Gheorghe Ifrim

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Uneori ninge cu zăpadă, alteori cu întuneric
Romania's winning streak at festivals continues, but the most unusual and ambiguous one still lurks in mysterious darkness. The undeservedly underrated Gabriel de Achim challenged the widely renowned Cristi Puiu (“The Death of Mr. Lazarescu”) to make a film using all the things, which the established Romanian master most detests in cinema. He constructed a non-linear story with wickedly tangled flash backs and flash forwards and set the same actors to perform different and multi-faceted roles.


Mar 11, 2011
La cuisine d’un appartement : un couple parle du petit chaperon rouge à voix basse, de peur de réveiller la petite fille dans la chambre d’à côté. Un terrain vague dans la banlieue de Bucarest : derrière une série de remorques abandonnées, un homme observe en silence ce qui semble être une famille. La même ville. Le même homme conduit une voiture. Il transporte deux percuteurs pour fusil de chasse faits maison. L’homme a 42 ans, il se nomme Viorel. Troublé par des pensées obscures, il traverse la ville vers une destination que lui seul connaît.
The Godmother

The Godmother

Apr 29, 2011
Jennifer is an American who lives in Romania. Radu Prodan is married and with it has a very intelligent boy of 10 years. Jennifer is a teacher of literature in Bucharest. Located at a baptism as NASA, the police arrest her husband and so was the fact her husband has a business that consists of money laundering. Due to restrictions of law, not allowed to leave the country. Jennifer, NASA, trying hard to find a solution to solve all problems.


Nov 21, 2012
Dans cette comédie légère, les rapports au sein de trois familles sont sérieusement mis à mal par l'intrusion de divers animaux.


Jun 03, 2022
Quelques jours avant Noël, Matthias est de retour dans son village natal, multiethnique, de Transylvanie, après avoir quitté son emploi en Allemagne. Il s’inquiète pour son fils, Rudi, qui grandit sans lui, pour son père, Otto, resté seul et il souhaite revoir Csilla, son ex-petite amie. Il tente de s'impliquer davantage dans l'éducation du garçon qui est resté trop longtemps à la charge de sa mère, Ana, et veut l’aider à surpasser ses angoisses irrationnelles. Quand l’usine que Csilla dirige décide de recruter des employés étrangers, la paix de la petite communauté est troublée, les angoisses gagnent aussi les adultes. Les frustrations, les conflits et les passions refont surface, brisant le semblant de paix dans la communauté.
Nunți, botezuri, înmormântări
Cosmin plays a tennis game with 3 friends. He looks at the clock and starts panicking: he is late to the Registry Office, to a wedding- his wedding, with his ex-wife, who he had divorced without his friends knowing. Everything starts in 2007 when the real-estate bubble reaches its peak. Cosmin gifts Reli a land on the edge of a lake, for their wedding anniversary. He plans to build 7 villas, sell them and win 1 million Euros.
Bucuresti Non Stop

Bucuresti Non Stop

Jun 06, 2015
"Bucharest Non-Stop" is a feature film that tells the story of a neighborhood of Bucharest. More specifically, the film is a night of non-stop life of a store located in a neighborhood blocks. Four drive four different stories linked by a key figure, Achim, known as "the boy from non-stop", played by George Ifrim. The film wants to convey the story of ordinary people in extraordinary situations.
Au-delà des collines

Au-delà des collines

Sep 12, 2012
Alina revient d'Allemagne pour y emmener Voichita, la seule personne qu'elle ait jamais aimée et qui l'ait jamais aimée. Mais Voichita a rencontré Dieu et en amour, il est bien difficile d'avoir Dieu comme rival.
S-a furat mireasa

S-a furat mireasa

May 11, 2012
Nina, a former Miss of a province town currently unemployed, who has enough of her boring life with her husband, Cornel. She decides to kidnap Marinela, the bride of an local mobs wedding, in exchange of a huge ransom that hopefully will provide her a better life. Surprisingly enough the bride refuses to return to her disgusting husband and provokes a series of events very serious for her family, but hilarious for the movie.


May 20, 2016
Romeo, médecin dans une petite ville de Transylvanie, a tout mis en œuvre pour que sa fille, Eliza, soit acceptée dans une université anglaise. Il ne reste plus à la jeune fille, très bonne élève, qu’une formalité qui ne devrait pas poser de problème : obtenir son baccalauréat. Mais Eliza se fait agresser et le précieux Sésame semble brutalement hors de portée. Avec lui, c’est toute la vie de Romeo qui est remise en question quand il oublie alors tous les principes qu’il a inculqués à sa fille, entre compromis et compromissions…


Nov 17, 2017
Hawaii is a story on the struggle of inheriting $3 million in communist-era Romania when owning $1 could mean losing your freedom and touches on the theme of how money could buy if not happiness, at least the freedom to choose unhappiness.
Terminus paradis

Terminus paradis

Sep 01, 1998
Un jour d'été dans la périphérie de Bucarest, Norica, jeune serveuse et Mitou se rencontrent, se provoquent, et jouent à qui boira le plus. Le lendemain, Mitou ne se rappelle de rien. Que s'est-il passe entre eux ? En tout cas il est amoureux mais Norica doit épouser Gili, son amant et patron, et Mitou doit partir à l'armée. Sa passion pour Norica va le pousser à des actes extrêmes, et surtout inconcevables pour la société dans laquelle ils vivent.


Oct 24, 2014
Ionut and Mariana will get married soon. It's time to meet their families and to plot the happy event. In-laws seem to understand perfectly: passion for TV series unites luxury, Romanian music of the '80s and brandy. Especially brandy. As the bottles are emptied, misunderstandings begin to appear. Three couples, three visions on marriage: fast and opulence (with white doves and Holograf Fuego), traditional wedding (with musicians and tent), or a youthful? Different options, different camps. No one fails. Moreover, the two parents-in-law remember that they met once, 25 years ago. They were in different camps. Now that miraculously brought back to life to face. Follow great challenge. It takes a miracle that this wedding is to be held.


Oct 25, 2013
For the people living on a street in downtown Bucharest, the torture has started a few days previous, when a construction site was set up on their street.
Las Fierbinţi

Las Fierbinţi

Feb 27, 2025
A rural comedy where the intrigues caused by the upcoming elections in a small village give rise to a ridiculous war between the mayor and deputy mayor. Unfortunately, they have no clue that their struggle will prove to be in vain at the end of the election day.