Natalino Balasso

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Ercole in Polesine

Ercole in Polesine

Apr 06, 2007
They have traveled the length and breadth, taught us to read and write, told us their fantastic stories. But who are these ancient Greeks we no longer remember? They are much closer to us than it seems. Because the desires, the anxieties, the fears have remained the same. Hercules in Polesine is a journey through time and into the sea. The entertaining journey through 5,000 years of stories, myths, legends that tell us about horned and cheating gods, listless heroes and mythomaniacs, of desperate and blustering men. And all these stories make us think about how we are now, all that way we have (not) done from the beginnings of civilization to the aftermath of the ATM queue.
La sedia della felicità
Dino craft practice tattoos, Bruna is a beautician; their studies are facing each other. They learn of a mysterious treasure hidden in a chair that belonged to a woman now dead.


Apr 11, 2024
Venise, au 18ème siècle. A l'Institut Sant'Ignazio, orphelinat et conservatoire pour jeunes filles, tout le monde s'agite en vue de la visite imminente du nouveau Pape et du grand concert qui sera donné en son honneur. Teresa, jeune domestique silencieuse et solitaire, fait alors une découverte exceptionnelle qui va révolutionner la vie du conservatoire : un piano-forte.
Génération mille euros
A 30 ans, Matteo, diplômé en mathématiques, est employé au service marketing d'une entreprise. Son salaire ne lui permettant pas de payer seul son loyer, il partage son appartement avec son ami Francesco. Bientôt, sa vie tranquille s'effondre, et les catastrophes se succèdent, jusqu'à sa rencontre avec deux ravissantes jeunes femmes : la blonde Angelica, et la brune Béatrice, qui n'est autre que sa nouvelle colocataire.
Heureux comme Lazzaro

Heureux comme Lazzaro

May 31, 2018
Lazzaro, un jeune paysan d’une bonté exceptionnelle vit à l’Inviolata, un hameau resté à l’écart du monde sur lequel règne la marquise Alfonsina de Luna. La vie des paysans est inchangée depuis toujours, ils sont exploités, et à leur tour, ils abusent de la bonté de Lazzaro. Un été, il se lie d’amitié avec Tancredi, le fils de la marquise. Une amitié si précieuse qu’elle lui fera traverser le temps et mènera Lazzaro au monde moderne.
Sur le fil

Sur le fil

Oct 19, 2007
Un jeune journaliste enquête sur le meurtre d'une ancienne compagne. Après le suicide du principal suspect, il démêle la vérité autour de ce terrible drame.
La passione

La passione

Sep 24, 2010
To avoid being sued, a film director reluctantly agrees to set up and direct the Good Friday celebrations in a small Tuscan town.


Jun 10, 2021
Six aspiring comedians tired of the mediocrity of their lives, at the end of an evening stand-up course they prepare to face their first performance in a club. In the audience there is also an examiner, who will choose one of them for a TV show. For everyone this is the great opportunity to change their life, for some it could be the last one. The performances begin and each comedian takes the stage with a great dilemma: to respect the teachings of their master, devoted to intelligent and uncompromising comedy, or to twist their numbers to satisfy the much less refined taste of the examiner? Or maybe look for a third way, one of absolute originality? Through the stories of six comedians, Comedians is a reflection on the very meaning of comedy in our time, facing absolutely topical issues.
Zoo School

Zoo School

May 22, 2015
It's 2pm. Another school day is over. Sabot, a teacher who has been expelled from the school, shows up armed with a club. A premeditated vandalism turns into a feud. Sabot rages against his colleagues who have ostracized him, but his killing spree won't spare even the boys he has always fought for.
Ciao Stefano

Ciao Stefano

Sep 01, 2007
Stefano Nardini, un air d'adolescent malgré ses trente-cinq ans, vit sa bohème à Rome. Il est guitariste dans un groupe qui rencontre des difficultés à être reconnu. Le jour où il découvre dans le lit de sa petite amie le guitariste d'un groupe qui monte, la déprime le gagne. Il retourne dans sa famille, loin, près de Rimini, région riche et industrieuse, où l'on ne perd pas son temps en chimères. Son frère Alberto a repris la tête de l'entreprise familiale qui produit des sirops et des conserves de fruits. Michela, sa soeur, a abandonné la fac pour suivre sa passion : elle travaille dans un parc aquatique où elle s'occupe des dauphins. Toute la famille salue le retour du fils prodigue. Mais sous une apparente harmonie, rien ne va. Alberto vit dans un stress infernal ; il est en train de divorcer et l'entreprise est au bord de la faillite...
Il ritorno di Casanova
Leo Bernardi is a successful and acclaimed Italian director. He’s approaching the end of his career but he cannot accept his slow decline. He has just finished shooting his last movie and he’s deeply sad. The movie is inspired by the novel about Casanova written by Arthur Schnitzler, a character so similar to the director, even more than he could imagine. Schnitzler’s Casanova is aged, glory days are over: he lost his charm and his attraction to women, he’s broke and no more eager to travel through Europe. After a long exile, he just wants to go back to Venice, his homeland. While traveling home Casanova meets a girl, Marcolina. She reawakens his desire, lost for years. So, he tries to seduce her but that leads him to a tragic understanding: he’s an old man now. It’s not by chance that Leo Bernardi decided to tell this story right now, in a pivotal moment of his life and career. The destiny of both Casanova and his director leads them to a final confrontation.
Ercole in Polesine

Ercole in Polesine

Apr 06, 2007
They have traveled the length and breadth, taught us to read and write, told us their fantastic stories. But who are these ancient Greeks we no longer remember? They are much closer to us than it seems. Because the desires, the anxieties, the fears have remained the same. Hercules in Polesine is a journey through time and into the sea. The entertaining journey through 5,000 years of stories, myths, legends that tell us about horned and cheating gods, listless heroes and mythomaniacs, of desperate and blustering men. And all these stories make us think about how we are now, all that way we have (not) done from the beginnings of civilization to the aftermath of the ATM queue.
Ercole in Polesine

Ercole in Polesine

Apr 06, 2007
They have traveled the length and breadth, taught us to read and write, told us their fantastic stories. But who are these ancient Greeks we no longer remember? They are much closer to us than it seems. Because the desires, the anxieties, the fears have remained the same. Hercules in Polesine is a journey through time and into the sea. The entertaining journey through 5,000 years of stories, myths, legends that tell us about horned and cheating gods, listless heroes and mythomaniacs, of desperate and blustering men. And all these stories make us think about how we are now, all that way we have (not) done from the beginnings of civilization to the aftermath of the ATM queue.


Apr 21, 2015
Milan, février 1992. Pour mettre fin à la corruption généralisée entre les hommes politiques locaux et les chefs d’entreprises en quête de nouveaux marchés, le procureur de la ville lance l’opération "Mains Propres". La mise en cause de Michele Mainaghi, un magnat du secteur médical, aura alors des répercussions sans précédents...