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Pigen og millionæren

Pigen og millionæren

Oct 15, 1965
A millionaire gets amnesia after a hit to the head and now he has to rediscover his past and decide what kind of man he wants to be in the future.
Don Olsen kommer til byen
I en lille provinsby residerer bankdirektør L.W. Jacobsen. Han er ikke særlig interesseret i sin kone, Elsebeth, men derimod i lærerinde og byrådsmedlem frk.Mortensen. Thorsen, byens manufakturhandler er medlem af samme byrådsgruppe som Jacobsen. Så kommer Don Olsen til byen. Olsen er ikke interesseret i det pænere borgerskab, men derimod i mennesker. Ved et tilfælde mødes Thorsen og Olsen og snart drikker de dus. Thorsen slæber ud på natten mælkemandens hest med hjem i lejligheden. Skandalen er en realitet. Thorsen vil flygte, men med Olsens hjælp bejler han i stedet til byens borgere og frk.Mortensen under mottoet "Gør gode tider bedre"
Far til fire og ulveungerne
Tiny Per gets its biggest wish: He becomes a scout. Sister also gets hers biggest wish: She's getting married. So now Mie take over the household and it's not going to go quietly.
I Stykker

I Stykker

Nov 21, 1966
Open marriages, friends and lovers, secrets and lies are all coming to light after a fatal accident during a party. Was it murder? Early Leif Panduro drama.
Man sku' være noget ved musikken
This is a film about the stuff dreams are made of, yet, there is nothing elevated in this concept, on the contrary. The characters around the bar Strudsen (the ostrich) are doing what ostriches do, hiding themselves from the threats of life and keeping their dreams to themselves. Scriptwriter Benny Andersen being a poet is rendering a loving portrait of a number of persons, who fail to try to make their dreams come true, possibly not being sufficiently dissatisfied with their life after all. The manager would like a bar of his own but dare not admit to it, the butcher would like to be an opera singer, the window cleaner (sorry, window polisher) is secretly in love with the bar lady, but dare not show it and the pianist willingly listens to all the different dreams being presented to him. This film was the best accomplished movie from Henning Carlsen since his debut with 'Sult'.
Far til fire og Onkel Sofus
At home in the small family is nothing new. Tiny Per is the school's mischief maker, Sister has heartaches, Mie and Ole has to be in the school play, etc. But suddenly something happens. Good old Uncle Anders has a twin brother in the United States. He called Sofus, and now he comes home to celebrate 70th birthday. He was a troublemaker when he left and now he has become even worse
Farlig ungdom

Farlig ungdom

Aug 24, 1953
Egon, a young man from Jutland living with relatives in Copenhagen, meets sensible young girl Ruth and falls in love. But Egon is involved with a gang of criminals, and when they assault a man they meet in a bar they are caught by the police. Egon is sent to a juvenile home, but can he stay out of trouble?
Far til fire i sneen

Far til fire i sneen

Nov 01, 1954
Ib Schønberg is again the kindly father - and now he is crowned "the ideal driver". This means that he can take all his four children to winter holiday in Norway.
Det store løb

Det store løb

Dec 22, 1952
Den gamle godsejer Vilhelm Stone har på grund af svaghed for kvinder og spil ødelagt sit ægteskab, mistet sin søn og sine venner. Men da han dør, vender sønnen Niels hjem fra Australien for at overtage godset. Så let går det dog ikke. Sagførere trækker arvesagen i langdrag, og i første omgang arver Niels kun galophesten Ibrahim. Niels satser hårdt på at vinde årets store løb på galopbanen, og det er her Poul Reichhardt synger den berømte schlager Ibrahim til sin hest.. I kampen for at få familie-godset får Niels utrolig hjælp af sin tro følgesvend, karlen Nicholajsen.
Far til fire

Far til fire

Nov 02, 1953
Everyday portrayal of a single father with four children


Aug 22, 1957
A fresh faced country boy comes to Copenhagen looking for a job and falls in with a group of hoodlums who use him as bait to lure older gay men they can rob and blackmail.
En sømand går i land
Frederik Larsen (Lau Lauritzen Jr.), a sailor and has sailed since he was 15. Now he has lost the desire for a sailor life, especially after his best friend Bob was lost in a hurricane. When his ship docks at Copenhagen, shortly before Christmas, he signs off with all his hire on the pocket. He seeks accommodations in sailor home Bertel, located on the nice side of Nyhavn. Here he can stay and eat for very little money. He delivers his kitbag to the concierge Henrik (Mogens Hermansen) before he was lured by accordion music and the laughter that comes to him from the "naughty" side of Nyhavn. In the Cafe "The black sails", he accidently joins Inger (Lisbeth Movin) at the same table, whose profession is not in the phone book, although it is the world's oldest. Inger is in the company of an unemployed stoker Vladimir W. Olsen (Poul Reichhardt) that is full of scams, and has a good mood.