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Oct 27, 2007
A 48-year-old company chief, Yukihiro Fujiyama (Koji Yakusho) goes to a hospital. There he discovered that he has got terminal lung cancer and will die within half a year. He declines any treatment and decides to go to see some people he has not met for years, to write farewell letters to his family, relatives and friends...


Nov 20, 2010
Former high school teacher Kazuo Hatano (Toru Nakamura) reunites 12 years later with Masako Tezuka (Manami Konishi). Masako Tezuka was his former high school student whom he married after her graduation. Their marriage became a scandal & the couple divorced ...


May 31, 2008
Based on a short story written by Shuhei Fujisawa (who also wrote Twilight Samurai, The Hidden Blade, Love and Honor), the film depicts the uneasy life of Noe Isomura (Rena Tanaka) with the difficult family she has married into after her former husband passed away. One day as she tries to brake off a branch of a cherry tree, she is aided by a samurai who she does not recognize but who recognizes her. He turns out to be a former suitor that she never met named Yaichiro Tezuka (Noriyuki Higashiyama) and who teaches swordsmanship to the local samurai. Meanwhile, the powerful new chief retainer of the village enacts land policies that threaten the survival of the local farmers.
Threads of Destiny

Threads of Destiny

Dec 20, 2008
Atsushi Nishino et Mei Takemiya sont deux adolescents qui font face à la drogue, la mort et la violence. Mei Takemiya vit avec sa sœur Haruna. Elles ont un ami d'enfance avec lequel elles ont grandi comme frère et sœur : Yuya. Quand Haruna va au lycée, Mei et Yuya restent seuls pour aller au collège et l'amour commence à naître en Mei. Cependant, il semblerait que Yuya lui préfère sa sœur…
Based on the writings of a true life, vision-impaired lawyer comes a story about a blind man who manages to pass the extremely difficult bar exam and earn his lawyer’s license. Long desiring to help the weak, Kensuke Okochi gets a job at an attorney’s office while he and his wife, also blind, look forward to their first child. When a plaintiff in a divorce case decides to withdraw from litigation, Kensuke worries at first that it has to do with his own perceived inadequacies as a lawyer, but a few days later, he is visited by the female plaintiff, Satomi, showing injuries to her body. While it appears an open and shut case of domestic violence with an audio recording as proof, Kensuke detects a “certain scent” coming from the plaintiff which gives him pause as to her real intentions.
In Sapporo, college student Watanabe Sachi approaches her band leader boyfriend Takumi with the news that she is pregnant. Finding it difficult to deal with the fallout, the couple decide to leave Sapporo for the port city of Hakodate instead. Soon, however, they are separated and Sachi has to make a difficult decision about her baby on Christmas Eve. Her decision will ultimately involve Iwadate Shuichi and his wife Mizue, an older couple who still mourn the loss of their own child.
Kimi ni love song wo

Kimi ni love song wo

May 11, 2010
Le groupe Coréen Supernova est dans une mauvaise passe. Le chanteur du groupe rencontre alors Saori, une jeune japonaise aveugle. Fan du groupe, elle va sans le savoir donner des cours de japonais à son idole.


Dec 20, 2024
Centered around typical Japanese food, a solitary salesman travelling through the country for business purposes, eats at its various establishments and experiences the various delicacies of Japanese cuisine.
Seito Shokun!

Seito Shokun!

Jun 06, 2007
Dans la longue lignée des dramas qui se passent en milieu scolaire avec des profs plus ou moins messies qui règlent à la pelle les problèmes de leurs élèves, voici venir une nouvelle enseignante, Kitashiro Naoko, qui va prendre en main le destin de sa petite classe contre vents et marées, contre suicides et ijime...
Koukou Nyushi

Koukou Nyushi

Dec 29, 2012
Kyoko, nouvellement nommée professeur d'anglais dans une école secondaire préfectorale prestigieuse, rurale mais très respectée, avait passé son enfance et ses années de lycée à l'étranger avant de retourner au Japon. Parce qu'elle a vécu longtemps à l'étranger, elle ne comprend pas les idées démodées propres au Japon et a tendance à être franche sur ce qu'elle pense. La veille et le jour de l'examen d'entrée à l'école, divers incidents se produisent.
Akai Ito

Akai Ito

Feb 28, 2009
L'histoire d'Akai Ito tourne autour du « fil rouge » du destin reliant les jeunes Mei et Atsushi (tous deux nés un 29 février) et des épreuves auxquelles ils font face : situation familiale compliquée, histoires d'amour, d'amitié, problèmes de drogue…
Suteki na Sen TAXI

Suteki na Sen TAXI

Dec 16, 2014
Edawakare est le conducteur du Sentaxi, un véhicule merveilleux capable de ramener un passager à son " tournant de vie ". Son apparence cool est en contradiction avec son caractère bavard, fouineur. Il conseille les passagers après avoir échoué dans leur choix de vie.
1 Pound no Fukuin

