Gareth Snook

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Le Fantôme de l'Opéra au Royal Albert Hall
Un génie musical défiguré, caché à l'Opéra de Paris, terrorise la compagnie d'opéra au profit involontaire d'une jeune protégée qu'il forme et aime. Le 25e anniversaire de la première représentation publique du Fantôme de l'Opéra a été célébré par une grande représentation au Royal Albert Hall de Londres.


Dec 10, 1996
Set in modern upper-crust Manhattan, an exploration of love and commitment as seen through the eyes of a charming perpetual bachelor questioning his single state and his enthusiastically married, slightly envious friends.


Dec 20, 2002
A new production of EL Doctorow's historical novel, recorded at the Cardiff International Festival of Musical Theatre. Broadcast as part of BBC4's America Night.
Wise Children

Wise Children

Oct 03, 2019
In Brixton, Nora and Dora Chance – twin chorus girls born and bred south of the river – are celebrating their 70th birthday. Over the river in Chelsea, their father and greatest actor of his generation, Melchior Hazard, turns 100 on the same day. As does his twin brother Peregrine. If, in fact, he’s still alive. And if, in truth, Melchior is their real father after all…
Romantics Anonymous

Romantics Anonymous

Sep 22, 2020
Angélique makes beautiful chocolates, carefully infused with all the emotion that seems to overwhelm her in daily life. Jean-René runs a chocolate factory that is running out of steam, rather like his own existence. Both seek help from the usual sources: Jean-René favours self-help tapes and Angélique joins a support group, Les Émotifs Anonymes. Romantics Anonymous is an unusual and tender love story in which the obstacles to happiness are not the usual external barriers, but those sneaky little ones we know all too intimately: the ones within.
Bagdad Cafe

Bagdad Cafe

Aug 25, 2021
Smack bang in the middle of nowhere (or was it somewhere on the legendary Route 66?) two women are thrown together by chance. Stranded tourist Jasmin stumbles out of her unhappy marriage and finds herself at Brenda’s remote cafe and motel. Ordinarily, no one would choose to stay at the Bagdad Cafe but in the dust and isolation, unexpected and extraordinary friendships begin to blossom. The lost are found as individuals transform into an eclectic community bound by music, magic and some very strong coffee.


Feb 25, 2017
Considéré comme mort depuis des années, James Keziah Delaney refait surface à Londres en 1814, après 10 ans passés en Afrique. De retour en possession de diamants acquis illégalement et bien décidé à venger la mort de son père, il va refuser de vendre ce qu'il reste de l'héritage familial à la Compagnie britannique des Indes orientales et se mettre en tête de bâtir son propre empire de négoce et de transport. Mais James, qui va rapidement comprendre qu'il a de nombreux ennemis, va devoir naviguer bien des eaux troubles pour rester en vie et parvenir à ses fins.