Martina Spitzer

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Tag und Nacht

Tag und Nacht

Oct 06, 2010
An unreservedly matter-of-fact look at two young women who consider prostitution an adventure until reality catches up with them.
Serviam – Ich will dienen
An all-girl Catholic boarding school near Vienna for the wealthy Austrian elite and their children. The school is thriving, but faith is declining and the upper floors are de­ser­ted. The head of the institution, a young energetic nun, fights with ardor against this decline. Martha, 12, one of the nun’s favorite pupils, is a devoted girl who wishes to expiate the sins of the world. Encouraged by the nun, she is given a penance belt and taken to the abandoned upper floor.
Der Metzger und der Tote im Haifischbecken
Willibald Adrian Metzger restores old furniture, the beauty of which he admires with a good glass of red wine. The amiable loner visits his customers by bicycle because he does not have a driver's license. Usually he only pays attention to old cupboards and chests of drawers, but this time something else piques his interest: a beautiful woman bathing in a lonely mountain lake. The sight promptly knocks him out of the saddle - especially since it is his unfulfilled childhood love Danjela Djurkovic. She doesn't seem to recognize him anymore, because she is only interested in the macabre find at the place where they meet again: a severed finger that is stolen by a bird of prey in the next instant. Is that a dream Willibald and Danjela have a common goal, the Hotel "Sonnenhof" - from whose pool the corpse of a guest has just been fished. The police assume an accident. But before Willibald knows it, the curious Danjela has taken a farewell letter and the dead man's cell phone.


Jan 28, 2023
In I AM HERE!, Wüst gave 16mm and its limitations on shooting a try, resulting in one of his most beautiful and intense works. Little happens outside childhood friends Monika and Martin talking while walking through a forest towards a barren field and a car. Their talk is simultaneously incessant and halting as they circle a history of hurt from their younger days.
Slatka Simona

Slatka Simona

Feb 08, 2024
Sex chat-line operators realize that their messages could destroy the life of an unknown client who fell in love with an imaginary woman.
La Mort en héritage

La Mort en héritage

Aug 28, 2015
Un policier à la retraite découvre un cadavre dans un lac gelé. Quand les principaux suspects se révèlent être des membres de sa propre famille, il décide de mener son enquête.


Dec 06, 2016
"Disobedience" - tells of the loss of illusions and utopias. Growing up in a Viennese family, marked by the father's vivacious dominance and public fame as editor-in-chief of the 'press', as well as by the mother's puzzling grief for husband and children, Terese seeks another life and joins the commune of action artist Otto Mühl. However, the initially seemingly free love and life experiment fails increasingly.
Ertan ou la destinée

Ertan ou la destinée

Sep 19, 2014
Ertan sort de prison après 10 ans de détention. Il recroise rapidement ses anciennes fréquentations qui ne manquant pas d'essayer de le mêler à des petits délits. Mais en quête de repentance et d'une nouvelle vie simple et sans histoires, il préfère accepter un modeste petit boulot. Il croise sur son chemin un jeune délinquant, plein de rêves de gloire, qui lui rappele sa propre histoire. Ertan ne tarde pas à se préoccuper de l'adolescent et des coups dans lequel il est impliqué, pour lui éviter de commettre ses erreurs du passé.
Paradis : foi

Paradis : foi

Aug 29, 2012
Son Paradis, c'est Jésus. Anna Maria, une femme d'une cinquantaine d'années a décidé de consacrer ses vacances d'été à prêcher l'amour du Christ. Accompagnée de la statue de la Vierge, elle sillonne son voisinage. Mais sa vie bascule quand, après des années d'absence, son mari, musulman, revient d'Egypte... Une lutte intérieure s'engage alors pour Anna Maria entre son mariage et la Foi inconditionnelle qu'elle porte à Jésus.
Stillstand einer Welle
Lost in thought in the midsummer heat, Georg suddenly has only one goal. To make his huge, overgrown garden beautiful again at the weekend. But as he spends his days alone in the house he once shared with his ex-wife Sieglinde, who comes to visit at the end of the weekend, he has to deal not only with the garden, but also with absurd visits, memories, nosy neighbours and himself.


Mar 14, 2024
A small group of family members has gathered for a funeral reception to say a final farewell to Heinzi, the departed patriarch of the family. Expectations and worldviews of family members collide, leading to exchanges of trivialities and moments of rudeness, gradually thinning the table. Where has everyone disappeared to? A reflection on the wordlessness that accompanies grief. Expectations and worldviews of the family members collide.


Oct 24, 2024
Inspired by Arthur Schnitzler’s scandalous drama Reigen and Chantal Akerman’s famous film Tout en Nuit, the viewer witnesses a modern cycle of love. The film portrays fleeting moments of happiness and disappointment: a young woman talks about her non-binary existence. We observe another woman who, after long years of marriage, finally leaves her home to embark on her first romantic adventure in a hotel room with a “blind date”. This is followed by a drunken drive home for a couple, whose nighttime outing ends in a dark landscape. To be continued!
Veni Vidi Vici

Veni Vidi Vici

Sep 13, 2024
La famille Maynard mène une vie fastueuse et rêvée de milliardaires… en apparence. Le patriarche, Amon, a pour passion la chasse, mais ses proies favorites ne sont pas les animaux. Malgré des accusations de plus en plus nombreuses et précises, ce clan se pense totalement au dessus des lois.
Sur les lieux du crime
La série des Tatort, créé en 1970, est la plus ancienne et la plus appréciée des séries télévisées policières diffusées actuellement dans les pays germanophones. Au cours de l'année 2010, elle a été regardée chaque semaine par près de 8,5 millions de personnes en moyenne, d'après l'ARD.
M le Maudit

M le Maudit

Feb 22, 2019
Durant l'hiver, à Vienne, des enfants disparaissent sans que leurs corps ne soient retrouvés. La presse à scandale s'indigne des lacunes de l'enquête policière, la classe politique se déchire et la mafia s'inquiète d'une répression touchant ses activités illégales. Le meurtrier de ces enfants doit être retrouvé...
Police Action

Police Action

Nov 19, 2024
Le travail d'enquêtes souvent rythmé de la police de navigation viennoise, intervenant sur le Danube et ses affluents.