Luigi Bonino

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Il pipistrello (La Scala)
Every night, Johann puts on bat's wings and flies off to enjoy himself. Bella, troubled by her husband's hedonistic activities, consults with her friend Ulrich and plots to disguise herself as a mysterious beauty to seduce her husband. A ballet in two acts after Johann Strauss' "Die Fledermaus" choreographed by Roland Petit, staged by Teatro alla Scala and filmed for television.
Hasards ou coïncidences
Myriam Lini, une danseuse étoile qui arpente le monde comme une châtelaine, voit sa vie basculer quand elle décide d'avoir un enfant. Elle perd l'homme qu'elle aime et doit accepter de voir sa carrière glisser sur une pente dangereuse. Quelques années plus tard, elle rencontre à nouveau l'homme de sa vie en la personne de Pierre Turi, un habile faussaire. Mais un accident va l'obliger à reconcevoir sa vie...
The celebrated French choreographer Roland Petit had always had his eye on a film presentation of his ballet "Chaplin Dances", which premiered in 1991 and has been touring the world since, and he assigned this project to his trusted friend, Masayuki Suo, pioneer of the current revival of Japanese cinema. Drawing upon a wealth of worldwide ballet talent, Petit's ballet and Chaplin's films, Suo reinvented the work and has given it a new lease of life. The resulting piece is not simply a filmed record of the ballet but a union of the two media that reflects the meeting of the great talents of Chaplin, Petit and Suo
Le Grand Échiquier

Le Grand Échiquier

Oct 29, 2020
Le Grand Échiquier mêle tous les arts et toutes les générations d'artistes et propose des rencontres artistiques exceptionnelles, inédites et insoupçonnables entre chanteurs, musiciens, chorégraphes, danseurs, humoristes ou encore chefs d'orchestre.