 02, 1999
Leurs enfants enfin casés, Henry et Nancy Clark s'inquiètent pour la première fois de leur avenir. Où en est leur couple au bout de vingt-quatre ans de mariage, et que reste-t-il de leurs amours ? Si Henry se trouve à l'aise dans une vie routinière, Nancy n'a rien perdu de son romantisme juvénile et décide de redonner du peps à leur couple. C'est ainsi qu'elle décide d'accompagner Henry dans un voyage d'affaires à New York. Ils vont vivre les vingt-quatre heures les plus mouvementées de leur vie.
Dog Park

Dog Park

Sep 14, 1998
Sex comedy takes a look at contemporary dating mores and hypothesizes that the new dating location may be the dog walk in the park. Follow one mild-mannered man who's consistently unlucky in love and dogs.
The Kids in the Hall: Comedy Punks
Through never before-seen archive material, interviews with celebrities, industry insiders, rabid fans and the Kids In The Hall themselves – this documentary tells the wild story of this cult-famous comedy troupe from the 1980s to the present day.


Jan 26, 2008
A film about what really happens during those long waits at the garage and the 'truth' about why men 'love' cars.
Burnt Toast

Burnt Toast

Oct 01, 2005
An irreverent and hilarious spin on opera, domestic drama and the hallowed institutions of love and marriage, Burnt Toast is an hour-long television opera comprised of a series of eight comic operas each depicting a different stage of romantic love. The relationships depicted run the gamut: from the passionate to the fantasized, the bored and of course the dead relationship, each as recognizable as the last.


Sep 17, 1997
In this Canadian Candide update, orphan Gordie (Jamie Shannon) lives with his hippie aunts at a quiet Porridge Glenn farm. When his beagle Speedoh is lost, a call from a psychic suggests a search in Toronto, where hayseed meets hooker wannabe Heidi (Sarain Boylan). She introduces him to two past-porn performers (Shelly Mars, Scott Thompson), the former stars of "Who's Afraid of Vagina Woolf?" Hick Gordie seems destined for street hustling and boogie nights after encountering a gay band that raises AIDS-research money by selling Gordie off to a sleazeball pimp (Alex Karzis). At this juncture, however, Heidi hatches a plan to reunite Gordie and Speedoh.
Jacob Two Two Meets the Hooded Fang
Jacob Two Two Meets The Hooded Fang is about a young boy who strives to be heard. He is nicknamed "Two-Two" for having to say things twice to be heard. One day, he decided to buy the groceries for his parents. There is a misunderstanding by the clerk, so Jacob finds himself in court. He is sentenced Two Years, Two months, two weeks, two minutes and five seconds in the Children's Prison hundreds of miles away from civilization. It is a dark, dirty dungeon-like place where the children work and are kept in cells. There are the three head characters, Master Fish, a fish/human, Mistress Fowl, a bird like woman and the Hooded Fang himself. They also have green henchmen who spray "slime resistors" at the children to prevent them escaping. Two child agents try to help him out, as the children also come up with a plan for escape.
This Might Be Good

This Might Be Good

Sep 07, 2000
A festival is a concentration of hope. Audiences hungering for something startingly new, famously familiar or just plain "good". Actors hoping their well-conceived sincerity and ritual entrances have that special glow. Press and critics poised to love or hate lucidly. And proud, desperate filmmakers looking for that little blessing on their latest self-projection. All squeezing together for a few days, in a few rooms wondering whether this will truly be the perfect place at the perfect time. Of course, it rarely is. Mostly it's just a collection of almosts. Delicious, shared almosts.
The Wrong Guy

The Wrong Guy

Aug 01, 1997
Nelson Hibbert espère devenir le nouveau président de Nagel Industries, mais M. Nagel donne la promotion à un autre employé. Lorsque Nelson fait irruption dans le bureau de Nagel pour le confronter, il découvre que Nagel a été assassiné. Craignant d'être impliqué, Nelson décide de fuir la loi... malgré le fait que la police connaît déjà l'identité du tueur.


Oct 08, 1999
Mary Katherine Gallager reve de cinema, d'Hollywood et de baisers passionnes. Elle participe a un concours pour pouvoir etre figurante dans un film.


