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Don Olsen kommer til byen
I en lille provinsby residerer bankdirektør L.W. Jacobsen. Han er ikke særlig interesseret i sin kone, Elsebeth, men derimod i lærerinde og byrådsmedlem frk.Mortensen. Thorsen, byens manufakturhandler er medlem af samme byrådsgruppe som Jacobsen. Så kommer Don Olsen til byen. Olsen er ikke interesseret i det pænere borgerskab, men derimod i mennesker. Ved et tilfælde mødes Thorsen og Olsen og snart drikker de dus. Thorsen slæber ud på natten mælkemandens hest med hjem i lejligheden. Skandalen er en realitet. Thorsen vil flygte, men med Olsens hjælp bejler han i stedet til byens borgere og frk.Mortensen under mottoet "Gør gode tider bedre"
5 mand og Rosa

5 mand og Rosa

Nov 13, 1964
På et sygehus's 5 mandsstue - stue nummer 13 - ligger der 5 meget forskellige mænd, med meget forskellig baggrunde: Byretsdommer Winther, modedesigner Philip André , bankkasserer Madsen, den uforbederlige indbrudstyv Herluf "Smukke Arne" Jensen , og legationssekretær Konrad Konradsen. Legationssekretæren har begået en dumhed og er kommet i lommen på en pengeafpresseren Helmer Gamtofte . Han er i besiddelse af nogle kompromitterende billeder, som han opbevarer i en bankboks i den bank, hvor Madsen er ansat. Det mandfolkekammeratskab der opstår på stue 13, bliver drivkraften, der får byretsdommeren, til at foreslå "Smukke Arne" at hjælpe Konradsen og bryde ind i banken og tilegne billederne.
Brødrene på Uglegaarden
Et sted på Fyn, hvor de levende hegn omkranser de bugnede marker, ligger Uglegaarden. Det er den største og rigeste gård i sognet, og den ejes af enken Dora og hendes tre brovtende stedsønner Karl, Viggo og Thomas. Deres faste tilholdssted er landsbyens kro, hvor kropigen Sara må finde sig i deres grovkornede tilnærmelser. De tre brødre har store planer med den lille nabogård Mosegaarden. De har opdaget, at under Mosegaardens magre marker og høje skrænter findes rågrus i store mængder. Chr. Thorup, der ejer stedet, har belånt gården til langt op over skorstene. Nu venter Uglegaards-brødrene bare på det rigtige tidspunkt til at overtage Mosegaarden. Men da Thourps søn, Henrik, uventet dukker op på Mosegaarden, bliver der kastet grus i de tre brødres skumle planer.
Familien Olsen

Familien Olsen

Mar 18, 1940
Familien Olsen is a 1940 Danish family film directed by Lau Lauritzen, Jr. and Alice O'Fredericks.
De røde heste

De røde heste

Jan 09, 1950
The old renowned Landboskole is spreading a new team of Agricultural Candidates after completing the Course.
Der brænder en ild

Der brænder en ild

Dec 26, 1962
Martin vender hjem med en god sum penge på lommen efter at han har arbejdet på Grønland. Han slår sig ned hos sin søster, der driver kroen - men meget er ændret. Mest skuffet er han over, at hans ungdomskæreste Martha har giftet sig med Just Hovmand, som har gården ´Lunehøj´. Martin starter en maskinstation - og er straks klar til at hjælpe Martha og hendes mand, da de kommer i økonomiske vanskeligheder. Men den stædige Just vil ikke modtage penge fra Marthas tidligere kæreste. Som sædvanlig i en god Morten Korch-film er der et par hyggelige ´fætre´ - Chr. Arhoff og Peter Malberg - og de finder på mange gode løsninger...


Oct 11, 1968
The first of 14 Olsen Gang films presents us with Egon Olsen, head of the gang, and his friends Benny and Kjeld, who want to become the best known gang in Denmark and eventually Europe by stealing a famous Bavarian work of art currently displayed in a Copenhagen museum. Although Egon's plan works out fine, there is only trouble ahead for the little gang.
L'homme qui pensait des choses
The mysterious Mr. Steinmetz has acquired the ability to create things and beings by will alone. Only, after a while his creations invariably disappear. He therefore approaches a famous brain surgeon, Max Holst, who he hopes can help him with this problem. When Max refuses, Steinmetz brings his doppelgänger into being to replace him.
Rend mig i revolutionen
A comedy about a Danish private detective, normally just occupied with cases about unfaithful spouses, is suddenly involved in murder, arms deal, revolution in Guateragua, briefcase full of money and the Danish intelligence agency.