1 Pound no Fukuin

Mar 08, 2008
Kosaku Hatanaka est un bon boxeur devenu pro à l'âge de 19 ans, mais il a subi une longue liste de défaites due à son inaptitude à contrôler son appétit, ce qui le met toujours dans la catégorie de poids supérieure. Un jour après une défaite, il se promène dans une église, dans laquelle il rencontra une nonne naïve et débutante. Il se sent immédiatement intéressé par cette dernière…
Namonaki Doku

Namonaki Doku

Sep 16, 2013
Saburo Sugimura travaille pour le service de relations publiques d'une entreprise dirigée par son beau-père Yoshichika Imada. Un jour, Yoshichika charge Saburo de travailler au sujet d'un homme nommé Nobuo Kajita.
This program centers on rakugo (traditional Japanese comedic storytelling) and showcases performances by active storytellers, as well as valuable archival content. Viewers have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich variety of laughter found in the Kansai region.


Jan 03, 2015
At the West Tokyo branch office of Pakupaku Confectionery, capable salarymen clinch successive business deals. However, nothing seems to go right for four of the people among the busy staff. Even though they always give it their best, they would fail and get scolded and have to start all over again. There is Yoko Wataru who is the one the other three would like to depend on because he is the most senior, but he is incompetent, has bad timing in everything and falters when he speaks; Miyata Toshiya often gets scolded due to his naivete and inability to read situations; Nikaido Takashi is the athletic sort, very diligent, tends to get extremely close to other people when talking and has a pretty quick temper; and Senga Kento who is stylish and good at his work, but is somewhat blur and oddly harsh towards females but lenient with males. The foursome grapple with the challenges which appear inside and outside the company although they are in danger of being laid off.


Jun 23, 2018
In high school, Itoi Miyuki was a not so pretty girl, one day she suddenly turns attractive. She then starts plays with men, however, the men around her start to die.
Iryu Sosa

Iryu Sosa

Sep 15, 2022
Satoshi Itomura est méticuleux sur les scènes de crime pour appréhender les auteurs de crimes. Il cherche la solution au travers des biens de la victime. Il es mal vu par ses collègues de la première division car il mène des enquêtes sans autorisation et en dehors de toute hiérarchie. Miyuki Oda, enquêteuse débutante, va découvrir par le détective scientifique une autre manière de résoudre des crimes.
Dandy Daddy

Dandy Daddy

Sep 07, 2009
Izaki Ryunosuke is a popular romance novelist who is constantly writing bestsellers. Now a widower with plenty of experience in relationships, he is also an open advocate of "free love." But when it comes to his teenage daughter Akari, he sings a completely different tune! The overprotective Ryunosuke monitors her every move, even if it means shadowing her or stealing her cell phone! Will the two ever learn to understand each other, and will Akari ever be able to date in peace? --Tokyograph


May 28, 2017
A huge Japan newspaper company decides to sell itself due to failing sales. An eager buyer for the acquisition is a domineering Japanese man like Donald Trump who heads a foreign company. A dynamic finance drama that questions the role of the media of the 21st century.
Jun Hashimoto is a sci-fi novel writer, but he isn't popular at all. He lives off of his savings. One day, his editor Tateyama assigns him a job: he is to write a "love" themed short story for a web magazine oriented towards youths. At first Jun refuses, because he has never written a love story before, but Tateyama pushes him to write one. The deadline is imminent. Jun's childhood friend Keisuke Murata then appears in front of him. Jun complains to Keisuke that he can't write, but while talking to him, he comes up with an idea.
螢草 菜々の剣

螢草 菜々の剣

Sep 04, 2019
Nana is a servant of the Kazahaya family, She is from a samurai family. Her father was about to reveal wrongdoings within the domain but had to commit ritual suicide for a crime he hadn't done. Ichinoshin tries to correct the wrongdoings, but end up being a target himself. After finding out her father's enemy is the man behind it all, Nana decides to protect Ichinoshin and his children, as she had promised Sachi, Ichinoshin's late wife.
大江戸事件帖 美味でそうろう
During the late Edo period when the Tenpo Reforms are in force, public discontent is growing over the collusive relationships between merchants and government officials. Kakie Shinpeita (Kitamura Kazuki) is a samurai who possesses a highly sensitive palate and remarkable knowledge of food. His family publishes a tabloid-style newspaper in block print that covers local happenings. However, Shinpeita is only interested in food and how to prepare it. He scours Edo looking for food stories to report as he uses his sense of taste and knowledge to help the Kitamachi magistrate Toyama Kinshiro (Nakamura Hashinosuke) to solve baffling cases that occur in the capital.