Mar 27, 2006
During World War II, the usually sleepy town of Gander, Newfoundland is abuzz with activity as the stopover point for many flights between North America and the European Theater. Teenager Terry Fleming, who lives just outside of Gander, is feeling conflicted. He wants to work in Gander so that he can have access to the plethora of movie stars and GIs flying though the area.
High Life

High Life

Feb 07, 2009
It's 1983, and hopeless junkie Dick gets an unwelcome visit from the past - his seriously sleazy former cellmate, Bug, to be precise. Bug requires a crash course in the 80s: different music, different drugs, and machines in walls that dispense money. The latter development gives Dick an idea.
The Ladies Man

The Ladies Man

Oct 13, 2000
Leon Phelps se caractérise par sa grande connaissance des choses de l'amour et du sexe. Quotidiennement, il abreuve les ondes radiophoniques de Chicago de ses bons conseils au sein de son talk-show : un programme consacré aux problèmes amoureux qu'il lui est entièrement dédié. Leon a toujours réponses à tout, ce qui en fait une véritable star, un sex-symbol irrésistible pour toutes les femmes de la ville, the Ladies Man.Mais à la suite d'une émission, et surtout d'un dérapage de la part de Leon à l'antenne, celui-ci est licencié. Plongé dans un profond désespoir d'une condition sociale qu'il n'avait jamais connu jusqu'alors, Leon reçoit alors une lettre d'une de ses ex, l'invitant à renouer leurs tendres relations, et lui faire profiter du même coup de sa belle fortune.Leon se sent repousser des ailes, rêvant de tout ce qu'il pourrait faire de cet argent tombé du ciel. Mais voilà, comment retrouver la « Douce » qui lui a écrit, parmi toutes les conquêtes du tombeur ?


Jul 20, 2002
A humourous "domestic opera" about an upwardly mobile couple in their mid thirties who can't resolve an argument about the cap being left off the toothpaste.
Scared Shitless

Scared Shitless

Aug 26, 2024
A plumber and his germophobic son are forced to get their hands dirty to save the residents of an apartment building, when a genetically engineered, blood-thirsty creature escapes into the plumbing system.
Spice World, le film

Spice World, le film

Dec 18, 1997
Tandis que les Spice Girls se préparent pour leur concert au mythique Royal Albert Hall, Piers, pompeux réalisateur de documentaires, tente de saisir leur rythme et leur esprit. Quant à Kevin McMaxford, puissant rédacteur en chef du « Daily Event », ulcéré par leur succès, a juré leur perte et lance sur leurs traces Damien, un diabolique reporter qui n'a pas son pareil pour compromettre les célébrités avec des photos indiscrètes.
Room for Rent

Room for Rent

Oct 06, 2017
When a reclusive man-child convinces his parents to rent their spare room to save from downsizing, a stranger with a hidden agenda moves in.
New Waterford Girl

New Waterford Girl

Sep 12, 1999
A gifted teenager, dreaming of life beyond her small town, becomes inspired when a 15-year-old girl from New York moves in next door.
Enfants non accompagnés
La veille de Noël, un blizzard paralyse complètement un aéroport de Chicago, empêchant des milliers de personnes de rejoindre leurs proches. Parmi eux se trouvent plusieurs enfants voyageant seuls, généralement parce que leurs parents sont divorcés et qu'ils sont entre deux foyers. Le personnel de l'aéroport se charge de superviser ces jeunes non accompagnés et de les mener à un hôtel des environs. Cependant, dans la confusion, cinq d'entre eux s'échappent et vont semer la pagaille à travers le terminal, au grand dam de la direction et des gardes de sécurité.
Falling Angels

Falling Angels

Nov 13, 2003
The wickedly funny story of three sisters' coming of age in a wildly dysfunctional family, set against the backdrop of the 60's, free love, the Cold War, LSD and the dawn of feminism. Affectionately dubbed "Little Women on acid", this is a story about the destructive effects of secrecy and the bonds of duty between parents and their children.


