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Familien Gyldenkål

Familien Gyldenkål

Jan 01, 1975
The family Gyldenkål is actually called Iversen, but have changed their name, after numerous problems with the IRS, loan sharks and employers. Using clever scams, the family builds up a reputation as a wealthy and respectable part of society.
Pigen og millionæren

Pigen og millionæren

Oct 15, 1965
A millionaire gets amnesia after a hit to the head and now he has to rediscover his past and decide what kind of man he wants to be in the future.
Jeg - en kvinde

Jeg - en kvinde

Sep 17, 1965
Liv is a frankly sexual being. She finds herself in a series of sexual relationships with men who, she says, fall too much in love with her and become opressive. Finally she meets a man who is very much like her, but that brings its own problems.
Nøddebo præstegård

Nøddebo præstegård

Nov 22, 1974
Ny filmatisering af den klassiske danske julefortælling om studenten Nikolaj og hans to ældre brødre, der holder ferie hos den rare præstefamilie i Nøddebo. Præstens døtre Emmy og Andrea Margrethe interesserer i høj grad Nikolaj, men det bliver hans brødre, pigerne forloves med.
Fængslende feriedage

Fængslende feriedage

Oct 13, 1978
Fængslende feriedage is a 1978 Danish family film directed by Finn Henriksen and starring Jørgen Ryg. It was also Dirch Passer's final film.
Hold da helt ferie

Hold da helt ferie

Dec 26, 1965
Søren is looking forward to a relaxing camping holiday with his wife, Marianne. But nothing goes as planned, when his two daughters and mother-in-law join them.
Le Festin de Babette

Le Festin de Babette

Aug 11, 1987
Pour échapper à la sordide répression de la Commune en 1871, Babette débarque un soir d'orage sur la côte sauvage du Jutland au Danemark. Elle devient la domestique des deux très puritaines filles du pasteur et s'intègre facilement dans l'austère petite communauté. Mais après quatorze années d'exil, elle reçoit des fonds inespérés qui vont lui permettre de rentrer dans sa patrie. Elle propose avant son départ de préparer avec cet argent un dîner français pour fêter dignement le centième anniversaire de la naissance du défunt pasteur...
My Name Is Petersen

My Name Is Petersen

Sep 29, 1947
In a train on its way through the bombed out Germany are a bunch of happy American soldiers. They are going to Copenhagen for some R&R. One of them is John Petersen, a lieutenant in the American army and another is his friend Bill. They are talking about how much they are looking forward to a rest in Denmark and John Petersen who is of Danish descent talks about his native Copenhagen.
Slå først, Frede

Slå først, Frede

Dec 21, 1965
Frede Hansen, a game salesman, is mistaken for a secret service agent on a ferry and kidnapped by enemy agents. He escapes and now the secret service want to use him as bait to track the enemy. They assign their best agent, Smith to be his partner and supervisor. Their main task is to eliminate the head of the enemy conspiracy, the mysterious 'Dr. Pax' who's real identity is unknown. Freddy accompanies Smith to Stockholm where they are to meet Sonja, an agent for Dr. Pax, who is also on Smith's liquidation list. Thanks to his bag of game tricks, Freddy manages to avoid being done in by Kolick, a killer for Dr. Pax. Freddy falls for Sonja, and he, she and Smith are taken as prisoners to Dr. Pax's hideout, a remote island fortress from which a major power is to be attacked by missiles guided by trained pigeons. Freddy manages to teach Dr. Pax a lasting lesson in the difference between trained pigeons and homing pigeons.


Jan 29, 1944
Præsten på Snarø, Adam Valerius, er enkemand på tredje år, og frøkenerne i sognet står i kø for at blive den næste præstefrue. Men da Adams enlige husholderske pludselig bliver gravid, går snakken i det lille samfund, og snart bliver biskoppen tilkaldt. Ved et skæbnens puds bliver den københavnske skuespiller Emil Flor, som er på vej til øen, forvekslet med biskoppen, og han lever sig ind i rollen og løser elegant konflikten. Men så dukker den rigtige biskop op… Hele Danmarks Ib Schønberg var her, der og alle vegne i dansk film i 1940'erne. Men det var i denne komedie af Emanuel Gregers, at han oplevede sin karrieres største komediesucces. I ”Biskoppen”, som blev indspillet midt i besættelsestiden, er han den forfængelige skuespiller Flor, der griber chancen, da den rigtige ”rolle” byder sig. Og som desværre bliver i rollen til efter tæppefald!
Jeg - en kvinde II

Jeg - en kvinde II

Mar 22, 1968
Newly married to a sexually perverted German millionaire, Siv submits herself to endless degradation before discovering that her husband harbors a diabolical secret.
Kampen mod uretten

Kampen mod uretten

Mar 18, 1949
Depiction of the social democratic activist and politician Peter Sabroe, who in the time around the turn of the century went to fight for the oppressed, oppressed and abused existences.
Man elsker kun een gang
Peter Soeborg and Susanne have been happily married for a month. He is a postman, but very gifted voice and in a couple of years participated as korherre Alhambra Theatre's operettas. Peter and especially his cute little wife proud dreams for the future, and their mutual friend, the old dresser Kragelund, who lives in the same house, also believe in Peter's abilities. There has to be premiered at the operetta "Love", and Peter hopes to be considered. But it should prove to be quite easy.


Sep 26, 1966
She loves to ride in the bus and read smart book ... He likes to sit by the water and drink soda ... She loves to write down their thoughts on the fly and be glad that they do not end ... He likes to watch as boats come and invent passengers biography ... She loves ice cream and menthol cigarettes ... And he - horses and storefronts ... She had to roam the streets at night, even if you do not want to ... he loves the city nightlife, which helps him to dream ... and one day ... quite by accident ... They meet ... hE and SHE ...
En herre i kjole og hvidt
In broad daylight, a man runs at full speed across the Town Hall Square wearing a dress and white. People stare in amazement as he tries to grab a seat in a phone box to make a call. However, his story is even more incredible than they can imagine.


Dec 26, 1989
L'histoire d'un jeune homme, à la recherche de l'amour et ne trouvant pas la paix d'esprit avant qu'il ne le trouve.


Jan 02, 1982
Matador (Monopoly en danois, mais qui signifie également Chef d'Entreprise) se déroule de 1929 à 1947 dans la petite ville imaginaire de Korsbæk, où les fortunes se font et se défont. De la grande dépression à l'occupation allemande, deux familles d'entrepreneurs s'opposent : celle du banquier Hans Christian Varnæs, et le grimpeur social Mads Skjern. Réalisé par le célèbre cinéaste danois Erik Balling, la série est l'un des exemples les plus connus et les plus populaires de la télévision danoise et représente l'apogée du développement des séries télévisées danoises par la chaîne de service public Danmarks Radio.