Rina De Liguoro

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Aug 20, 1930
L'évêque protestant Tom Armstrong tente de dissuader son petit-fils Harry d'épouser une comédienne et lui raconte sa propre histoire: Simple révérend, il s'était épris de la chanteuse d'opéra Rita Cavallini, qui lui avait avoué avoir eu comme amant le riche industriel Van Tuyl. Ce dernier avait alors tenté de renouer avec la chanteuse, mais Tom, fou de jalousie, s'était conduit comme un goujat et avait accablé Rita de reproches. Il renonça à son projet de l'épouser et ne la revit jamais...


Jan 12, 1924
In ancient Rome, tyrannical Emperor Caligula is assassinated through the machinations of Messalina. She then makes a conquest of Marcus, who forces the Senate to name her husband, Claudius, as emperor. Messalina's wicked ways continue when she falls in love with Ennio, a slave. Ennio is also loved by Egyptian princess Mirit, but he loves neither of them, preferring the company of Ela, a Greek slave.
Assunta Spina

Assunta Spina

Mar 12, 1930
Assunta, a commoner of Naples, is scarred by her lover Michele for jealousy.
Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei
Carmine Gallone and Amleto Palermi’s The Last Days of Pompeii 1926 stages in sumptuous colour tinting the epic fall of the ancient city buried by Mount Vesuvius’ eruption. Adapted from Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s love story, the film was innovative in its special effects and an early major box-office hit. A beautiful tinted restoration print was prepared using photochemical processes by Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia-Cineteca Nazionale in the mid-1990s and the premiere screening of the restoration print was held in the amphitheatre in Pompeii, followed by a screening at the major restoration festival ‘Il Cinema Ritrovato’ in Bologna in 1998.
Savitri Satyavan

Savitri Satyavan

Jan 02, 1923
India's first international co-production. The love-is-stronger-than-death story sees Savitri, the daughter of King Ashwapati and a goddess, fall for Satyavan who is destined to die within a year. He is killed by a tree and his soul is gathered by the god Yama but he returns to life and there is a happy ending for the lovers. Some nudity and other 'erotic' images were removed to satisfy the censors.


Apr 08, 1929
Arrivé à Paris pour se gagner les faveurs de Louis XVI et Marie-Antoinette, Cagliostro est traité en paria par la cour versaillaise et disgracié quand il a la fâcheuse idée de prédire à la Reine sa mort sur l’échafaud.
Le Guépard

Le Guépard

Mar 27, 1963
En 1860, tandis que la Sicile est submergée par les bouleversements de Garibaldi et de ses Chemises Rouges, le prince Salina se rend avec toute sa famille dans sa résidence de Donnafugata. Prévoyant le déclin de l'aristocratie, ce dernier accepte une mésalliance et marie son neveu Tancrède à la fille du maire de la ville, représentant la classe montante.
Behold My Wife!

Behold My Wife!

Dec 06, 1934
After Michael Carter's fiancée commits suicide, Michael vows to seek revenge on his wealthy family, who sabotaged their marriage. He drives across the country angrily, and lands up at a saloon, where he is shot by an Indian, Pete. Pete's girlfriend, Tonita nurses Michael's wound and falls in love with him. Michael realizes this, proposes marriage to Tonita - a perfect revenge for his prejudice family. They marry and he takes her to New York, in full Indian dress hoping to embarrass the family.
Andere Frauen

Andere Frauen

Nov 23, 1928
The attaché of a former government of the Ukraine marries a rich Russian woman who wants to climb in society whereas her unnatural affection for another woman keeps her from really becoming his wife. Her daughter falls in love with her stepfather, family drama. The mother and the other woman are murdered, so there is a happy-end for husband and daughter.
Quo Vadis?

Quo Vadis?

Oct 01, 1924
"The Roman Banquet, the golden glories, the unrivaled luxuries, the wine, the dance, the song, the beautiful women, the sumptuous splendors that taxed a barbaric world for a night of feasting and revel-- Re-created for your entertainment in the most colossal drama produced", reads an ad in the Daily Argus of New York. Unione Cinematografica Italiana's lavish production of the oft-told tale stars Emil Jannings as Nero.


Oct 08, 1927
République de Venise, 1760. Poursuivi par un mari vengeur, l'intrépide coureur de jupons Casanova, qui symbolise le déclin de la ville et sa chute dans la débauche, parvient à s'échapper et, par un itinéraire tortueux, arrive à Saint-Pétersbourg, où il sera impliqué dans les nombreux complots qui menacent le trône du tsar Pierre III…
Les Week-ends de Néron
Dans cette comédie satirique, l'empereur romain ignorant Néron reçoit la visite surprise de sa mère, qui se montre aussi intimidante qu'hostile.