Mar 03, 2005
Roots is a one-of-kind produce's-eye journey through a supermarket-and through the highly sensitive issue of adoption disclosure. As a series of fruit and vegetables each drop into a shopping cart, they quickly get caught up in a conversation about origins.
Une Nuit au Roxbury

Une Nuit au Roxbury

Oct 01, 1998
Enfin, apres sept ans d'effort, les freres Butabi viennent de decrocher leur diplome de fin d'etudes. Ils vont pouvoir realiser leur reve: devenir les princes des nuits chaudes de Los Angeles. Steve et Doug se presentent donc au portes du tres select Roxbury Club et se font envoyer immediatement sur les roses. Mais le hasard d'une rencontre avec Richard Grieco, un habitue des lieux, leur offre l'occasion d'acceder enfin a ce lieu peuple de creatures de reve. Commence alors pour les deux freres une laborieuse ascension vers le monde de la nuit.
Les Derniers jours du disco
Alice et Charlotte viennent de terminer leurs études universitaires et se rencontrent à l'occasion de leur premier emploi dans une maison d'édition de Manhattan. Si la blonde Alice est fragile et timide, Charlotte, la brune, est ouvertement carrieriste. Malgré une secrète rivalité, les deux jeunes femme se lient d'amitié d'autant plus qu'elles ont une passion commune pour le disco, qu'elles pratiquent au Club, la boîte la pluc chic de New York.
This Too Shall Pass

This Too Shall Pass

Nov 14, 2024
Simon, a 16-year-old suffocated by his strict Mormon upbringing, rebels and crosses the border with friends for a weekend in Canada, as they individually discover more about themselves.
Not Pretty, Really

Not Pretty, Really

Oct 10, 2006
Writer director Mark McKinney conducts candid interviews with selected subjects on the benefits and downside of being considered "pretty."
Corner Gas

Corner Gas

Apr 13, 2009
Following the adventures of a bunch of nobodies who get up to a whole lot of nothing in the fictional prairie town of Dog River, Saskatchewan, Corner Gas focuses on the life (or lack thereof) of Brent LeRoy, proprietor of a gas station that is the only stop for miles around and a hub of action on the Prairies.
The Kids in the Hall

The Kids in the Hall

Apr 15, 1995
Une troupe canadienne de sketchs comiques qui, le plus souvent, met des rebondissements bizarres, uniques et insensés dans leurs sketchs.
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
Wes Mendell est le showrunner de Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, un programme à sketches qui parodie ou fait une satyre de tout et de rien. Alors que l'émission commence et est rentransmise en direct, Wes décide de faire tout arrêter en raison de la médiocrité des sketches. Le branle-bas de combat est lancé, les têtes pensantes de la chaîne doivent le remplacer et redonner le ton drôle et satyrique à l'émission. Il font appel à Matt Albie et Danny Tripp, deux anciens scénaristes de l'émission qu'ils ont viré quatre ans auparavant.
The Great North

The Great North

Dec 22, 2024
Père célibataire vivant en Alaska, Beef Tobin fait de son mieux pour s'occuper de sa progéniture. Sa seule fille, Judy, laquelle nourrit des ambitions artistiques, commence à travailler dans un centre commercial, un univers très éloigné de l'entreprise familiale à savoir la pêche.
Puppets Who Kill

Puppets Who Kill

Jun 22, 2006
Puppets Who Kill is a Canadian television comedy programme co-produced by The Comedy Network. It premiered in Canada on the Comedy Network in 2002, and in Australia on The Comedy Channel in 2004. In Puppets Who Kill, Rocko the Dog, Cuddles the Comfort Doll, Buttons the Bear, and Bill the Dummy are four live, anthropomorphic puppets with a history of delinquency and recidivism. Canadian courts sent each of them to a halfway house for puppets, operated by a man named Dan Barlow.
Robson Arms

Robson Arms

Jun 30, 2008
Robson Arms follows the lives of the tenants in a once-grand low-rise in Vancouver's eclectic West End. The building is home to an unlikely collection of characters who live under one roof, yet occupy different worlds. One thing is certain, you'll never see your neighbours the same way again.


Nov 27, 1988
This show-within-a-show was a slyly comedic "What's Up, Tiger Lily"-style re-edit and overdubbing of six episodes of the 7th season of the Japanese TV series Super Sentai, Kagaku Sentai Dynaman. In each episode, the brilliant (but cheap) Dr. Ho sends the Dynakids (five good looking Japanese friends!) to save the world from the evil machinations of his former partners Bernie Tanaka and Mel Fujitzu and the giant monsters they create.
Late Night with Conan O'Brien
Stepping into the late-late slot vacated by David Letterman, Conan O'Brien stars in a show that far outdoes its competition in sheer strangeness. Along with the celebrity interviews and musical numbers typical of late-night talk shows, this program make frequent use of odd walk-on characters and frequent "visits" from celebrity guests.
Wanda at Large

