Ingrid Rabel

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La vengeance des zombies
Lorsque sa cousine est retrouvée assassinée, Elvire Irving, sous le choc, trouve réconfort auprès de Krisna, un gourou indien qui l’héberge chez lui. Malheureusement, le tueur n’a pas fini son travail et les meurtres se multiplient dans l’entourage de Elvire. Et comme si cela ne suffisait pas, le meurtrier utilise la magie vaudou afin de ressusciter ses victimes, qui, devenues zombies, l'aideront à assouvir sa soif de vengeance, car il y a bien une embrouille au départ.
Odio mi cuerpo

Odio mi cuerpo

May 30, 1974
The brain of a male engineer is transplanted into a female’s body. He soon finds it very frustrating to cope with the daily sexist discrimination most women deal with. For example, he is surprised when no one will hire a female engineer. When he is faced with dealing with female sexuality, he quickly begins exhibiting lesbian tendencies.
Science Fiction
Une libellule pour chaque mort
A Milan, le viril inspecteur Scaporella est en charge d'élucider une affaire dans laquelle un dangereux maniaque assassine les prostituées, les dealers et autres homosexuels qui se trouvent sur son chemin. Systématiquement, on retrouve une libellule en plastique posée sur le cadavre de la victime.
La saga de los Drácula
Count Dracula's pregnant granddaughter arrives at his castle, along with her husband, who is not a vampire. While she prepares to give birth to a new member of the Dracula line, her husband secretly launches into a series of affairs with the Count's resident "brides."
Le bossu de la morgue

Le bossu de la morgue

Jul 13, 1973
Gotho, un misérable bossu, est employé à la morgue d’un hospice. Il s’occupe des tâches les plus ingrates, à la risée de tout le personnel. Amoureux fou d’une patiente, il prend soin d’elle autant qu’il le peut. Hélas, elle ne survit pas à sa maladie, ce qui plonge Gotho dans le chagrin. Désespéré, il cache la belle dans le sous-sol de la morgue. Un médecin sans scrupules lui promet de la ramener à la vie. Mais, en échange, il doit l’aider dans ses recherches : Gotho doit ramener des cadavres tout frais.
Polvo eres...

Polvo eres...

Dec 30, 1974
The poor Camilo was about a priest, when he suffered a dizzy spell and was diagnosed with a serious illness.
Más allá del deseo

Más allá del deseo

Jan 01, 1976
Mónica has just died in a traffic accident. Along with her was another man. Pedro Bernáldez, painter and lover of Mónica, was so in love with her that he came to change his painting style for the one indicated by his lover. Now that Mónica has died, Pedro will investigate what relationship the deceased had with each other and begins to discover many things.
Dos chicas de revista

Dos chicas de revista

Jul 14, 1972
A Madrid theater is looking for girls for a new company of revue shows. One of the girls presented is Catalina, very sawy and restless, daughter of a seamstress of the theater. Another candidate is an innocent girl who studies ballet abroad and is the daughter of a famous star, Cecilia Alcaraz. Soon the two girls become good friends and Catalina intends to succeed Alice. Alicia's success also benefits her friend making them the most famous theatrical couple times. But with success comes love, which is also a major impediment to their careers.
Lo verde empieza en los Pirineos
Don Serafin has a complex: to all the beautiful women always seen with a beard. To remove the complex and try to cure him, his friends will lead to Biarritz. To do this, the friends decide to cross the border protagonists of the Pyrenees and dive into the orgy of nudity and "green film" that was developed in France.
El señor está servido
Three stories of three housemaids: Martina, shop steward, serves a marriage that can not have children because she entered the house with that condition. Basilia, Cateta coming to serve and not do anything, the contract for a small fee and let she carry a transistor always hung over the shoulder. And Lali, a gorgeous girl, but very serious and decent, it does not last any longer than 24 hours home because everyone wants to conquer.