Hermila Guedes

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Assalto ao Banco Central
"The Baron" wanted to commit the perfect heist involving 3 tons of money and no violence. For this he would need the right people willing to get 1 million dollars to take part in this job. Based on true events, in 2005, 168,000,000 Brazilian Real (almost 80,000,000 US dollars) were stolen from a Brazilian Central Bank (Federal Reserve), making it the biggest peace-time robbery in history. It was perhaps the most audacious bank heist ever.
Le ciel de Suely

Le ciel de Suely

Nov 17, 2006
De retour de Sao Paulo avec son bébé, la jeune Hermila s’installe dans son village natal du Nordeste, Iguatu. Hébergée par sa grand-mère et sa tante en attendant le retour de son mari, elle comprend bientôt qu’il ne viendra pas. Elle réalise qu’elle n’a aucun avenir ici, sans argent, et veut prendre un nouveau départ. Elle met alors en place un plan audacieux pour réunir les fonds nécessaires et se choisir un nouvelle identité, “Suely”….


Oct 03, 2010
Sao Paulo, 1950. Cette cité brésilienne où les boîtes de nuit, les bandes organisées, la prostitution, l’alcool et la drogue règnent en maître, est l'une des plus dangereuses du pays. Après la mort de son père, Hiroito décide de gravir les échelons de la mafia locale pour fuir la misère...
Il était une fois Véronica
Veronica est une jeune femme pleine de vie qui multiplie les rencontres amoureuses et les expériences sexuelles. Récemment diplômée en psychologie, elle se voit confier un poste à l'hôpital public de Recife. Mais la maladie de son père et les nouvelles responsabilités de son travail vont peu à peu remettre en cause sa vie libertine.


Oct 09, 2023
Dinho is concerned with abandonment. His biological mother returns, promising she will stay, while his best friend is about to leave. Between child’s play and caring for a sick aunt, he finds some time to dream. Life has not been easy for them: they cling to the final moments of childhood, which seem to no longer belong to them.
Deserto Feliz

Deserto Feliz

Apr 23, 2007
Jéssica is a teenager from Brazilian Northeast. After being abused by her stepfather, she runs away to Recife, where starts to work with sexual tourism. Then, she meets Mark, a German tourist, and falls in love with him.
Francisco Brennand

Francisco Brennand

Oct 20, 2012
Francisco Brennand is an eighty-five year odl, painter, sculptor and ceramist from Brazil. He lives and works isolated in an open-air museum set in an old ceramic roofing tile factory that belonged to his father. Based on his diaries, written over the past 60 years, the film narrates the artist's journey from the moment he moved into the factory until today.
O Grande Kilapy

O Grande Kilapy

Sep 07, 2012
Zézé Gamboa's sardonic historical drama follows a good-hearted, apolitical con man who, on the eve of Angolan independence in the mid-1970s, pulls off a massive swindle at the expense of the Portuguese colonial administration — and soon after finds himself hailed as a hero of the national liberation struggle.
Cinéma, Aspirine et Vautours
1942, au milieu du nord-est du Brésil, deux hommes très différents se rencontrent le long de la route : Johan, un vendeur d'aspirine évitant la conscription allemande, et Ranulpho, un Brésilien rural cherchant à échapper à la sécheresse.
Le marais des bêtes

Le marais des bêtes

Dec 12, 2006
une ville perdue au milieu de champs de canne à sucre. Terre de désolation, elle abrite une communauté gangrenée par la dépravation de ses habitants. La jeune Auxiliadora vit avec son grand père Heitor, qui abuse d'elle. Entre latifundistes décadents, prostituées maltraitées et patriarcat misogyne, l'avenir d'Auxiliadora paraît bien sombre...
Precisamos Falar

Precisamos Falar

Oct 04, 2024
After two middle class teenagers commit a horrific crime, their parents debate whether they should protect their loved ones or let them face the consequences for their actions.
A Luneta do Tempo

A Luneta do Tempo

Sep 25, 2014
Musical drama that uses popular myths of Brazilian culture to narrate a story full of meetings and misunderstandings, betrayals and loves, crimes and punishments. Against the backdrop of the Pernambuco backlands – its people and its culture, the cordel, the bandits, the cinema and the circus – the film is a universal drama, laden with unique poetry, where reality and the dreamworld mingle.
Homem com H

Homem com H

May 01, 2025
Homem com H will move between different phases of singer Ney Matogrosso's career, going through his childhood, adolescence, adulthood and maturity. The film is a journey through time and follows a boy from humble origins who is passionate about nature, who frees himself from oppression and authority figures, breaks prejudices and becomes one of the most influential artists of his generation.
O Fim e os Meios

O Fim e os Meios

Sep 24, 2015
Paulo (Pedro Brício), a publicist of Rio de Janeiro, moves to Brasília (capital of Brazil) to be the manager of the public image of a senator who wants reelection. Paulo is accompanied by his wife, Cris (Cintia Rosa), a journalist with whom he has a small daughter. But their relationship is not moved by love, they are only together for the girl, the result of an unwanted pregnancy.
O Pedido

O Pedido

Jan 01, 1999
In an old mansion, an old lady and her young goddaughter prepare to receive a mysterious visitor who will fulfill an old wish.
Uma Vida e Outra

Uma Vida e Outra

Jan 01, 2007
Nara is pregnant. They say she won't be a good mother. But everything in life is a matter of choice.