Wanda at Large

Nov 07, 2003
Correspondante locale d'un talk show politique, Wanda apporte un peu de son tempérament de feu dans ce show conservateur.
Kevin Hill

Kevin Hill

May 18, 2005
Kevin Hill, 28 ans, célibataire, est un brillant avocat dans le monde du showbiz new yorkais. Mais sa vie est bouleversée lorsque son cousin décède brutalement et qu'il doit prendre en charge sa fille, âgée de seulement 6 mois. Le jeune homme quitte alors son travail pour un autre plus adapté avec des horaires flexibles...
Twitch City

Twitch City

Apr 05, 2000
Twitch City is a surreal sitcom set in the Toronto, Ontario neighbourhood of Kensington Market, and follows Curtis, a television addict who refuses to leave his apartment, and his friends and roommates Nathan and Hope. In the series' first episode, Nathan is sent to prison for killing a homeless man with a can of cat food, leaving Curtis and Hope to find a replacement roommate to help with the rent.
Lilo & Stitch: la série
Si Stitch est l'expérience 626, la préférée du Dr Jumba, qu'en est-il des 625 autres ? Les autres expériences de Jumba ont atterri à Hawaï sous la forme de cocons déshydratés. Les expériences deviennent actives quand elles sont recouvertes d'eau et, tout comme Stitch, chaque expérience a ses propres et singulières aptitudes pour la destruction... Et la comédie. La mission de Lilo et Stitch[ consiste à attraper les "cousins" de Stitch avant qu'ils ne tombent dans les griffes du Dr Jacques von Hamsterviel et de son complice Gantu, et à les transformer en êtres doués de bonté et de générosité.
Corner Gas Animated

Corner Gas Animated

Nov 01, 2021
Cela fait quelques années qu'il ne se passe grand choses à Dog River, à 40 kilomètres de nulle part. Mais c'est sur le point de changer...
The Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town
In the fictional Ontario town of Shuckton, the mayor has been murdered! As the Shuckton residents cope with the loss, a new lawyer moves in to prosecute a suspect – though another resident, unsatisfied with the evidence, tries to find the real killer. At the same time, a character who is a personification of death waits at a motel room for the latest Shuckton residents to die...
Man Seeking Woman

Man Seeking Woman

Mar 08, 2017
Proche de la trentaine, Josh Greenberg se lance dans une quête fantastique pour trouver le véritable amour. Entre aventures sans lendemain cocasses, rencontre avec Hitler, confrontation avec sa propre main, blind date avec un troll et autres voyages dans le temps, les ennuis ne font que commencer...
Saturday Night Live

Saturday Night Live

Feb 16, 2025
Saturday Night Live est une émission de divertissement retransmise en direct depuis le Studio 8H du GE Building au Rockefeller Center de New York. Diffusé le samedi soir sur la chaîne NBC, le programme se compose de sketches, de parodies et de performances musicales. Il s'agit de l'un des programmes phares de la télévision américaine, qui a permis l'émergence de nombreuses stars de la comédie lors des trente dernières années.


Mar 25, 2021
Les drôles de mésaventures des employés d'un grand magasin. Des débutants aux yeux qui brillent aux vétérans ayant déjà tout vécu, en passant par les employés d'été paumés et les managers déterminés, ils affrontent "en famille" les soucis du quotidien inhérents à la gestion d'une grande surface.


Dec 17, 2001
A dark, investigative exploration of the obsessive gambling psyche.
Strangers with Candy

Strangers with Candy

Oct 02, 2000
Jerri Blank is a former prostitute and junkie whore who returns to high school as a 46-year-old freshman at Flatpoint High. Jerri ran away from home and became 'a boozer, a user, and a loser' after dropping out as a teenager, supporting her drug habits through prostitution, stripping, and larceny. She has been to prison several times, the last time because she 'stole the TV'. At home, Jerri's father Guy is comatose, although he seems perfectly capable of amazing feats. Her stepmother Sara is vain and bitter, and stepbrother Derrick is a bullying jock. Jerri tries to do things the right way but always ends up learning the wrong lesson. Her hijinks often involve, either directly or indirectly, neurotic history teacher Chuck Noblet and his secret lover, sensitive art teacher Geoffrey Jellineck.
The Kids in the Hall

