Alex Suhr

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Mar 18, 1927
FRAGMENT | The Family Steffensen lives on a farm in Southern Jutland. The area has been under German rule for 60 years, when WW I suddenly breaks out. The possibility of regaining the lost land brings new hope to the border people, but the poor Steffensen's farm is threatened by compulsory sale. Secretly, the youngest son runs off to Denmark to get money, but he doesn't make it back before his parents are forced out of their home. Surprisingly, the family's farm laborer has come into money and acquires the farm. The restored film is only a fragment of the original film. The fragment consists of the film's ending, where it's exposed who the mystical farm laborer really is. (
Højt paa en Kvist

Højt paa en Kvist

Dec 26, 1929
Pat and Patachon live in the attic of an old house along with a number of other curious kinds of people. One of the residents is a fortune teller, who tells Patachon that he will inherit a fortune and marry one of the two sweet choir girls who live next door, and whom he happens to be in love with. The two friends don’t think much more of it and instead head off to work, as models for a tailor. They stroll through the streets in sharp suits, in the hopes that the two choir girls will see them and think that they’re wealthy men, who simply live in the run-down house to study the bohemian lifestyle.
Dronningens vagtmester
Da svenskerne har besat en dansk herregård, beslutter Svend Poulsen sig for at hjælpe familien i sikkerhed. Undervejs bliver Ib taget til fange. Svend Poulsen og hans gønger udgiver sig for at være en deling svenske soldater, der ankommer til borgen hvor Ib sidder lænket på taget. Under middagen om aften bliver den svenske kommendant mistænktsom og snart kæmper soldaterne mod hinanden. Det lykkes dog Svend at befri Ib.
En ganske almindelig pige
Tove (Bodil Kjer) is a modest and ordinary girl dreaming of winning the competition to become the next big movie star. She applies with a photo of her more beautiful sister Grete (Gerda Neumann). The competition, however, is already rigged.
Lykken kommer

Lykken kommer

Dec 21, 1942
Det rige par Jytte og Ole bruger livet til fest og ballade. Efter endnu en aften og nat med fest beslutter ægteparret at blive skilt. Næste dag fortæller de dette til onkel Frederik, der i stedet foreslår et væddemål: i et år skal Jytte og Ole leve for 400,- kr. om måneden, for at de kan mærke hvordan almindelige mennesker lever. De går ind på forslaget og flytter ind i en lille lejlighed. Efterhånden lærer de at klare sig, men opgiver dog væddemålet efter en måned. Da Ole fortæller onkel Frederik, at de ikke vil være med mere, kan Frederik desværre fortælle dem, at han har sat deres formue over styr. Da Ole kommer hjem får han at vide, at Jytte er gravid. Dette ændrer i høj grad deres liv - Jytte og Ole har pludselig fået et livsindhold.
Reptilicus, le monstre des mers
Une partie de la queue d'un reptile préhistorique est découverte au Danemark. Il l'ensemble dans regénère reptile, qui procède à détruire des bâtiments et des biens et font généralement une nuisance de lui-même. Il peut voler, nager et marcher, et a des écailles impénétrables, ce qui le rend difficile à tuer.


Sep 25, 1940
What might become the greatest challenge for the elderly Brasen couple having opened a summer guest house by the sea? Financial struggle or the sudden influx of demanding residents? Based on Herman Bang's short-story.
Saa mødes vi hos Tove
Eight old school friends meet at Tove's to discuss what has happened in the last 10 years. Some have made careers, others have become homemakers, some are married and others alone. The community is intact, but what no one knows is that Tove is hiding a big, unhappy secret.


Dec 09, 1961
Vi er i krigsåret 1658 og vinteren i februar er så hård, at bælterne er frosset til. Den svenske Kong Karl den 10. Gustav, der er ankommet Tyskland opholder sig nu i Jylland. Han kan, sammen med sin hær gå over bælterne og videre mod København. Svend Gønge får en særdeles vanskelig opgave af Frederik den 3.: 50.000 rigsdaler, der tilhører kongen, skal bringes fra Vordingborg Kirke til København.


Jan 10, 1935
Anno 1826. Grethi Birger is 17 years old and is now all alone in the world. Her mother is dead, and she has never known her father. Grethi are now looking for the mother's only sister, aunt Birger who has a laundry in a remote provincial town. Aunt is of strictly religious disposition, receiving sister daughter with cool goodness. When the young county clerk Peer discovers that Grethi is heir to a large fortune from his father, he plans to marry her without telling anything about the legacy.
En fuldendt gentleman

En fuldendt gentleman

Jan 25, 1937
Folk comedy with Osvald Helmuth in a brilliant role as the butcher Mortensen, who wins a fortune at the roulette table and engages a baron to train him in the role of a consummate gentleman. It gives him, he thinks, a chance to conquer the seamstress in his life. As top-trimmed as you can make butcher Helmuth, the trio, together with the baron's sister, go to the castle meeting with the aristocracy. It will be a tough test, and it is a shame to say that the butcher passes the exam - on the other hand, he gains the experience that lies in recognizing: Money is not everything - it is the innermost that counts.
Han, hun og Hamlet

Han, hun og Hamlet

Nov 07, 1932
Fyrtårnet and Bivognen are gardeners at a residence for young women. Here they are friends with budding actress Eva, but when the three reveal one evening during the performance of an illegal theater performance, they are kicked out. By detours, they get on board a schooner, where Fy and Bi play up to dance and get seasick, while Eva still has her course set against the sloping boards.
Med fuld musik

Med fuld musik

Mar 31, 1933
The attic of a city house is the home to a colony of artists. Among them is a writer, whose corpus is larger than her output. We also meet a hard-of-hearing poet who can still hear the grass growing. There's a painter, a sculptor and more. All are penniless - hoping that one day they will experience their breakthrough. "The Seventh Heaven", as the corridor is called, also houses two prominent residents, Fyrtårnet and Bivognen. They have set up a small diner and engage lively with the artist from the colony.