Aug 24, 2012
A little girl, Quinha, and her mother, Rosa, head out through the Northeast region of Brazil to go to Quinha's baptism. During this journey, both women search for their own miracles: Quinha looks for signs of magic, while Rosa hopes for her estranged husband's return.
L’Agent secret

L’Agent secret

Jan 01, 1970
1977, Brésil. Marcelo, un homme d’une quarantaine d’années fuyant un passé trouble, arrive dans la ville de Recife où il espère construire une nouvelle vie et renouer avec sa famille. C’est sans compter sur les menaces de mort qui rôdent et planent au-dessus de sa tête…
Jardim Atlântico

Jardim Atlântico

Oct 21, 2012
The film is a narrative starting from the story of Pierre and Syl, a couple that experiences the conflict between possession and freedom in a troubled relationship. Pierre is insecure and jealous, while Syl can’t even imagine that spending time with her friends will affect her boyfriend’s emotions – and also her own in a tragic way. A musical in tribute to Brazil, the garden of the Atlantic Ocean.
Entre Paredes

Entre Paredes

Jan 01, 2004
Possessiveness, desire, paranoia and guilt are dark feelings in a loving relationship, where fear of loss and distrust can destroy life or lead to madness.
Paraíso Perdido

Paraíso Perdido

May 31, 2018
Un policier, Odair, assiste à l'agression d'un chanteur travesti à la sortie de la boîte de nuit Paraíso Perdido. La victime, Imã, n'est que contusionnée, mais son grand-père José propose à Odair de l'engager pour le protéger. Odair fait la connaissance d'Ângelo, le père d'Imã, de Celeste, une autre petite-fille de José, et de leur ami Teylor. La propre mère d'Odair est une ancienne chanteuse devenue sourde.
Nova Iorque

Nova Iorque

Oct 05, 2017
Hermila and Leandro want to escape. Hermila and Leandro want to stay.
Fim de Festa

Fim de Festa

Dec 09, 2019
Returning early from his vacation after the Carnival period to investigate the murder of a young French tourist, Breno Wanderley is faced with possible reflections of his own history from which he cannot escape. Between Ash Wednesday and post-Carnival Sunday, Breno tries to unravel the crime and sees in his son, also called Breno, a chance to reinvent himself in a broken and sullen city.​
Fim do Mundo

Fim do Mundo

Dec 17, 2016
Vitória and her son, Cristiano come back to their hometown Desterro, running away from a troubled life in the city. She asks her brother Balbino for shelter. The arrival of mother and son brings the town’s secrets and forgotten stories back to light, in strange, mysterious ways. Cristiano’s journey of self-discovery through the town’s ghostly entrails sets him in a collision course with the most powerful man in town: his uncle.
Les Nouveaux Bandits

Les Nouveaux Bandits

Aug 31, 2023
À la dérive et ayant urgemment besoin d'argent pour payer les soins de son père adoptif malade, Ubaldo, un employé de banque sans aucun souvenir de son enfance, reçoit un héritage qui va changer son destin. En se rendant à Cratará, au cœur du désert brésilien, il devient le chef d'un groupe de bandits impitoyables, marchant dans les pas de son père biologique - un cangaceiro mythique.


Dec 22, 2011
Força-Tarefa is a Brazilian television series directed by José Alvarenga Jr. and Mário Márcio Bandarra and written by Fernando Bonassi Marçal Aquino. The series aired two season since April 16, 2009 on Rede Globo.


Sep 21, 2018
Roger Sadala est un médecin publiquement respecté et renommé dans le domaine de la fécondation humaine, qui cache un autre visage sombre derrière une fausse intégrité. Lorsque sa réceptionniste Daiane brise le silence et le dénonce pour harcèlement, plusieurs autres victimes se joignent à elle avec des histoires similaires, notamment des abus sexuels. Qui donne la parole aux victimes est la journaliste Mira, qui compile les histoires racontées dans chaque épisode par d'autres femmes : Stela, Eugênia, Maria José et Vera.
Segunda Chamada

Segunda Chamada

Sep 10, 2021
'Second Call' focuses on the resilience stories of teachers and students in a complex public education system. After some time off from teaching, Lúcia Helena returns to the classroom, now giving night classes to teenagers and adults. Along with other three teachers and the principal, she faces institutional adversities and the lack of appreciation without flinching. The conflicts involve both the faculty and the student body and, in this scenario, Education emerges as a hope, reminding everyone that it is never too late to have a second chance.
Frères de crime

Frères de crime

May 11, 2022
Une avocate honnête se retrouve prise dans une spirale infernale quand elle apprend que son frère dirige une faction criminelle au Brésil.


Sep 27, 2024
The original Canal Brasil series is based on chronicles by writer Xico Sá. The focus is on modern relationships, taking as a starting point the love misadventures of journalist Quincas.