The Kids in the Hall

May 12, 2022
La troupe de sketchs canadienne emblématique The Kids in the Hall revient avec une nouvelle saison de sa série de sketchs révolutionnaires.
The Kids in the Hall: Comedy Punks
Through never before-seen archive material, interviews with celebrities, industry insiders, rabid fans and the Kids In The Hall themselves – this documentary tells the wild story of this cult-famous comedy troupe from the 1980s to the present day.
Slings & Arrows

Slings & Arrows

Aug 28, 2006
Chaque saison suit la production d’une tragédie différente de Shakespeare devant être présentée au festival New Burbage. La première saison, qui compte six épisodes, porte sur la création de Hamlet. La deuxième saison présente l’acteur égocentrique Henry Breedlove (Geraint Wyn Davies) qui tient le rôle éponyme dans Macbeth,et Colm Feore dans la peau d’un directeur marketing d’avant-garde. La troisième et dernière saison ajoute Sarah Polley dans le rôle de Sophie, une jeune actrice qui interprète Cordelia et qui donne la réplique à Charles Kingman (William Hutt), un acteur mourant dont le dernier souhait est d’interpréter le Roi Lear.
Less Than Kind

Less Than Kind

Jul 14, 2013
Less Than Kind is a Canadian television comedy-drama series that stars Jesse Camacho as Sheldon Blecher, a teenager growing up in a loving but dysfunctional Jewish family in Winnipeg. The show's cast also includes Maury Chaykin and Wendel Meldrum as Sheldon's parents, Benjamin Arthur as his older brother Josh, and Nancy Sorel as his aunt, Clara. The Blechers struggle to operate a driving school out of their home in Winnipeg's fading North End. Less Than Kind made its debut October 13, 2008, on Citytv, and moved to HBO Canada in February 2010. The ensemble cast of the critically acclaimed series won Canadian Comedy Awards in 2009 and 2010.Less Than Kind received the 2010 Gemini Award for Best Comedy Program or Series and the inaugural award for Best Comedy Series at the 2013 Canadian Screen Awards. The title sequence and logo for Less Than Kind were inspired by an iconic highway sign at Winnipeg's Confusion Corner intersection, depicting arrows pointing in every direction. The name of the series is found in the first line spoken by Hamlet: "A little more than kin, and less than kind."
The Great North

The Great North

Dec 22, 2024
Père célibataire vivant en Alaska, Beef Tobin fait de son mieux pour s'occuper de sa progéniture. Sa seule fille, Judy, laquelle nourrit des ambitions artistiques, commence à travailler dans un centre commercial, un univers très éloigné de l'entreprise familiale à savoir la pêche.
Troisième planète après le Soleil
Cette série raconte la vie quotidienne d'une famille de quatre extraterrestres venus sur la Terre, à Rutherford dans l'Ohio, pour observer les humains. Pour cela ils prennent forme humaine et se font appeler Dick, Sally, Harry et Tommy Solomon. Ces extraterrestres sont d'une intelligence supérieure à la nôtre, mais ils découvrent un peu plus chaque jour les sentiments et les coutumes des humains.
Stars in the House

Stars in the House

Oct 25, 2021
In the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic and theatres across the world closing their curtains indefinitely, SiriusXM host Seth Rudetsky and his husband, producer James Wesley have created Stars in the House, a daily live streamed series to support The Actors Fund and its services.


Dec 22, 2002
Clerks est une sitcom animée américaine basée sur la comédie du même nom de 1994 de Kevin Smith. Il a été développé pour la télévision par Smith, le producteur partenaire de Smith, Scott Mosier, et l'ancien écrivain de Seinfeld, David Mandel, avec des conceptions de personnages de Stephen Silver.
Producing Parker