Jan 09, 1955
En 1930, dans un village danois. Morten Borgen, un fermier veuf, riche et luthérien, exploite ses terres avec l'aide de ses trois fils. L'aîné, Mikkel, est marié et père de deux fillettes. Sa femme Inger est sur le point d'accoucher. Johannes, le second, est un illuminé qui se prend pour le Christ et bat la campagne en prophétisant. Anders, le plus jeune, est amoureux d'Anne, la fille de Peter, le tailleur, qui s'oppose à leur union pour des raisons de dissensions religieuses. Inger meurt en couches, mettant au monde un enfant mort-né. Johannes, qui avait prédit le drame, disparaît dans la campagne…
Erasmus Montanus

Erasmus Montanus

Jan 01, 1973
Danish farmer's son Rasmus Berg has been given a costly education in Copenhagen, and when he returns, he speaks Latin to his parents, and Latinises his name as Erasmus Montanus. He wants to "dispute", and goes on to "prove" a number of absurdities, such as that his mother is a rock. He is contrasted to his brother Jacob who is only interested in knowledge which of practical application.
Olsen-banden deruda'

Olsen-banden deruda'

Sep 30, 1977
Egon is starting to be a little forgetful; he forgot the zone number, so he fails to open the strongbox. When he gets out of Vridslose State Prison, Kjeld and Benny have become associates of Yvonne's cousin Georg from America. He is not just some old-fashioned strongbox thief that can't remember like Egon, but a young hip IT criminal, that thinks that everyone else is inferior. However, Egon doesn't take lightly to the Georg's patronizing so he sabotages Georg's computer and ruins his cup. This time Egon's ambitions reaches a new high, when he and his gang break in to the World Bank, and they get away with it. Of course, thanks to Yvonne, they aren't rich very long.
Olsen-banden overgiver sig aldrig
Egon plans to exploit knowledge gained during his latest term of incarceration. By stealing the unmanipulated financial records of DanInvest he obtains the majority of the stocks in the department store Magasin du Nord, just in time for their closing sale. The attempt to get the red suitcase that will save the day they rob the main vault at the EEC headquarters in Brussels and end up hijacking a tank.
Olsen-banden går i krig
Some criminal EU ministers plan to turn Denmark into a gigantic fair ground and holiday paradise. Egon gets his hand at some important documents which could both make him rich and take care of Denmark's future.
Tænk på et tal

Tænk på et tal

Mar 28, 1969
The story opens just before Christmas, when solitary, apathetic bank clerk Flemming Borck uncovers a plot to rob his bank. After doing a little rookie recon, Borck identifies the would-be bank robber as a faux shopping-mall Santa Claus, and counter-plots to steal the money himself and let Santa take the blame. This works out about as badly as you might imagine, and our bumbling protagonist spirals further and further away from the carefree, laconic lifestyle he had hoped to ensure for himself.


Sep 04, 1964
Danish melodrama about a housemaid struggling to find normalcy and love in the midst of war.
Harry et son valet

Harry et son valet

Sep 07, 1961
A gentle comedy offering the promise of easy social consensus. Harry (Helmuth) is a simple old-time shop porter offered a chance at self-realisation when he's bequeathed a sum by an unknown relative (via several levels of fiscal blood suckers). He decides to engage a butler to take good care of him for a time. This is a man of distinguished upper class service, but a generous nature which happily integrates with Harry's small but colourful world of drinking buddies and crackpot neighbourhood kids.


Sep 07, 1981
This trucker road movie tells the story of four men driving 30-ton meat-carriers in shuttle service between Denmark and Italy. Against their will, the truckers get involved in criminal activities that flourish as a result of European custom service bureaucracy. Their bonding as friends and their strongly rooted family life help them through.
Niels Pind og hans dreng
Det lille lokaltog kommer møjsommeligt tøffende ind på Torslev station. Stationsforstanderen står iført tøfler på perronen og venter på toget. Da det standser, viser det sig, at der er en eneste passager med. En yngre fremmedartet, elegant klædt mand stiger ned på perronen med et par kufferter med en masse flotte mærker fra fremmede lande. Manden hedder Nelson. For mange år siden drog han udenlands. Nu vender han hjem for at se, hvordan det står til i hans fødeby.


Sep 03, 1942
Mrs Clara has been married to Carl Møller for almost 25 years, but she is not happy.
Min kone er uskyldig

Min kone er uskyldig

Feb 20, 1950
Frederik makes various scams. As money is once again tight, Frederik and his wife Betty decide that they must go in new directions. Frederik dies and Betty cancels the life insurance. At first, things go very well for Betty. At the same time, Frederik is very jealous, which is why he decides to check Betty's relationship with men. Frederik appears as Frederik's brother, Carl. Carl and Betty have a few pleasant days together. Betty suspects that Carl is actually Frederik, but how could she know for sure. At the same time, the web begins to tighten around Carl/Frederik.
Livet paa Hegnsgaard

Livet paa Hegnsgaard

Oct 03, 1938
Also known as Life on the Hegn Farm, this domestic drama is based on a popular novel by Jeppe Aakjear. Simple in the extreme, the story concerns the romantic travails of country lass Trine (Karen Nellemose), who is being forced into a wealthy marriage to a man she does not love.
Olsen-banden ser rødt
Egon and the gang are hired to stage a robbery of an antique Chinese vase for an economically challenged baron. Naturally they fooled, which infuriates Egon. The gang tries to get back at the baron by switching the vase with a cheap Hong Kong copy. One attempt is made during the barons hunting party, where Egon ends up being bricked up in the catacombs. In another attempt, the gang has to coordinate breaking through several walls at The Royal Theater in Copenhagen with the "Elverhøj" overture.
Olsen-banden går amok
When Egon Olsen gets out of Vridlose State Prision once again, his friends Benny and Kjeld do not want to know about his new ingenious plan: they are actually WORKING in a shop! Thus, he has to think of something else to get his hands on the money of some international gangster.
Vores lille by

