Dave Hoffman

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Shark Gangs

Shark Gangs

Jul 16, 2021
Prédateur parmi les prédateurs, le grand requin blanc a longtemps été perçu comme le loup solitaire des océans… jusqu'à présent. À travers le monde, les requins-marteaux, les requins-tigres et même les grands requins blancs se déplacent désormais en groupe et les experts s'interrogent sur la raison d'être de ces gangs aquatiques : Protection ? Migration ? Reproduction ? Chasse ? À moins que la réponse ne soit autrement plus lugubre…
Star Wars Tech

Star Wars Tech

May 28, 2007
Exploring the technical aspects of Star Wars vehicles, weapons and gadgetry, Star Wars Tech consults leading scientists in the fields of physics, prosthetics, lasers, engineering and astronomy to examine the plausibility of Star Wars technology based on science as we know it today.
Illuminating Angels & Demons
This investigative documentary based on Dan Brown's book Angels and Demons seeks to uncover any possible truth behind the theories posed in the story. Is the Vatican secretly embroiled in an ancient war with the Illuminati or is the story posed by brown pure fiction?
Spider-Man Tech

Spider-Man Tech

May 02, 2007
This documentary discuss all the laws of physics , genetic biology and reflexis which Peter Parker (Spiderman) uses and how he become so powerful dispite of having comparatively weak body.
Batman Tech

Batman Tech

Jul 21, 2008
He's caped, cowled and the coolest superhero of them all, because underneath that Batsuit, Batman only has his human strength and intellect to rely on. That and the greatest arsenal of crime fighting weaponry ever devised. But just where does comic book science fiction end and scientific fact begin? What technologies are behind the gadgets in Batman's utility belt? And just how plausible is the Batmobile? Get ready for a real life trip to the Batcave as we reveal the secrets behind Batman Tech.
Franchir le mur du son
Chuck Yeager est entré dans l'histoire en effectuant le premier vol supersonique, à bord d'un avion-fusée Bell X-1, le 14 octobre 1947. Mécanicien puis pilote pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, il avait effectué plus de 300 heures de combats aériens à l'âge de 22 ans. Après la guerre, Chuck Yeager devient pilote d'essai et réussit l'exploit de franchir le mur du son, ce qui lui vaut le surnom de "l'homme vivant le plus rapide". Il continuera d'enchaîner les records, notamment en 1953, lorsqu'il vole à plus de 2600 km/h.
Man vs. Shark

Man vs. Shark

Jul 19, 2019
40 years after inventing armored suits that protect divers from attacks by smaller shark species of sharks, marine biologist, Jeremiah Sullivan, faces off against hungry hammerheads and deadly tiger sharks to measure their bite force, body strength and ability to chew through his advanced materials before creating new armor he’ll test by putting himself inside the devastating jaws of a 14-foot tiger shark.
My New Wild Life

My New Wild Life

May 25, 2008
Five people leave their lives behind to chase their dreams of working with animals. But will they make it through My New Wild Life?