Producing Parker

Apr 15, 2011
An animated TV program that follows the life of an overworked and underpaid TV producer and her crewmates who work on a daytime talk show.
Mark McKinney Needs a Hobby
Follow actor and writer Mark McKinney as he embarks on an epic quest to answer perhaps the most pressing question of our age – who are we when we’re not working? Mark travels throughout North America to meet the world’s most audacious hobbyists, and the communities of like-minded obsessives who nurture them, all to find that one, true, perfect hobby he can claim as his own.
Mark McKinney Needs a Hobby
Less Than Kind is a Canadian television comedy-drama series that stars Jesse Camacho as Sheldon Blecher, a teenager growing up in a loving but dysfunctional Jewish family in Winnipeg. The show's cast also includes Maury Chaykin and Wendel Meldrum as Sheldon's parents, Benjamin Arthur as his older brother Josh, and Nancy Sorel as his aunt, Clara. The Blechers struggle to operate a driving school out of their home in Winnipeg's fading North End. Less Than Kind made its debut October 13, 2008, on Citytv, and moved to HBO Canada in February 2010. The ensemble cast of the critically acclaimed series won Canadian Comedy Awards in 2009 and 2010.Less Than Kind received the 2010 Gemini Award for Best Comedy Program or Series and the inaugural award for Best Comedy Series at the 2013 Canadian Screen Awards. The title sequence and logo for Less Than Kind were inspired by an iconic highway sign at Winnipeg's Confusion Corner intersection, depicting arrows pointing in every direction. The name of the series is found in the first line spoken by Hamlet: "A little more than kin, and less than kind."
Mark McKinney Needs a Hobby
Less Than Kind is a Canadian television comedy-drama series that stars Jesse Camacho as Sheldon Blecher, a teenager growing up in a loving but dysfunctional Jewish family in Winnipeg. The show's cast also includes Maury Chaykin and Wendel Meldrum as Sheldon's parents, Benjamin Arthur as his older brother Josh, and Nancy Sorel as his aunt, Clara. The Blechers struggle to operate a driving school out of their home in Winnipeg's fading North End. Less Than Kind made its debut October 13, 2008, on Citytv, and moved to HBO Canada in February 2010. The ensemble cast of the critically acclaimed series won Canadian Comedy Awards in 2009 and 2010.Less Than Kind received the 2010 Gemini Award for Best Comedy Program or Series and the inaugural award for Best Comedy Series at the 2013 Canadian Screen Awards. The title sequence and logo for Less Than Kind were inspired by an iconic highway sign at Winnipeg's Confusion Corner intersection, depicting arrows pointing in every direction. The name of the series is found in the first line spoken by Hamlet: "A little more than kin, and less than kind."
Mark McKinney Needs a Hobby
Chaque saison suit la production d’une tragédie différente de Shakespeare devant être présentée au festival New Burbage. La première saison, qui compte six épisodes, porte sur la création de Hamlet. La deuxième saison présente l’acteur égocentrique Henry Breedlove (Geraint Wyn Davies) qui tient le rôle éponyme dans Macbeth,et Colm Feore dans la peau d’un directeur marketing d’avant-garde. La troisième et dernière saison ajoute Sarah Polley dans le rôle de Sophie, une jeune actrice qui interprète Cordelia et qui donne la réplique à Charles Kingman (William Hutt), un acteur mourant dont le dernier souhait est d’interpréter le Roi Lear.
Mark McKinney Needs a Hobby
In the fictional Ontario town of Shuckton, the mayor has been murdered! As the Shuckton residents cope with the loss, a new lawyer moves in to prosecute a suspect – though another resident, unsatisfied with the evidence, tries to find the real killer. At the same time, a character who is a personification of death waits at a motel room for the latest Shuckton residents to die...
Mark McKinney Needs a Hobby
Les drôles de mésaventures des employés d'un grand magasin. Des débutants aux yeux qui brillent aux vétérans ayant déjà tout vécu, en passant par les employés d'été paumés et les managers déterminés, ils affrontent "en famille" les soucis du quotidien inhérents à la gestion d'une grande surface.
Mark McKinney Needs a Hobby
Chaque saison suit la production d’une tragédie différente de Shakespeare devant être présentée au festival New Burbage. La première saison, qui compte six épisodes, porte sur la création de Hamlet. La deuxième saison présente l’acteur égocentrique Henry Breedlove (Geraint Wyn Davies) qui tient le rôle éponyme dans Macbeth,et Colm Feore dans la peau d’un directeur marketing d’avant-garde. La troisième et dernière saison ajoute Sarah Polley dans le rôle de Sophie, une jeune actrice qui interprète Cordelia et qui donne la réplique à Charles Kingman (William Hutt), un acteur mourant dont le dernier souhait est d’interpréter le Roi Lear.
Mark McKinney Needs a Hobby
Follow actor and writer Mark McKinney as he embarks on an epic quest to answer perhaps the most pressing question of our age – who are we when we’re not working? Mark travels throughout North America to meet the world’s most audacious hobbyists, and the communities of like-minded obsessives who nurture them, all to find that one, true, perfect hobby he can claim as his own.