Caja Heimann

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Passer passer piger

Passer passer piger

Jul 23, 1965
Caretaker Alf Thomsen's very effective "alarm clock" comes once again in operation, and has again succeeded in getting him up to speed, despite their incessant discussions back and forth. Everything is peaceful and idyllic. Sleeping city housing block, with the famous staircase is to embark on a new day
5 mand og Rosa

5 mand og Rosa

Nov 13, 1964
På et sygehus's 5 mandsstue - stue nummer 13 - ligger der 5 meget forskellige mænd, med meget forskellig baggrunde: Byretsdommer Winther, modedesigner Philip André , bankkasserer Madsen, den uforbederlige indbrudstyv Herluf "Smukke Arne" Jensen , og legationssekretær Konrad Konradsen. Legationssekretæren har begået en dumhed og er kommet i lommen på en pengeafpresseren Helmer Gamtofte . Han er i besiddelse af nogle kompromitterende billeder, som han opbevarer i en bankboks i den bank, hvor Madsen er ansat. Det mandfolkekammeratskab der opstår på stue 13, bliver drivkraften, der får byretsdommeren, til at foreslå "Smukke Arne" at hjælpe Konradsen og bryde ind i banken og tilegne billederne.
I kongens klæ'r

I kongens klæ'r

Sep 24, 1954
Kjeld Petersen plays a merchant who has stolen his clothes when he is out take a dip in the Sound. He stopped by the police, and they find a call to military service in his pocket, after further complications lands him at the barracks, where he came under the loving care of 66 (Dirch compatible) and 65 (Ove Sprogø). So the stage is set for lots of fun and games, in the right old style.


Oct 12, 1956
The Royal privileged ferry inn in Hørby is owned and operated by the two good friends Erik Hansen and Lars Tofte. In addition to the inn they own the small ferry, which keeps them in touch with the mainland.


Aug 28, 1980
Following a nuclear power debate in Parliament, a shot rings out. Was the Minister of Energy the gunman's target? And who was the would-be assassin? Police and Secret Service come under pressure to solve the case quickly. In this clearly political thriller, implications of power abuse and trampling of citizens' right are rife, but one calm police inspector brings everything down to earth.


May 06, 1956
When a young woman falls in love with a gown in a shop window it leads to adventure and romance exceeding even her own vivid imagination.
Pigen og vandpytten

Pigen og vandpytten

Nov 24, 1958
A just-fired chorus girl gets a ride from a rich shipowner's driver. By the time the gossip reaches the cash-strapped theater director, she's engaged to the shipowner. The girl gets promoted to the lead. Other misunderstandings follow.
Saa mødes vi hos Tove
Eight old school friends meet at Tove's to discuss what has happened in the last 10 years. Some have made careers, others have become homemakers, some are married and others alone. The community is intact, but what no one knows is that Tove is hiding a big, unhappy secret.


Sep 26, 1966
She loves to ride in the bus and read smart book ... He likes to sit by the water and drink soda ... She loves to write down their thoughts on the fly and be glad that they do not end ... He likes to watch as boats come and invent passengers biography ... She loves ice cream and menthol cigarettes ... And he - horses and storefronts ... She had to roam the streets at night, even if you do not want to ... he loves the city nightlife, which helps him to dream ... and one day ... quite by accident ... They meet ... hE and SHE ...
Rend mig i revolutionen
A comedy about a Danish private detective, normally just occupied with cases about unfaithful spouses, is suddenly involved in murder, arms deal, revolution in Guateragua, briefcase full of money and the Danish intelligence agency.
Huset på Christianshavn
The series follows the residents of an apartment building on Copenhagen's Christianshavn, as they go about their daily lives and challenges. There is Olsen, a mover with an old fashion view of the world, Clausen who runs the local pet shop, Egon the career focused assistant, their wives who work hard to keep their spouses lives together, the young couple Tue and Rikke who recently moved in, the hard working caretaker Meyer, who never puts in to much effort, and of course Emma, the innkeeper of Rottehullet, where all the important decisions are made while running up the bar tab. The series was produced by Nordisk Film for Danmarks Radio TV station between the years 1970-77. The series' first director was Ebbe Langberg, then Erik Balling and Tom Hedegaard respectively. The series was conceived by an author team of well-known Danish authors such Leif Panduro, Benny Andersen, and Lise Nørgaard.