Vores lille by

Nov 08, 1954
Vores lille by er en ganske almindelig samling af huse et tilfældigt sted i Danmark beboet af ganske almindelige mennesker. Ingenting af betydning er sket indenfor de sidste 100 år eller deromkring, byen sover sin Tornerosesøvn med ansigtet vendt mod fjorden og ryggen mod det lave land, da alle tiders uvejr trækker ubemærket hen over dem, såsom tordenbyger og sommerskyer højt, højt oppe. Til denne by ankommer en dag en landstryger som er ret ualmindelig, Laust (Carl Ottosen) kalder han sig han har ikke ligefrem tænkt sig at blive hængende i byen, men er kun tilfældigt drevet denne her vej under sin lange søgen efter et sted og nogle mennesker han kan knytte sin skæbne til.


Aug 18, 1958
Semi documentary on a famous cycle race in Copenhagen. The story is about the competition between the riders as well as about their private and marital struggles.
Den kære familie

Den kære familie

Aug 03, 1962
Copenhagen around the turn of the century - December 29th, 1899. Great merchant and shipowner Jacob Friis is one of Copenhagen's richest men. His home is the gathering place for family and friends. Since his wife's dead 10 years earlier, he shares sense of family and business acumen with his three daughters. Jacob wants to find a nobleman for his daughter Emily. Baron Claes is a very charming gentleman, but also a great womanizer...
Trahison sur commande

Trahison sur commande

Apr 17, 1962
Stockholm, 1942. Eric Erickson, un homme d'affaires new-yorkais naturalisé suédois, continue à vendre du pétrole aux Allemands. Aux yeux de son entourage, il est évidemment soupçonné de collaborer avec l'ennemi. Bientôt, tous l'abandonnent, l'accusant de trahison. Erickson, qui se refuse à prendre parti dans le conflit, aimerait beaucoup restaurer sa réputation, mais comment ? C'est un agent secret britannique, Collins, qui lui fournit la réponse. Collins lui propose d'espionner les nazis pour le compte des Alliés. En échange, les services secrets britanniques s'engagent à le réhabiliter au lendemain de la guerre...
Rend mig i traditionerne
Based on Leif Panduro's 1958 satire classic. David, a senior high-school student, aims a swift kick at his principal's behind and is committed to a psychiatric ward from the perspective of which he takes a close look at his allegedly sane family. They, of course, are the real loonies. The psychiatrists are worse. Only lovely class-mate Lis is down-to-earth and trustworthy.
Huset på Christianshavn
The series follows the residents of an apartment building on Copenhagen's Christianshavn, as they go about their daily lives and challenges. There is Olsen, a mover with an old fashion view of the world, Clausen who runs the local pet shop, Egon the career focused assistant, their wives who work hard to keep their spouses lives together, the young couple Tue and Rikke who recently moved in, the hard working caretaker Meyer, who never puts in to much effort, and of course Emma, the innkeeper of Rottehullet, where all the important decisions are made while running up the bar tab. The series was produced by Nordisk Film for Danmarks Radio TV station between the years 1970-77. The series' first director was Ebbe Langberg, then Erik Balling and Tom Hedegaard respectively. The series was conceived by an author team of well-known Danish authors such Leif Panduro, Benny Andersen, and Lise Nørgaard.
Huset på Christianshavn
The series follows the residents of an apartment building on Copenhagen's Christianshavn, as they go about their daily lives and challenges. There is Olsen, a mover with an old fashion view of the world, Clausen who runs the local pet shop, Egon the career focused assistant, their wives who work hard to keep their spouses lives together, the young couple Tue and Rikke who recently moved in, the hard working caretaker Meyer, who never puts in to much effort, and of course Emma, the innkeeper of Rottehullet, where all the important decisions are made while running up the bar tab. The series was produced by Nordisk Film for Danmarks Radio TV station between the years 1970-77. The series' first director was Ebbe Langberg, then Erik Balling and Tom Hedegaard respectively. The series was conceived by an author team of well-known Danish authors such Leif Panduro, Benny Andersen, and Lise Nørgaard.
Huset på Christianshavn
The series follows the residents of an apartment building on Copenhagen's Christianshavn, as they go about their daily lives and challenges. There is Olsen, a mover with an old fashion view of the world, Clausen who runs the local pet shop, Egon the career focused assistant, their wives who work hard to keep their spouses lives together, the young couple Tue and Rikke who recently moved in, the hard working caretaker Meyer, who never puts in to much effort, and of course Emma, the innkeeper of Rottehullet, where all the important decisions are made while running up the bar tab. The series was produced by Nordisk Film for Danmarks Radio TV station between the years 1970-77. The series' first director was Ebbe Langberg, then Erik Balling and Tom Hedegaard respectively. The series was conceived by an author team of well-known Danish authors such Leif Panduro, Benny Andersen, and Lise Nørgaard.